Package org.apache.sanselan.common

Examples of org.apache.sanselan.common.BinaryFileParser

        this.bhi = bhi;
        this.colorTable = ColorTable;
        this.imageData = ImageData;

        bfp = new BinaryFileParser(BinaryFileParser.BYTE_ORDER_INTEL);
        is = new ByteArrayInputStream(ImageData);
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    this.bhi = bhi;
    this.colorTable = ColorTable;
    this.imageData = ImageData;

    bfp = new BinaryFileParser(BinaryFileParser.BYTE_ORDER_INTEL);
    is = new ByteArrayInputStream(ImageData);
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  public static JpegImageParams getJpegImageData(InputStream is, String filename)
      throws IOException, ImageReadException {
    final JpegImageParams imageParams = new JpegImageParams(SamplingModes.UNKNOWN, false, -1);

    JpegUtils.Visitor visitor = new JpegUtils.Visitor() {
      BinaryFileParser binaryParser = new BinaryFileParser();

      // return false to exit before reading image data.
      public boolean beginSOS() {
        return false;

      public void visitSOS(int marker, byte markerBytes[],
          byte imageData[]) {

      // return false to exit traversal.
      public boolean visitSegment(int marker, byte markerBytes[], int markerLength,
          byte markerLengthBytes[], byte segmentData[]) throws ImageReadException, IOException {

        if (marker == END_OF_IMAGE_MARKER)
          return false;

        if ((marker == JpegConstants.SOF0Marker) || (marker == JpegConstants.SOF2Marker)) {
          parseSOFSegment(markerLength, segmentData);
        } else if (marker == HUFFMAN_TABLE_MARKER) {
          parseHuffmanTables(markerLength, segmentData);
        } else if (marker == QUANTIZATION_TABLE_MARKER) {
          parseQuantizationTables(markerLength, segmentData);

        return true;

       * This function tries to extract the subsampling information from the JPEG image using
       * either 'SOF0' or 'SOF2' segment.
       * The structure of the 'SOF' marker is as follows.
       *   - data precision (1 byte) in bits/sample,
       *   - image height (2 bytes, little endian),
       *   - image width (2 bytes, little endian),
       *   - number of components (1 byte), usually 1 = grey scaled, 3 = color YCbCr
       *     or YIQ, 4 = color CMYK)
       *   - for each component: 3 bytes
       *     - component id (1 = Y, 2 = Cb, 3 = Cr, 4 = I, 5 = Q)
       *     - sampling factors (bit 0-3 vertical sampling, 4-7 horizontal sampling)
       *     - quantization table index
       * @param markerLength length of the SOF marker.
       * @param segmentData actual bytes representing the segment.
      private void parseSOFSegment(int markerLength, byte[] segmentData)
          throws IOException, ImageReadException {
        // parse the SOF Marker.
        int toBeProcessed = markerLength - 2;
        int numComponents = 0;
        InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(segmentData);

        // Skip precision(1 Byte), height(2 Bytes), width(2 bytes) bytes.
        if (toBeProcessed > 6) {
          binaryParser.skipBytes(is, 5, INVALID_JPEG_ERROR_MSG);
          numComponents = binaryParser.readByte("Number_of_components", is,
              "Unable to read Number of components from SOF marker");
          toBeProcessed -= 6;
        } else {
          LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to SOF marker");

        // TODO(satya): Extend this library to gray scale images.
        if (numComponents == 3 && toBeProcessed == 9) {
          // Process 'Luma' Channel.
          // Skipping the component Id field.
          binaryParser.skipBytes(is, 1, INVALID_JPEG_ERROR_MSG);
          imageParams.setSamplingMode(binaryParser.readByte("Sampling Factors", is,
              "Unable to read the sampling factor from the 'Y' channel component spec"));
          imageParams.setLumaIndex(binaryParser.readByte("Quantization Table Index", is,
              "Unable to read Quantization table index of 'Y' channel"));

          // Process 'Chroma' Channel.
          // Skipping the component Id and sampling factor fields.
          binaryParser.skipBytes(is, 2, INVALID_JPEG_ERROR_MSG);
          imageParams.setChromaIndex(binaryParser.readByte("Quantization Table Index", is,
              "Unable to read Quantization table index of 'Cb' Channel"));
        } else {
          LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to Component Spec from SOF marker");

