public void setFile(Node parent, RequestProperty prop, List<Modification> changes)
throws RepositoryException {
RequestParameter[] values = prop.getValues();
for (RequestParameter requestParameter : values) {
RequestParameter value = requestParameter;
// ignore if a plain form field or empty
if (value.isFormField() || value.getSize() <= 0) {
// get node name
String name = prop.getName();
if (name.equals("*")) {
name = value.getFileName();
// strip of possible path (some browsers include the entire path)
name = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
name = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf('\\') + 1);
name = Text.escapeIllegalJcrChars(name);
// check type hint. if the type is ok and extends from nt:file,
// create an nt:file with that type. if it's invalid, drop it and let
// the parent node type decide.
boolean createNtFile = parent.isNodeType(NT_FOLDER);
String typeHint = prop.getTypeHint();
if (typeHint != null) {
try {
NodeTypeManager ntMgr = parent.getSession().getWorkspace().getNodeTypeManager();
NodeType nt = ntMgr.getNodeType(typeHint);
createNtFile = nt.isNodeType(NT_FILE);
} catch (RepositoryException e) {
// assuming type not valid.
typeHint = null;
// also create an nt:file if the name contains an extension
// the rationale is that if the file name is "important" we want
// an nt:file, and an image name with an extension is probably "important"
if(!createNtFile && name.indexOf('.') > 0) {
createNtFile = true;
// set empty type
if (typeHint == null) {
typeHint = createNtFile ? NT_FILE : NT_RESOURCE;
// remove node
if (parent.hasNode(name)) {
// create nt:file node if needed
Node resParent;
if (createNtFile) {
// create nt:file
resParent = parent.addNode(name, typeHint);
typeHint = NT_RESOURCE;
} else {
resParent = parent;
// create resource node
Node res = resParent.addNode(name, typeHint);
// get content type
String contentType = value.getContentType();
if (contentType != null) {
int idx = contentType.indexOf(';');
if (idx > 0) {
contentType = contentType.substring(0, idx);
if (contentType == null || contentType.equals("application/octet-stream")) {
// try to find a better content type
contentType = this.servletContext.getMimeType(value.getFileName());
if (contentType == null || contentType.equals("application/octet-stream")) {
contentType = "application/octet-stream";
// set properties
res.setProperty(JCR_LASTMODIFIED, Calendar.getInstance()).getPath()
res.setProperty(JCR_MIMETYPE, contentType).getPath()
try {
res.setProperty(JCR_DATA, value.getInputStream()).getPath()
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RepositoryException("Error while retrieving inputstream from parameter value.", e);