Package org.apache.qpid.server.registry

Examples of org.apache.qpid.server.registry.IApplicationRegistry

            _log.warn("JMX: Using the out of the box JMX Agent");
            _startupLog.warn("JMX: Using the out of the box JMX Agent");

        IApplicationRegistry appRegistry = ApplicationRegistry.getInstance();
        int port = appRegistry.getConfiguration().getJMXManagementPort();

        //retrieve the Principal Database assigned to JMX authentication duties
        String jmxDatabaseName = appRegistry.getConfiguration().getJMXPrincipalDatabase();
        Map<String, PrincipalDatabase> map = appRegistry.getDatabaseManager().getDatabases();       
        PrincipalDatabase db = map.get(jmxDatabaseName);

        HashMap<String,Object> env = new HashMap<String,Object>();

        //Socket factories for the RMIConnectorServer, either default or SLL depending on configuration
        RMIClientSocketFactory csf;
        RMIServerSocketFactory ssf;

        //check ssl enabled option in config, default to true if option is not set
        boolean sslEnabled = appRegistry.getConfiguration().getManagementSSLEnabled();

        if (sslEnabled)
            //set the SSL related system properties used by the SSL RMI socket factories to the values
            //given in the configuration file, unless command line settings have already been specified
            String keyStorePath;

            if(System.getProperty("") != null)
                keyStorePath = System.getProperty("");
                keyStorePath = appRegistry.getConfiguration().getManagementKeyStorePath();

            //check the keystore path value is valid
            if (keyStorePath == null)
                throw new ConfigurationException("JMX management SSL keystore path not defined, " +
                                             "unable to start SSL protected JMX ConnectorServer");
                //ensure the system property is set
                System.setProperty("", keyStorePath);

                //check the file is usable
                File ksf = new File(keyStorePath);

                if (!ksf.exists())
                    throw new FileNotFoundException("Cannot find JMX management SSL keystore file " + ksf + "\n"
                                                  + "Check broker configuration, or see create-example-ssl-stores script"
                                                  + "in the bin/ directory if you need to generate an example store.");
                if (!ksf.canRead())
                    throw new FileNotFoundException("Cannot read JMX management SSL keystore file: "
                                                    + ksf +  ". Check permissions.");
      "JMX ConnectorServer using SSL keystore file " + ksf.getAbsolutePath());
      "JMX ConnectorServer using SSL keystore file " + ksf.getAbsolutePath());


            //check the key store password is set
            if (System.getProperty("") == null)

                if (appRegistry.getConfiguration().getManagementKeyStorePassword() == null)
                    throw new ConfigurationException("JMX management SSL keystore password not defined, " +
                                                   "unable to start requested SSL protected JMX server");

            //create the SSL RMI socket factories
            csf = new SslRMIClientSocketFactory();
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    protected void setUp() throws Exception
        IApplicationRegistry applicationRegistry = ApplicationRegistry.getInstance();
        _virtualHost = applicationRegistry.getVirtualHostRegistry().getVirtualHost("test");
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    protected void setUp() throws Exception
        IApplicationRegistry applicationRegistry = ApplicationRegistry.getInstance();
        _virtualHost = applicationRegistry.getVirtualHostRegistry().getVirtualHost("test");
        _protocolSession = new InternalTestProtocolSession(_virtualHost);
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    protected void setUp() throws Exception

        IApplicationRegistry applicationRegistry = ApplicationRegistry.getInstance();
        _virtualHost = applicationRegistry.getVirtualHostRegistry().getVirtualHost("test");
        _queueRegistry = _virtualHost.getQueueRegistry();
        _queue = AMQQueueFactory.createAMQQueueImpl(new AMQShortString("testQueue"), false, new AMQShortString("ExchangeMBeanTest"), false, _virtualHost,
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    protected void setUp() throws Exception
        IApplicationRegistry appRegistry = ApplicationRegistry.getInstance();
        _vHost = appRegistry.getVirtualHostRegistry().getVirtualHost("test");
        _queueRegistry = _vHost.getQueueRegistry();
        _exchangeRegistry = _vHost.getExchangeRegistry();
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        PropertiesConfiguration configuration = new PropertiesConfiguration();
        configuration.setProperty("", TestableMemoryMessageStore.class.getName());
        IApplicationRegistry  applicationRegistry  = new TestApplicationRegistry(new ServerConfiguration(configuration));
        ApplicationRegistry.initialise(applicationRegistry );

        configuration.setProperty("", TestableMemoryMessageStore.class.getName());

        _virtualHost = applicationRegistry.getVirtualHostRegistry().getVirtualHost("test");
        _messageStore = _virtualHost.getMessageStore();

        _queue = AMQQueueFactory.createAMQQueueImpl(new AMQShortString("testQueue"), false, new AMQShortString("AMQueueMBeanTest"), false, _virtualHost,
        _queueMBean = new AMQQueueMBean(_queue);
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    private AMQPFastProtocolHandler _handler;

    public AMQPProtocolProvider()
        IApplicationRegistry registry = ApplicationRegistry.getInstance();
        _handler = new AMQPFastProtocolHandler(registry);
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    public static final int MANAGEMENT_PORT_DEFAULT = 8999;

    public JMXManagedObjectRegistry() throws AMQException
    {"Initialising managed object registry using platform MBean server");
        IApplicationRegistry appRegistry = ApplicationRegistry.getInstance();

        // Retrieve the config parameters
        boolean platformServer = appRegistry.getConfiguration().getBoolean("management.platform-mbeanserver", true);

        _mbeanServer =
                platformServer ? ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer()
                : MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer(ManagedObject.DOMAIN);
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  "JMX: Using the out of the box JMX Agent");

        IApplicationRegistry appRegistry = ApplicationRegistry.getInstance();

        boolean security = appRegistry.getConfiguration().getBoolean("", false);
        int port = appRegistry.getConfiguration().getInt(MANAGEMENT_PORT_CONFIG_PATH, MANAGEMENT_PORT_DEFAULT);

        if (security)
            // For SASL using JMXMP
            _jmxURL = new JMXServiceURL("jmxmp", null, port);

            Map env = new HashMap();
            Map<String, PrincipalDatabase> map = appRegistry.getDatabaseManager().getDatabases();
            PrincipalDatabase db = null;

            for (Map.Entry<String, PrincipalDatabase> entry : map.entrySet())
                if (entry.getValue() instanceof Base64MD5PasswordFilePrincipalDatabase)
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    public void setUp() throws Exception
        IApplicationRegistry applicationRegistry = ApplicationRegistry.getInstance();
        _virtualHost = applicationRegistry.getVirtualHostRegistry().getVirtualHost("test");
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Related Classes of org.apache.qpid.server.registry.IApplicationRegistry

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