       * This function tries to parse the Quantizations tables and adds them to JpegImageData
       * object. If segmentData has more bytes after parsing first QT, that means DQT segment has
       * multiple quantization tables. We allow multiple quant tables to have same tableIndex,
       * and the latter one overrides the previous one. we currently parse upto 2 quantization
       * tables.
       * The structure of the DQT (Define Quantization Table) segment.
       *   - QT information (1 byte): (bit 0 = LSB and bit 7 = MSB)
       *     bit 3..0: index of QT (3..0, otherwise error)
       *     bit 7..4: precision of QT, 0 means 8 bit, 1 means 16 bit, otherwise bad input
       *   - n bytes QT values, n = 64*(precision+1)
       * @param markerLength length of the DQT marker.
       * @param segmentData actual bytes representing the segment.
      private void parseQuantizationTables(int markerLength, byte[] segmentData)
          throws ImageReadException, IOException {
        InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(segmentData);
        int toBeProcessed = markerLength - 2;
        while (toBeProcessed > 1) {
          int tableInfo = binaryParser.readByte("Quantization Table Info", is,
                                                "Not able to read Quantization Table Info");
          int tableIndex = tableInfo & 0x0f;
          int precision = tableInfo >> 4;
          if (toBeProcessed < 64*(precision + 1)) {

          int[] quanTable = new int[64];
          for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
            quanTable[i] = (precision == 0) ?
                binaryParser.readByte("Reading", is, "Reading Quanization Table Failed") :
                binaryParser.read2Bytes("Reading", is, "Reading Quantization Table Failed");
          imageParams.addQTable(tableIndex, quanTable);
          toBeProcessed -= 64*(precision + 1);

       * This functions parses the huffman table and try to figure out if huffman
       * optimizations are applied on the image or not. If segmentData has more bytes after
       * parsing first HT, that means DHT segment has multiple huffman tables.
       * Structure of DHT (Define Huffman Table) segment.
       *   - HT information (1 byte): (bit 0 = LSB and bit 7 = MSB)
       *     bit 3..0: index of HT (3..0, otherwise error)
       *     bit 4   : type of HT, 0 = DC table, 1 = AC table
       *     bit 7..5: not used, must be 0
       *   - 16 bytes: number of symbols with codes of length 1..16, the sum of these
       *     bytes is the total number of codes, which must be <= 256
       *   - n bytes: table containing the symbols in order of increasing code length
       *     (n = total number of codes)
       * @param markerLength length of the DHT marker.
       * @param segmentData actual bytes representing the segment.
      private void parseHuffmanTables(int markerLength, byte[] segmentData)
          throws ImageReadException, IOException {
        InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(segmentData);

        int toBeProcessed = markerLength -2;
        while (toBeProcessed > 1) {
          // Reading the table info byte.
          int tableInfo = binaryParser.readByte("Huffman Table Info", is,
                                                "Not able to read Huffman Table Info");

          // Reading the counts of symbols from length 1...16.
          if (toBeProcessed < 16) {
          int numSymbols =0;
          for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
            numSymbols += binaryParser.readByte("Num symbols", is,
                                                "Not able to read num symbols");
          toBeProcessed -= 16 + numSymbols;

          // It is highly unlikely that a huffman optimized image has same number of
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        this.bhi = bhi;
        this.colorTable = ColorTable;
        this.imageData = ImageData;

        bfp = new BinaryFileParser(BinaryFileParser.BYTE_ORDER_INTEL);
        is = new ByteArrayInputStream(ImageData);
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        this.bhi = bhi;
        this.colorTable = ColorTable;
        this.imageData = ImageData;

        bfp = new BinaryFileParser(BinaryFileParser.BYTE_ORDER_INTEL);
        is = new ByteArrayInputStream(ImageData);
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  public static JpegImageParams getJpegImageData(InputStream is, String filename)
      throws IOException, ImageReadException {
    final JpegImageParams imageParams = new JpegImageParams(SamplingModes.UNKNOWN, false, -1);

    JpegUtils.Visitor visitor = new JpegUtils.Visitor() {
      BinaryFileParser binaryParser = new BinaryFileParser();

      // return false to exit before reading image data.
      public boolean beginSOS() {
        return false;

      public void visitSOS(int marker, byte markerBytes[],
          byte imageData[]) {

      // return false to exit traversal.
      public boolean visitSegment(int marker, byte markerBytes[], int markerLength,
          byte markerLengthBytes[], byte segmentData[]) throws ImageReadException, IOException {

        if (marker == END_OF_IMAGE_MARKER)
          return false;

        if ((marker == JpegConstants.SOF0Marker) || (marker == JpegConstants.SOF2Marker)) {
          parseSOFSegment(markerLength, segmentData);
        } else if (marker == HUFFMAN_TABLE_MARKER) {
          parseHuffmanTables(markerLength, segmentData);
        } else if (marker == QUANTIZATION_TABLE_MARKER) {
          parseQuantizationTables(markerLength, segmentData);

        return true;

       * This function tries to extract the subsampling information from the JPEG image using
       * either 'SOF0' or 'SOF2' segment.
       * The structure of the 'SOF' marker is as follows.
       *   - data precision (1 byte) in bits/sample,
       *   - image height (2 bytes, little endian),
       *   - image width (2 bytes, little endian),
       *   - number of components (1 byte), usually 1 = grey scaled, 3 = color YCbCr
       *     or YIQ, 4 = color CMYK)
       *   - for each component: 3 bytes
       *     - component id (1 = Y, 2 = Cb, 3 = Cr, 4 = I, 5 = Q)
       *     - sampling factors (bit 0-3 vertical sampling, 4-7 horizontal sampling)
       *     - quantization table index
       * @param markerLength length of the SOF marker.
       * @param segmentData actual bytes representing the segment.
      private void parseSOFSegment(int markerLength, byte[] segmentData)
          throws IOException, ImageReadException {
        // parse the SOF Marker.
        int toBeProcessed = markerLength - 2;
        int numComponents = 0;
        InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(segmentData);

