A Circuit is the basic test unit against which test cases are to be written. A circuit consists of two 'ends', an instigating 'publisher' end and a more passive 'receivers' end.
Once created, the life-cycle of a circuit may be controlled by {@link #start()}ing it, or {@link #close()}ing it. Once started, the circuit is ready to send messages over. Once closed the circuit can no longer be used.
The state of the circuit may be taken with the {@link #check()} method, and asserted against by the{@link #applyAssertions(java.util.List)} method.
There is a default test procedure which may be performed against the circuit. The outline of this procedure is:
Start the circuit. Send test messages. Request a status report. Assert conditions on the publishing end of the circuit. Assert conditions on the receiving end of the circuit. Close the circuit. Pass with no failed assertions or fail with a list of failed assertions.
CRC Card Responsibilities |
Supply the publishing and receiving ends of a test messaging circuit. |
Start the circuit running. |
Close the circuit down. |
Take a reading of the circuits state. |
Apply assertions against the circuits state. |
Send test messages over the circuit. |
Perform the default test procedue on the circuit. |