public void testExtractOnly() throws Exception {
ExtractingRequestHandler handler = (ExtractingRequestHandler) h.getCore().getRequestHandler("/update/extract");
assertTrue("handler is null and it shouldn't be", handler != null);
SolrQueryResponse rsp = loadLocal("solr-word.pdf", ExtractingParams.EXTRACT_ONLY, "true");
assertTrue("rsp is null and it shouldn't be", rsp != null);
NamedList list = rsp.getValues();
String extraction = (String) list.get("solr-word.pdf");
assertTrue("extraction is null and it shouldn't be", extraction != null);
assertTrue(extraction + " does not contain " + "solr-word", extraction.indexOf("solr-word") != -1);
NamedList nl = (NamedList) list.get("solr-word.pdf_metadata");
assertTrue("nl is null and it shouldn't be", nl != null);
Object title = nl.get("title");
assertTrue("title is null and it shouldn't be", title != null);
assertTrue(extraction.indexOf("<?xml") != -1);
rsp = loadLocal("solr-word.pdf", ExtractingParams.EXTRACT_ONLY, "true",
ExtractingParams.EXTRACT_FORMAT, ExtractingDocumentLoader.TEXT_FORMAT);
assertTrue("rsp is null and it shouldn't be", rsp != null);
list = rsp.getValues();
extraction = (String) list.get("solr-word.pdf");
assertTrue("extraction is null and it shouldn't be", extraction != null);
assertTrue(extraction + " does not contain " + "solr-word", extraction.indexOf("solr-word") != -1);
assertTrue(extraction.indexOf("<?xml") == -1);
nl = (NamedList) list.get("solr-word.pdf_metadata");
assertTrue("nl is null and it shouldn't be", nl != null);
title = nl.get("title");
assertTrue("title is null and it shouldn't be", title != null);