reqMsgCtx = msgContext.getOperationContext().getMessageContext(OperationContextFactory.MESSAGE_LABEL_IN_VALUE);
} catch (AxisFault e) {
throw new SandeshaException (e);
RMMsgContext requestRMMsgCtx = MsgInitializer.initializeMessage(reqMsgCtx);
Sequence reqSequence = (Sequence) requestRMMsgCtx.getMessagePart(Sandesha2Constants.MessageParts.SEQUENCE);
if (reqSequence == null) {
String message = "Sequence part is null";
throw new SandeshaException(message);
String incomingSeqId = reqSequence.getIdentifier().getIdentifier();
if (incomingSeqId == null || incomingSeqId == "") {
String message = "Invalid seqence Id";
throw new SandeshaException(message);
long requestMsgNo = reqSequence.getMessageNumber().getMessageNumber();
internalSequenceId = SandeshaUtil.getOutgoingSideInternalSequenceID(incomingSeqId);
//deciding weather the last message.
String requestLastMsgNoStr = SandeshaUtil.getSequenceProperty(incomingSeqId,Sandesha2Constants.SequenceProperties.LAST_IN_MESSAGE_NO,configContext);
if (requestLastMsgNoStr!=null) {
long requestLastMsgNo = Long.parseLong(requestLastMsgNoStr);
if (requestLastMsgNo==requestMsgNo)
lastMessage = true;
} else {
// set the internal sequence id for the client side.
EndpointReference toEPR = msgContext.getTo();
if (toEPR == null || toEPR.getAddress() == null || "".equals(toEPR.getAddress())) {
String message = "TO End Point Reference is not set correctly. This is a must for the sandesha client side.";
throw new SandeshaException(message);
String to = toEPR.getAddress();
String sequenceKey = (String) msgContext.getProperty(SandeshaClientConstants.SEQUENCE_KEY);
internalSequenceId = SandeshaUtil.getInternalSequenceID(to,sequenceKey);
String lastAppMessage = (String) msgContext.getProperty(SandeshaClientConstants.LAST_MESSAGE);
if (lastAppMessage!=null && "true".equals(lastAppMessage))
lastMessage = true;
/* checking weather the user has given the messageNumber (most of the cases this will not be the case where
the system will generate the message numbers */
//User should set it as a long object.
Long messageNumberLng = (Long) msgContext.getProperty(SandeshaClientConstants.MESSAGE_NUMBER);
long givenMessageNumber = -1;
if (messageNumberLng!=null) {
givenMessageNumber = messageNumberLng.longValue();
if (givenMessageNumber<=0) {
throw new SandeshaException ("The givem message number value is invalid (has to be larger than zero)");
//the message number that was last used.
long systemMessageNumber = getPreviousMsgNo(configContext, internalSequenceId);
//The number given by the user has to be larger than the last stored number.
if (givenMessageNumber>0 && givenMessageNumber<=systemMessageNumber) {
String message = "The given message number is not larger than value of the last sent message.";
throw new SandeshaException (message);
//Finding the correct message number.
long messageNumber = -1;
if (givenMessageNumber>0) // if given message number is valid use it. (this is larger than the last stored due to the last check)
messageNumber = givenMessageNumber;
else if (systemMessageNumber>0) { //if system message number is valid use it.
messageNumber = systemMessageNumber+1;
} else { //This is the fist message (systemMessageNumber = -1)
messageNumber = 1;
//A dummy message is a one which will not be processed as a actual application message.
//The RM handlers will simply let these go.
String dummyMessageString = (String) msgContext.getOptions().getProperty(SandeshaClientConstants.DUMMY_MESSAGE);
boolean dummyMessage = false;
if (dummyMessageString!=null && Sandesha2Constants.VALUE_TRUE.equals(dummyMessageString))
dummyMessage = true;
//saving the used message number
if (!dummyMessage)
//set this as the response highest message.
SequencePropertyBean responseHighestMsgBean = new SequencePropertyBean (
new Long (messageNumber).toString()
if (lastMessage) {
SequencePropertyBean responseHighestMsgKeyBean = new SequencePropertyBean (
SequencePropertyBean responseLastMsgKeyBean = new SequencePropertyBean (
new Long (messageNumber).toString()
boolean sendCreateSequence = false;
SequencePropertyBean outSeqBean = seqPropMgr.retrieve(
// setting async ack endpoint for the server side. (if present)
if (serverSide) {
String incomingSequenceID = SandeshaUtil
SequencePropertyBean incomingToBean = seqPropMgr.retrieve(
if (incomingToBean != null) {
String incomingTo = incomingToBean.getValue();
msgContext.setProperty(SandeshaClientConstants.AcksTo, incomingTo);
String specVersion = null;
if (msgContext.isServerSide()) {
//in the server side, get the RM version from the request sequence.
MessageContext requestMessageContext;
try {
requestMessageContext = msgContext.getOperationContext().getMessageContext(AxisOperationFactory.MESSAGE_LABEL_IN_VALUE);
} catch (AxisFault e) {
throw new SandeshaException (e);
if (requestMessageContext==null)
throw new SandeshaException ("Request message context is null, cant find out the request side sequenceID");
RMMsgContext requestRMMsgCtx = MsgInitializer.initializeMessage(requestMessageContext);
Sequence sequence = (Sequence) requestRMMsgCtx.getMessagePart(Sandesha2Constants.MessageParts.SEQUENCE);
String requestSequenceID = sequence.getIdentifier().getIdentifier();
SequencePropertyBean specVersionBean = seqPropMgr.retrieve(requestSequenceID,Sandesha2Constants.SequenceProperties.RM_SPEC_VERSION);
if (specVersionBean==null)
throw new SandeshaException ("SpecVersion sequence property bean is not available for the incoming sequence. Cant find the RM version for outgoing side");