Package org.apache.sanselan

Examples of org.apache.sanselan.ImageReadException

        int Reserved = read2Bytes("Reserved", is, "Not a Valid ICO File");
        int IconType = read2Bytes("IconType", is, "Not a Valid ICO File");
        int IconCount = read2Bytes("IconCount", is, "Not a Valid ICO File");

        if (Reserved != 0)
            throw new ImageReadException("Not a Valid ICO File: reserved is " + Reserved);
        if (IconType != 1 && IconType != 2)
            throw new ImageReadException("Not a Valid ICO File: icon type is " + IconType);

        return new FileHeader(Reserved, IconType, IconCount);

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            BlueMask = read4Bytes("BlueMask", is, "Not a Valid ICO File");
        byte[] RestOfFile = readByteArray("RestOfFile", is.available(), is);

        if (Size != 40)
            throw new ImageReadException("Not a Valid ICO File: Wrong bitmap header size " + Size);
        if (Planes != 1)
            throw new ImageReadException("Not a Valid ICO File: Planes can't be " + Planes);

        if (Compression == 0 && BitCount == 32)
            // 32 BPP RGB icons need an alpha channel, but BMP files don't have
            // one unless BI_BITFIELDS is used...
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        ImageContents contents = readImage(byteSource);
        FileHeader fileHeader = contents.fileHeader;
        if (fileHeader.iconCount > 0)
            return contents.iconDatas[0].readBufferedImage();
            throw new ImageReadException("No icons in ICO file");
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//                        Transparency.OPAQUE, DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE);
//                raster = colorModel.createCompatibleWritableRaster(
//                        sofnSegment.width, sofnSegment.height);
                throw new ImageReadException(sofnSegment.numberOfComponents +
                        " components are invalid or unsupported");
            DataBuffer dataBuffer = raster.getDataBuffer();

