public WebsiteData getWebsiteByHandle(String handle, Boolean enabled)
throws RollerException {
if (handle==null )
throw new RollerException("Handle cannot be null");
// check cache first
// NOTE: if we ever allow changing handles then this needs updating
if(this.weblogHandleToIdMap.containsKey(handle)) {
WebsiteData weblog = this.getWebsite((String) this.weblogHandleToIdMap.get(handle));
if(weblog != null) {
// only return weblog if enabled status matches
if(enabled == null || enabled.equals(weblog.getEnabled())) {
log.debug("weblogHandleToId CACHE HIT - "+handle);
return weblog;
} else {
// mapping hit with lookup miss? mapping must be old, remove it
// cache failed, do lookup
try {
Session session = ((HibernatePersistenceStrategy)this.strategy).getSession();
Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(WebsiteData.class);
if (enabled != null) {
.add(new IgnoreCaseEqExpression("handle", handle))
.add(Expression.eq("enabled", enabled)));
} else {
.add(Expression.eq("handle", handle)));
WebsiteData website = (WebsiteData) criteria.uniqueResult();
// add mapping to cache
if(website != null) {
log.debug("weblogHandleToId CACHE MISS - "+handle);
this.weblogHandleToIdMap.put(website.getHandle(), website.getId());
return website;
} catch (HibernateException e) {
throw new RollerException(e);