"all too familiar scene in sporting events today. " +
"Fans everywhere were appalled by the revelations, with " +
"allegiances falling roughly along species lines.";
//<start id="solrj"/>
SolrServer solr = new CommonsHttpSolrServer(new URL("http://localhost:" + port + "/solr"));//<co id="co.solrj.server"/>
SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument();
doc.addField("id", "http://tortoisehare5k.tamingtext.com");//<co id="co.solrj.unique"/>
doc.addField("mimeType", "text/plain");
doc.addField("title", "Tortoise beats Hare! Hare wants rematch.", 5);//<co id="co.solrj.title"/>
Date now = new Date();
doc.addField("date", DateUtil.getThreadLocalDateFormat().format(now));//<co id="co.solrj.date"/>
doc.addField("description", description);
doc.addField("categories_t", "Fairy Tale, Sports");//<co id="co.solrj.dynamic.field"/>
solr.add(doc);//<co id="co.solrj.add"/>
solr.commit();//<co id="co.solrj.commit"/>
<callout arearefs="co.solrj.server"><para>Create a HTTP-based Solr Server connection.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="co.solrj.unique"><para>The schema used for this instance of Solr requires a unique field named "id"</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="co.solrj.title"><para>Add a Title field to our document and boost it to be 5 times as important as the other fields</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="co.solrj.date"><para>Dates must be formatted in a specific way for Solr.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="co.solrj.dynamic.field"><para>A dynamic field allows for the addition of unknown fields to Solr. The "_t" tells Solr this should be treated as a text field.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="co.solrj.add"><para>Send the newly created document to Solr. Solr takes care of creating a correctly formatted XML message and sending it to Solr using Apache Jakarta Commons HTTPClient.</para></callout>
<callout arearefs="co.solrj.commit"><para>After you have added all your documents and wish to make them available for searching, send a commit message to Solr</para></callout>
//<end id="solrj"/>
//Add some more docs
doc = new SolrInputDocument();//<co id="co.solrj.doc"/>
doc.addField("id", "http://redfox.tamingtext.com");//<co id="co.solrj.unique"/>
doc.addField("mimeType", "text/plain");//<co id="co.solrj.mime"/>
doc.addField("title", "Red Fox mocks Lazy Brown Dogs!", 5);//<co id="co.solrj.title"/>
now = new Date();
doc.addField("date", DateUtil.getThreadLocalDateFormat().format(now));
doc.addField("description", "Once again, the Red Fox outshined the" +
" lazy Brown Dogs to win the vaunted Tally Ho Cup, in what" +
" has become an annual ritual. The lazy brown " +
"dogs just don't seem to have the drive that Red Fox does." +
" The lazy Brown Dogs vow to avenge their latest defeat, " +
"but the group's supporters claim to have heard it all before.");
doc.addField("categories_t", "Fairy Tale, Sports");
solr.add(doc);//<co id="co.solrj.add"/>
doc = new SolrInputDocument();//<co id="co.solrj.doc"/>
doc.addField("id", "http://maryLambs.tamingtext.com");//<co id="co.solrj.unique"/>
doc.addField("mimeType", "text/plain");//<co id="co.solrj.mime"/>
now = new Date(10000);
doc.addField("date", DateUtil.getThreadLocalDateFormat().format(now));
doc.addField("title", "Mary's Little Lamb Stolen!.", 5);//<co id="co.solrj.title"/>
doc.addField("description", "In an affront to all that is good and" +
" decent in this world, criminals made off with Mary's " +
"little Lamb in a late night raid on Mary's farm." +
" Early suspects include a Ms. Bo Peep who weeks earlier " +
"reported losing several sheep. Police suspect Ms. Peep " +
"was going to use the lamb to bring her flock's numbers back up." +
" The spokesman for Ms. Peep declined comment at this " +
"time. Mary, however, was outraged and promises revenge " +
"on the insensitive clod who stole her precious animals.");
doc.addField("categories_t", "Fairy Tale, crime, sheep");
//add in some random other docs
Collection<SolrInputDocument> docs = new HashSet<SolrInputDocument>();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
doc = new SolrInputDocument();
doc.addField("id", "http://www.tamingtext.com/" + i + ".html");
doc.addField("mimeType", "text/html");
doc.addField("title", "This is title " + i);
now = new Date(150 * i + i + 20);//create some dates
doc.addField("date", DateUtil.getThreadLocalDateFormat().format(now));
doc.addField("description", "This is description number: " + i
+ " of something that is very important.");