
Examples of

        // Get an anonymous session if allowed, or if we are handling
        // a request for the login servlet
        if (isAnonAllowed(request)) {

            try {
                ResourceResolver resolver = resourceResolverFactory.getResourceResolver(authInfo);

                // check whether the client asked for redirect after
                // authentication and/or impersonation
                if (DefaultAuthenticationFeedbackHandler.handleRedirect(
                    request, response)) {

                    // request will now be terminated, so close the resolver
                    // to release resources

                    return false;

                // set the attributes for further processing
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    public Result execute() {
        final FormattingResultLog resultLog = new FormattingResultLog();

        ResourceResolver resolver = null;
        int checked = 0;
        int failed = 0;
        String lastPath = null;

        try {
            resolver = resolverFactory.getAdministrativeResourceResolver(null);
            for(String p : paths) {
                lastPath = p;
                final PathSpec ps = new PathSpec(p, resultLog);
                final HttpServletRequest request = new InternalRequest(ps.path);
                final InternalResponse response = new InternalResponse();
                requestProcessor.processRequest(request, response, resolver);
                final int status = response.getStatus();
                if(status != ps.status) {
                    resultLog.warn("[{}] returns status {}, expected {}", new Object[] { ps.path, status, ps.status });
                } else {
                    resultLog.debug("[{}] returns status {} as expected", ps.path, status);
        } catch(Exception e) {
            resultLog.warn("Exception while executing request [{}]: {}", lastPath, e);
        } finally {
            if(resolver != null) {

        if(checked == 0) {
            resultLog.warn("No paths checked, empty paths list?");
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    private ResourceResolverInjector injector = new ResourceResolverInjector();

    public void testFromResource() {
        Resource resource = mock(Resource.class);
        ResourceResolver resourceResolver = mock(ResourceResolver.class);

        Object result = injector.getValue(resource, "resourceResolver", null, null, null);
        assertEquals(resourceResolver, result);
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    public void testFromRequest() {
        SlingHttpServletRequest request = mock(SlingHttpServletRequest.class);
        ResourceResolver resourceResolver = mock(ResourceResolver.class);

        Object result = injector.getValue(request, "resourceResolver", null, null, null);
        assertEquals(resourceResolver, result);
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        for (final ProviderInfo info : this.providerInfos) {

        ResourceResolver resourceResolver = null;
        try {
            resourceResolver = resourceResolverFactory

            Resource myInstance = ResourceHelper
                                    + "/" + slingId + "/properties");
            // SLING-2879 - revert/refresh resourceResolver here to work
            // around a potential issue with jackrabbit in a clustered environment

            final ModifiableValueMap myInstanceMap = myInstance.adaptTo(ModifiableValueMap.class);
            final Set<String> keys = new HashSet<String>(myInstanceMap.keySet());
            for(final String key : keys) {
                if (newProps.containsKey(key)) {
                    // perfect
                } else if (key.indexOf(":")!=-1) {
                    // ignore
                } else {
                    // remove

            boolean anyChanges = false;
            for(final Entry<String, String> entry : newProps.entrySet()) {
              Object existingValue = myInstanceMap.get(entry.getKey());
              if (entry.getValue().equals(existingValue)) {
                  // SLING-3389: dont rewrite the properties if nothing changed!
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        logger.debug("doUpdateProperties: unchanged: {}={}", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
              if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                  logger.debug("doUpdateProperties: changed: {}={}", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
              anyChanges = true;
                myInstanceMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

            if (anyChanges) {
        } catch (LoginException e) {
                    "handleEvent: could not log in administratively: " + e, e);
            throw new RuntimeException("Could not log in to repository (" + e
                    + ")", e);
        } catch (PersistenceException e) {
            logger.error("handleEvent: got a PersistenceException: " + e, e);
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Exception while talking to repository (" + e + ")", e);
        } finally {
            if (resourceResolver != null) {

        logger.debug("doUpdateProperties: updating properties done.");
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    public boolean authenticate(final HttpServletRequest request,
            final HttpServletResponse response) {
        if ( this.authentiationSupport.handleSecurity(request, response) ) {
            // get ResourceResolver (set by AuthenticationSupport)
            Object resolverObject = request.getAttribute(AuthenticationSupport.REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE_RESOLVER);
            final ResourceResolver resolver = (resolverObject instanceof ResourceResolver)
                    ? (ResourceResolver) resolverObject
                    : null;
            if ( resolver != null ) {
                final Session session = resolver.adaptTo(Session.class);
                if ( session != null ) {
                    try {
                        final User u = this.authenticate(session);
                        if ( u != null ) {
                            request.setAttribute(USER_ATTRIBUTE, u);
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        // announcement-heartbeat-dates anymore at all, this resetting here
        // became unnecessary.
        final String announcementJson = asJSON();
    if (announcementChildResource==null) {
            final ResourceResolver resourceResolver = announcementsResource.getResourceResolver();
            Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            properties.put("topologyAnnouncement", announcementJson);
            resourceResolver.create(announcementsResource, getPrimaryKey(), properties);
        } else {
            final ModifiableValueMap announcementChildMap = announcementChildResource.adaptTo(ModifiableValueMap.class);
            announcementChildMap.put("topologyAnnouncement", announcementJson);
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        Map<String,Object> attributes = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        if (authenticationInfo!=null) {
            attributes.put(ResourceResolverFactory.USER, authenticationInfo.get(ResourceResolverFactory.USER));
        final ResourceResolver result = new MockResourceResolver(options, this, resources, attributes);
        Stack<ResourceResolver> resolverStack = resolverStackHolder.get();
        if ( resolverStack == null ) {
            resolverStack = new Stack<ResourceResolver>();
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     * @see
    // part of Resource API 2.8.0
    public ResourceResolver getThreadResourceResolver() {
        ResourceResolver result = null;
        final Stack<ResourceResolver> resolverStack = resolverStackHolder.get();
        if ( resolverStack != null && !resolverStack.isEmpty() ) {
            result = resolverStack.peek();
        return result;
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        forcePing = false;