            for (int y1 = 0; y1 < vSize*yMCUs; y1 += vSize)
                for (int x1 = 0; x1 < hSize*xMCUs; x1 += hSize)
                    readMCU(bitInputStream, preds, mcu);
                    rescaleMCU(mcu, hSize, vSize, scaledMCU);
                    int srcRowOffset = 0;
                    int dstRowOffset = y1*sofnSegment.width + x1;
                    for (int y2 = 0; y2 < vSize && y1 + y2 < sofnSegment.height; y2++)
                        for (int x2 = 0; x2 < hSize && x1 + x2 < sofnSegment.width; x2++)
                            if (scaledMCU.length == 3)
                                int Y = scaledMCU[0].samples[srcRowOffset + x2];
                                int Cb = scaledMCU[1].samples[srcRowOffset + x2];
                                int Cr = scaledMCU[2].samples[srcRowOffset + x2];
                                int rgb = YCbCrConverter.convertYCbCrToRGB(Y, Cb, Cr);
                                dataBuffer.setElem(dstRowOffset + x2, rgb);
                            else if (mcu.length == 1)
                                int Y = scaledMCU[0].samples[srcRowOffset + x2];
                                dataBuffer.setElem(dstRowOffset + x2,
                                        (Y << 16) | (Y << 8) | Y);
                                throw new ImageReadException("Unsupported JPEG with " +
                                        mcu.length + " components");
                        srcRowOffset += hSize;
                        dstRowOffset += sofnSegment.width;
            image = new BufferedImage(colorModel, raster,
                    colorModel.isAlphaPremultiplied(), new Properties());
            //byte[] remainder = super.getStreamBytes(is);
            //for (int i = 0; i < remainder.length; i++)
            //    System.out.println("" + i + " = " + Integer.toHexString(remainder[i]));
        catch (ImageReadException imageReadEx)
            imageReadException = imageReadEx;
        catch (IOException ioEx)
            ioException = ioEx;
        catch (RuntimeException ex)
            // Corrupt images can throw NPE and IOOBE
            imageReadException = new ImageReadException("Error parsing JPEG", ex);
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        if (Arrays.binarySearch(sofnSegments, marker) >= 0)
            if (marker != SOF0Marker)
                throw new ImageReadException("Only sequential, baseline JPEGs " +
                        "are supported at the moment");
            sofnSegment = new SOFNSegment(marker, segmentData);
        else if (marker == DQTMarker)
            DQTSegment dqtSegment = new DQTSegment(marker, segmentData);
            for (int i = 0; i < dqtSegment.quantizationTables.size(); i++)
                DQTSegment.QuantizationTable table = (DQTSegment.QuantizationTable)
                if (0 > table.destinationIdentifier ||
                        table.destinationIdentifier >= quantizationTables.length)
                    throw new ImageReadException("Invalid quantization table identifier " +
                quantizationTables[table.destinationIdentifier] = table;
                int[] quantizationMatrixInt = new int[64];
                ZigZag.zigZagToBlock(table.elements, quantizationMatrixInt);
                float[] quantizationMatrixFloat = new float[64];
                for (int j = 0; j < 64; j++)
                    quantizationMatrixFloat[j] = quantizationMatrixInt[j];
                scaledQuantizationTables[table.destinationIdentifier] =
        else if (marker == DHTMarker)
            DHTSegment dhtSegment = new DHTSegment(marker, segmentData);
            for (int i = 0; i < dhtSegment.huffmanTables.size(); i++)
                DHTSegment.HuffmanTable table = (DHTSegment.HuffmanTable)
                DHTSegment.HuffmanTable[] tables;
                if (table.tableClass == 0)
                    tables = huffmanDCTables;
                else if (table.tableClass == 1)
                    tables = huffmanACTables;
                    throw new ImageReadException("Invalid huffman table class " +
                if (0 > table.destinationIdentifier ||
                        table.destinationIdentifier >= tables.length)
                    throw new ImageReadException("Invalid huffman table identifier " +
                tables[table.destinationIdentifier] = table;
        return true;
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                    frameComponent = sofnSegment.components[j];
            if (frameComponent == null)
                throw new ImageReadException("Invalid component");
            Block fullBlock = new Block(
            mcu[i] = fullBlock;
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                    frameComponent = sofnSegment.components[j];
            if (frameComponent == null)
                throw new ImageReadException("Invalid component");
            Block fullBlock = mcu[i];
            for (int y = 0; y < frameComponent.verticalSamplingFactor; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < frameComponent.horizontalSamplingFactor; x++)
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        if (cnt == 0)
            b =;
            if (b < 0)
                throw new ImageReadException("Premature End of File");
            cnt = 8;
            if (b == 0xff)
                int b2 =;
                if (b2 < 0)
                    throw new ImageReadException("Premature End of File");
                if (b2 != 0)
                    if (b2 == (0xff & JpegConstants.DNLMarker))
                        throw new ImageReadException("DNL not yet supported");
                        throw new ImageReadException("Invalid marker found " +
                                "in entropy data");
        int bit = (b >> 7) & 0x1;
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                            is, "Not a Valid JPEG File");
                    length -= 2;
                    throw new ImageReadException("Quantization table precision '" +
                            precision + "' is invalid");

            quantizationTables.add(new QuantizationTable(
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        switch (compression)
            case 1 : // None;
                return compressed;
            case 2 : // CCITT Group 3 1-Dimensional Modified Huffman run-length encoding.
                throw new ImageReadException("Tiff: unknown compression: "
                        + compression);
            case TIFF_COMPRESSION_LZW : // LZW
                InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(compressed);

                int LZWMinimumCodeSize = 8;

                MyLZWDecompressor myLzwDecompressor = new MyLZWDecompressor(
                        LZWMinimumCodeSize, BYTE_ORDER_NETWORK);


                byte[] result = myLzwDecompressor.decompress(is, expected_size);

                return result;

            case TIFF_COMPRESSION_PACKBITS : // Packbits
                byte unpacked[] = new PackBits().decompress(compressed,

                return unpacked;

            default :
                throw new ImageReadException("Tiff: unknown compression: "
                        + compression);
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Related Classes of org.apache.sanselan.ImageReadException

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