Package org.apache.sanselan.formats.jpeg.exifRewrite

Examples of org.apache.sanselan.formats.jpeg.exifRewrite.ExifRewriter$JFIFPieceImageData

      // printTagValue(jpegMetadata, TiffConstants.TIFF_TAG_DATE_TIME);

      os = new FileOutputStream(dst);
      os = new BufferedOutputStream(os);

      new ExifRewriter().updateExifMetadataLossless(jpegImageFile, os,

      os = null;
    } finally
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      os = new FileOutputStream(dst);
      os = new BufferedOutputStream(os);

      new ExifRewriter().updateExifMetadataLossless(jpegImageFile, os,

      os = null;
    } finally
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      os = new FileOutputStream(dst);
      os = new BufferedOutputStream(os);

      new ExifRewriter().updateExifMetadataLossless(jpegImageFile, os,

      os = null;
    } finally
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      os = new FileOutputStream(dst);
      os = new BufferedOutputStream(os);

      new ExifRewriter().removeExifMetadata(jpegImageFile, os);
      if (os != null)
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      //      printTagValue(jpegMetadata, TiffConstants.TIFF_TAG_DATE_TIME);

      os = new FileOutputStream(dst);
      os = new BufferedOutputStream(os);

      new ExifRewriter().updateExifMetadataLossless(jpegImageFile, os,
      if (os != null)
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      // FileOutputStream fileOutStream = null;
      BufferedOutputStream bOutputStream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(path + File.separator
        + destFileName));
      ExifRewriter eRewriter = new ExifRewriter();
      JpegIptcRewriter iRewriter = new JpegIptcRewriter();
      Resizer resizer = new Resizer();

      // do we need to recompress the whole thing?
      if (recompress) {
    // recompression is always on when scaling: prepare some default values
    if (width == 0 && scalingFactor == 0)
        scalingFactor = 100;

    // resize and put the result into a byte Array
    byte[] imageByte = resizer.resize(f, width, scalingFactor, (float) compressionQuality / 100);

    // OK this works
    if (removeExif && !removeIptc) {
        // eRewriter.removeExifMetadata(imageByte, bOutputStream); // cheap and dirty

        HashMap<String, Boolean> params = new HashMap<>();
        params.put(SanselanConstants.PARAM_KEY_READ_THUMBNAILS, false);
        JpegPhotoshopMetadata pMetaData = new JpegImageParser().getPhotoshopMetadata(new ByteSourceFile(f),
        List<IPTCRecord> iptcRecords;
        List<?> nonIptcBlocks = null;
        if (pMetaData != null) {// pick existing IPTC Data
      nonIptcBlocks = pMetaData.photoshopApp13Data.getNonIptcBlocks();
      iptcRecords = pMetaData.photoshopApp13Data.getRecords();
        } else {
      iptcRecords = new ArrayList<IPTCRecord>();
      nonIptcBlocks = new ArrayList<>();
        List<IPTCRecord> newRecords = new ArrayList<>();

        for (IPTCRecord record : iptcRecords) {
      if (record.iptcType.type == IPTCConstants.IPTC_TYPE_ORIGINATING_PROGRAM.type) {
          newRecords.add(new IPTCRecord(IPTCConstants.IPTC_TYPE_ORIGINATING_PROGRAM,
            "Dexifier by Andreas Reichart <>"));
      } else {

        PhotoshopApp13Data pApp13Data = new PhotoshopApp13Data(newRecords, nonIptcBlocks);
        iRewriter.writeIPTC(imageByte, bOutputStream, pApp13Data);


    if (!removeExif && removeIptc) {
        HashMap<String, Boolean> params = new HashMap<>();
        params.put(SanselanConstants.PARAM_KEY_READ_THUMBNAILS, false);
        JpegPhotoshopMetadata pMetaData = new JpegImageParser().getPhotoshopMetadata(new ByteSourceFile(f),
        assert (pMetaData != null);
        // List<?> emptyRecords = pMetaData.photoshopApp13Data.getRawBlocks();

        List<IPTCRecord> emptyRecords = new ArrayList<IPTCRecord>();
        List<IPTCRecord> newRecords = new ArrayList<IPTCRecord>();
        // List<IPTCRecord> emptyRecords = new ArrayList<IPTCRecord>();
        newRecords.add(new IPTCRecord(IPTCConstants.IPTC_TYPE_SPECIAL_INSTRUCTIONS,
          "Converted by DeExifier"));
        // generate an empty App13 DataBlock
        PhotoshopApp13Data newMetaData = new PhotoshopApp13Data(newRecords, emptyRecords);
        // iRewriter.removeIPTC(resizedImageByte, bOutputStream);
        // eRewriter.updateExifMetadataLossless(imageByte, bOutputStream,
        // jmd.getExif().getOutputSet());
        iRewriter.writeIPTC(imageByte, bOutputStream, newMetaData);
        // TODO: should be an eRewriter to get back the Exif part!

        IImageMetadata metaData = Sanselan.getMetadata(f);
        JpegImageMetadata jMetaData = (JpegImageMetadata) metaData;
        assert (jMetaData != null);
        TiffImageMetadata exif = jMetaData.getExif();
        TiffOutputSet outputSet = exif.getOutputSet();
        TiffOutputField field = outputSet.findField(TiffConstants.EXIF_TAG_PROCESSING_SOFTWARE);
        if (null != field) {
      String fieldString = "Edited by DeExifier.";
      TiffOutputField newField = new TiffOutputField(ExifTagConstants.EXIF_TAG_PROCESSING_SOFTWARE,
        TiffFieldTypeConstants.FIELD_TYPE_ASCII, fieldString.length(), fieldString.getBytes());
      TiffOutputDirectory outDirectory = outputSet.getOrCreateExifDirectory();

        eRewriter.updateExifMetadataLossless(imageByte, bOutputStream, outputSet);


    // if (removeExif & removeIptc) {
    // TODO: removeExif & removeIptc
    // }

    // OK, works: recompressed image is already empty.
    if (!removeExif && !removeIptc) {

        IImageMetadata metadata = Sanselan.getMetadata(f);
        JpegImageMetadata jpegMetadata = (JpegImageMetadata) metadata;
        if (jpegMetadata != null) {
      TiffImageMetadata exif = jpegMetadata.getExif();
      if (exif != null) {
          TiffOutputSet outputSet = exif.getOutputSet();
          TiffOutputSet emptySet = new TiffOutputSet();
          new ExifRewriter().removeExifMetadata(imageByte, bOutputStream);

      // Okiedokie: de-Exify without recompression or resizing
      else {

    if (removeExif && !removeIptc) {
        // only removing Exif data
        // if no recompression should be done, we use the standard Sanselan ExifRewriter
        eRewriter.removeExifMetadata(f, bOutputStream);

    } else if (!removeExif && removeIptc) {
        // only removing the IPTC Data
        // iRewriter.removeIPTC(f, bOutputStream); // simple version
        Map<String, Boolean> params = new HashMap<>();
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Related Classes of org.apache.sanselan.formats.jpeg.exifRewrite.ExifRewriter$JFIFPieceImageData

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