    /** Issue a cluster local heartbeat (into the repository) **/
    private void issueClusterLocalHeartbeat() {
        ResourceResolver resourceResolver = null;
        final String myClusterNodePath = getLocalClusterNodePath();
        final Calendar currentTime = Calendar.getInstance();
        try {
            resourceResolver = getResourceResolver();
            if (resourceResolver == null) {
                logger.error("issueClusterLocalHeartbeat: no resourceresolver available!");

            final Resource resource = ResourceHelper.getOrCreateResource(
                    resourceResolver, myClusterNodePath);
            final ModifiableValueMap resourceMap = resource.adaptTo(ModifiableValueMap.class);

            if (firstHeartbeatWritten!=-1 && lastHeartbeatWritten!=null) {
              // SLING-2892: additional paranoia check
              // after the first heartbeat, check if there's someone else using
              // the same in this cluster
              final long timeSinceFirstHeartbeat =
                  System.currentTimeMillis() - firstHeartbeatWritten;
              if (timeSinceFirstHeartbeat > 2*config.getHeartbeatInterval()) {
                // but wait at least 2 heartbeat intervals to handle the situation
                // where a bundle is refreshed, and startup cases.
                final Calendar lastHeartbeat = resourceMap.get("lastHeartbeat", Calendar.class);
                if (lastHeartbeat!=null) {
                  // if there is a heartbeat value, check if it is what I've written
                  // the last time
                  if (!lastHeartbeatWritten.getTime().equals(lastHeartbeat.getTime())) {
                    // then we've likely hit the situation where there is another
                    // sling instance accessing the same repository (ie in the same cluster)
                    // using the same - hence writing to the same
                    // resource
                    logger.error("issueClusterLocalHeartbeat: SLING-2892: Detected unexpected, concurrent update of: "+
                        myClusterNodePath+" 'lastHeartbeat'. If not done manually, " +
                        "this likely indicates that there is more than 1 instance running in this cluster" +
                        " with the same My is "+slingId+"." +
                        " Check for in your installation of all instances in this cluster " +
                        "to verify this! Duplicate sling.ids are not allowed within a cluster!");

              // SLING-2901 : robust paranoia check: on first heartbeat write, the
              //              'runtimeId' is set as a property (ignoring any former value).
              //              If in subsequent calls the value of 'runtimeId' changes, then
              //              there is someone else around with the same slingId.
              final String readRuntimeId = resourceMap.get("runtimeId", String.class);
              if ( readRuntimeId == null ) { // SLING-3977
                  // someone deleted the resource property
                  firstHeartbeatWritten = -1;
              } else if (!runtimeId.equals(readRuntimeId)) {
                logger.error("issueClusterLocalHeartbeat: SLING-2091: Detected more than 1 instance running in this cluster " +
                    " with the same My is "+slingId+", " +
                " Check for in your installation of all instances in this cluster " +
                "to verify this! Duplicate sling.ids are not allowed within a cluster!");
                logger.error("issueClusterLocalHeartbeat: sending TOPOLOGY_CHANGING before self-disabling.");
                logger.error("issueClusterLocalHeartbeat: disabling discovery.impl");
                activated = false;
                if (context!=null) {
                  // disable all components
                  try {
            } catch (BundleException e) {
              logger.warn("issueClusterLocalHeartbeat: could not stop bundle: "+e, e);
              // then disable all compnoents instead
            resourceMap.put("lastHeartbeat", currentTime);
            if (firstHeartbeatWritten==-1) {
              resourceMap.put("runtimeId", runtimeId);
            if (resetLeaderElectionId || !resourceMap.containsKey("leaderElectionId")) {
                int maxLongLength = String.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE).length();
                String currentTimeMillisStr = String.format("%0"
                        + maxLongLength + "d", System.currentTimeMillis());

                String prefix = "0";

                String leaderElectionRepositoryDescriptor = config.getLeaderElectionRepositoryDescriptor();
                if (leaderElectionRepositoryDescriptor!=null && leaderElectionRepositoryDescriptor.length()!=0) {
                    // when this property is configured, check the value of the repository descriptor
                    // and if that value is set, include it in the leader election id

                    final Session session = resourceResolver.adaptTo(Session.class);
                    if ( session != null ) {
                        String value = session.getRepository()
                        if (value != null && value.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
                            prefix = "1";
                resourceMap.put("leaderElectionId", prefix + "_"
                        + currentTimeMillisStr + "_" + slingId);
                resetLeaderElectionId = false;

            // SLING-2892: only in success case: remember the last heartbeat value written
            lastHeartbeatWritten = currentTime;
            // and set the first heartbeat written value - if it is not already set
            if (firstHeartbeatWritten==-1) {
              firstHeartbeatWritten = System.currentTimeMillis();

        } catch (LoginException e) {
            logger.error("issueHeartbeat: could not log in administratively: "
                    + e, e);
        } catch (PersistenceException e) {
            logger.error("issueHeartbeat: Got a PersistenceException: "
                    + myClusterNodePath + " " + e, e);
        } finally {
            if (resourceResolver != null) {
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