RMDBeanMgr rmdBeanMgr = storageManager.getRMDBeanMgr();
//starting a transaction
transaction = storageManager.getTransaction();
InvokerBean invokerBean = invokerBeanMgr.retrieve(messageContextKey);
String sequenceId = invokerBean.getSequenceID();
long messageNo = invokerBean.getMsgNo();
msgToInvoke = storageManager.retrieveMessageContext(messageContextKey, configurationContext);
RMMsgContext rmMsg = MsgInitializer.initializeMessage(msgToInvoke);
String sequencePropertyKey = SandeshaUtil.getSequencePropertyKey(rmMsg);
//endint the transaction before invocation.
boolean invoked = false;
try {
// Invocation is not done within a transation. This
// may get changed when WS-AT is available.
// Invoking the message.
boolean postFailureInvocation = false;
// StorageManagers should st following property to
// true, to indicate that the message received comes
// after a failure.
String postFaulureProperty = (String) msgToInvoke
if (postFaulureProperty != null
&& Sandesha2Constants.VALUE_TRUE.equals(postFaulureProperty))
postFailureInvocation = true;
AxisEngine engine = new AxisEngine(configurationContext);
if (postFailureInvocation) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Receiving message, key=" + messageContextKey + ", msgCtx="
+ msgToInvoke.getEnvelope().getHeader());
} else {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Resuming message, key=" + messageContextKey + ", msgCtx="
+ msgToInvoke.getEnvelope().getHeader());
invoked = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (log.isErrorEnabled())
log.error ("Exception :", e);
handleFault(msgToInvoke, e);
// throw new SandeshaException(e);
//starting a transaction for the post-invocation work.
transaction = storageManager.getTransaction();
// Service will be invoked only once. I.e. even if an
// exception get thrown in invocation
// the service will not be invoked again.
// removing the corresponding message context as well.
MessageContext msgCtx = storageManager.retrieveMessageContext(messageContextKey, configurationContext);
if (msgCtx != null) {
// updating the next msg to invoke
String s = invokerBean.getSequenceID();
RMDBean rmdBean = rmdBeanMgr.retrieve(sequenceId);
if (rmMsg.getMessageType() == Sandesha2Constants.MessageTypes.APPLICATION) {
Sequence sequence = (Sequence) rmMsg