        // Skip precision(1 Byte), height(2 Bytes), width(2 bytes) bytes.
        if (toBeProcessed > 6) {
          binaryParser.skipBytes(is, 5, INVALID_JPEG_ERROR_MSG);
          numComponents = binaryParser.readByte("Number_of_components", is,
              "Unable to read Number of components from SOF marker");
          toBeProcessed -= 6;
        } else {
          LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to SOF marker");

        // TODO(satya): Extend this library to gray scale images.
        if (numComponents == 3 && toBeProcessed == 9) {
          // Process 'Luma' Channel.
          // Skipping the component Id field.
          binaryParser.skipBytes(is, 1, INVALID_JPEG_ERROR_MSG);
          imageParams.setSamplingMode(binaryParser.readByte("Sampling Factors", is,
              "Unable to read the sampling factor from the 'Y' channel component spec"));
          imageParams.setLumaIndex(binaryParser.readByte("Quantization Table Index", is,
              "Unable to read Quantization table index of 'Y' channel"));

          // Process 'Chroma' Channel.
          // Skipping the component Id and sampling factor fields.
          binaryParser.skipBytes(is, 2, INVALID_JPEG_ERROR_MSG);
          imageParams.setChromaIndex(binaryParser.readByte("Quantization Table Index", is,
              "Unable to read Quantization table index of 'Cb' Channel"));
        } else {
          LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to Component Spec from SOF marker");

       * This function tries to parse the Quantizations tables and adds them to JpegImageData
       * object. If segmentData has more bytes after parsing first QT, that means DQT segment has
       * multiple quantization tables. We allow multiple quant tables to have same tableIndex,
       * and the latter one overrides the previous one. we currently parse upto 2 quantization
       * tables.
       * The structure of the DQT (Define Quantization Table) segment.
       *   - QT information (1 byte): (bit 0 = LSB and bit 7 = MSB)
       *     bit 3..0: index of QT (3..0, otherwise error)
       *     bit 7..4: precision of QT, 0 means 8 bit, 1 means 16 bit, otherwise bad input
       *   - n bytes QT values, n = 64*(precision+1)
       * @param markerLength length of the DQT marker.
       * @param segmentData actual bytes representing the segment.
      private void parseQuantizationTables(int markerLength, byte[] segmentData)
          throws ImageReadException, IOException {
        InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(segmentData);
        int toBeProcessed = markerLength - 2;
        while (toBeProcessed > 1) {
          int tableInfo = binaryParser.readByte("Quantization Table Info", is,
                                                "Not able to read Quantization Table Info");
          int tableIndex = tableInfo & 0x0f;
          int precision = tableInfo >> 4;
          if (toBeProcessed < 64*(precision + 1)) {

          int[] quanTable = new int[64];
          for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
            quanTable[i] = (precision == 0) ?
                binaryParser.readByte("Reading", is, "Reading Quanization Table Failed") :
                binaryParser.read2Bytes("Reading", is, "Reading Quantization Table Failed");
          imageParams.addQTable(tableIndex, quanTable);
          toBeProcessed -= 64*(precision + 1);

       * This functions parses the huffman table and try to figure out if huffman
       * optimizations are applied on the image or not. If segmentData has more bytes after
       * parsing first HT, that means DHT segment has multiple huffman tables.
       * Structure of DHT (Define Huffman Table) segment.
       *   - HT information (1 byte): (bit 0 = LSB and bit 7 = MSB)
       *     bit 3..0: index of HT (3..0, otherwise error)
       *     bit 4   : type of HT, 0 = DC table, 1 = AC table
       *     bit 7..5: not used, must be 0
       *   - 16 bytes: number of symbols with codes of length 1..16, the sum of these
       *     bytes is the total number of codes, which must be <= 256
       *   - n bytes: table containing the symbols in order of increasing code length
       *     (n = total number of codes)
       * @param markerLength length of the DHT marker.
       * @param segmentData actual bytes representing the segment.
      private void parseHuffmanTables(int markerLength, byte[] segmentData)
          throws ImageReadException, IOException {
        InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(segmentData);

        int toBeProcessed = markerLength -2;
        while (toBeProcessed > 1) {
          // Reading the table info byte.
          int tableInfo = binaryParser.readByte("Huffman Table Info", is,
                                                "Not able to read Huffman Table Info");

          // Reading the counts of symbols from length 1...16.
          if (toBeProcessed < 16) {
          int numSymbols =0;
          for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
            numSymbols += binaryParser.readByte("Num symbols", is,
                                                "Not able to read num symbols");
          toBeProcessed -= 16 + numSymbols;

          // It is highly unlikely that a huffman optimized image has same number of
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Related Classes of org.apache.sanselan.common.BinaryFileParser

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