Package org.apache.qpid.server.queue

Examples of org.apache.qpid.server.queue.QueueRegistry

                owner = authenticatedPrincipal.getName();
            QueueRegistry queueRegistry = _virtualHost.getQueueRegistry();
            synchronized (queueRegistry)
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Queue with name "+name+" already exists");
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    public void methodReceived(AMQStateManager stateManager, QueuePurgeBody body, int channelId) throws AMQException
        AMQProtocolSession protocolConnection = stateManager.getProtocolSession();
        VirtualHost virtualHost = protocolConnection.getVirtualHost();
        QueueRegistry queueRegistry = virtualHost.getQueueRegistry();

        AMQChannel channel = protocolConnection.getChannel(channelId);
        if (channel == null)
            throw body.getChannelNotFoundException(channelId);
        AMQQueue queue;
        if(body.getQueue() == null)

           //get the default queue on the channel:
           queue = channel.getDefaultQueue();

            if(queue == null)
                    throw body.getConnectionException(AMQConstant.NOT_ALLOWED,"No queue specified.");
            queue = queueRegistry.getQueue(body.getQueue());

        if(queue == null)
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    public void methodReceived(AMQStateManager stateManager, QueueDeclareBody body, int channelId) throws AMQException
        final AMQProtocolSession protocolConnection = stateManager.getProtocolSession();
        final AMQSessionModel session = protocolConnection.getChannel(channelId);
        VirtualHost virtualHost = protocolConnection.getVirtualHost();
        QueueRegistry queueRegistry = virtualHost.getQueueRegistry();
        DurableConfigurationStore store = virtualHost.getDurableConfigurationStore();

        final AMQShortString queueName;

        // if we aren't given a queue name, we create one which we return to the client
        if ((body.getQueue() == null) || (body.getQueue().length() == 0))
            queueName = createName();
            queueName = body.getQueue().intern();

        AMQQueue queue;

        //TODO: do we need to check that the queue already exists with exactly the same "configuration"?

        AMQChannel channel = protocolConnection.getChannel(channelId);

        if (channel == null)
            throw body.getChannelNotFoundException(channelId);

        synchronized (queueRegistry)
            queue = queueRegistry.getQueue(queueName);

            AMQSessionModel owningSession = null;

            if (queue != null)
                owningSession = queue.getExclusiveOwningSession();

            if (queue == null)
                if (body.getPassive())
                    String msg = "Queue: " + queueName + " not found on VirtualHost(" + virtualHost + ").";
                    throw body.getChannelException(AMQConstant.NOT_FOUND, msg);
                    queue = createQueue(queueName, body, virtualHost, protocolConnection);
                    if (queue.isDurable() && !queue.isAutoDelete())
                        DurableConfigurationStoreHelper.createQueue(store, queue, body.getArguments());
                    if (body.getExclusive())
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                                   QueueDeclareBody body,
                                   VirtualHost virtualHost,
                                   final AMQProtocolSession session)
            throws AMQException
        final QueueRegistry registry = virtualHost.getQueueRegistry();
        String owner = body.getExclusive() ? AMQShortString.toString(session.getContextKey()) : null;

        Map<String, Object> arguments = FieldTable.convertToMap(body.getArguments());
        String queueNameString = AMQShortString.toString(queueName);

        final AMQQueue queue = AMQQueueFactory.createAMQQueueImpl(UUIDGenerator.generateQueueUUID(queueNameString, virtualHost.getName()),
                                                                  queueNameString, body.getDurable(), owner, body.getAutoDelete(),
                                                                  body.getExclusive(),virtualHost, arguments);

        if (body.getExclusive() && !body.getDurable())
            final AMQProtocolSession.Task deleteQueueTask =
                    new AMQProtocolSession.Task()
                        public void doTask(AMQProtocolSession session) throws AMQException
                            if (registry.getQueue(queueName) == queue)
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    public void methodReceived(AMQStateManager stateManager, QueueDeleteBody body, int channelId) throws AMQException
        AMQProtocolSession protocolConnection = stateManager.getProtocolSession();
        VirtualHost virtualHost = protocolConnection.getVirtualHost();
        QueueRegistry queueRegistry = virtualHost.getQueueRegistry();
        DurableConfigurationStore store = virtualHost.getDurableConfigurationStore();

        AMQChannel channel = protocolConnection.getChannel(channelId);

        if (channel == null)
            throw body.getChannelNotFoundException(channelId);
        AMQQueue queue;
        if (body.getQueue() == null)

            //get the default queue on the channel:
            queue = channel.getDefaultQueue();
            queue = queueRegistry.getQueue(body.getQueue());

        if (queue == null)
            if (_failIfNotFound)
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    public void methodReceived(AMQStateManager stateManager, ExchangeBoundBody body, int channelId) throws AMQException
        AMQProtocolSession session = stateManager.getProtocolSession();
        VirtualHost virtualHost = session.getVirtualHost();
        QueueRegistry queueRegistry = virtualHost.getQueueRegistry();
        MethodRegistry methodRegistry = session.getMethodRegistry();

        final AMQChannel channel = session.getChannel(channelId);
        if (channel == null)
            throw body.getChannelNotFoundException(channelId);

        AMQShortString exchangeName = body.getExchange();
        AMQShortString queueName = body.getQueue();
        AMQShortString routingKey = body.getRoutingKey();
        if (exchangeName == null)
            throw new AMQException("Exchange exchange must not be null");
        Exchange exchange = virtualHost.getExchange(exchangeName.toString());
        ExchangeBoundOkBody response;
        if (exchange == null)

            response = methodRegistry.createExchangeBoundOkBody(EXCHANGE_NOT_FOUND,
                                                                new AMQShortString("Exchange " + exchangeName + " not found"));
        else if (routingKey == null)
            if (queueName == null)
                if (exchange.hasBindings())
                    response = methodRegistry.createExchangeBoundOkBody(OK, null);

                    response = methodRegistry.createExchangeBoundOkBody(NO_BINDINGS,  // replyCode
                        null)// replyText

                AMQQueue queue = queueRegistry.getQueue(queueName);
                if (queue == null)

                    response = methodRegistry.createExchangeBoundOkBody(QUEUE_NOT_FOUND,  // replyCode
                        new AMQShortString("Queue " + queueName + " not found"))// replyText
                    if (exchange.isBound(queue))

                        response = methodRegistry.createExchangeBoundOkBody(OK,  // replyCode
                            null)// replyText

                        response = methodRegistry.createExchangeBoundOkBody(QUEUE_NOT_BOUND,  // replyCode
                            new AMQShortString("Queue " + queueName + " not bound to exchange " + exchangeName))// replyText
        else if (queueName != null)
            AMQQueue queue = queueRegistry.getQueue(queueName);
            if (queue == null)

                response = methodRegistry.createExchangeBoundOkBody(QUEUE_NOT_FOUND,  // replyCode
                    new AMQShortString("Queue " + queueName + " not found"))// replyText
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    public void testMessageRemoval() throws Exception

        QueueRegistry queueRegistry = getVirtualHost().getQueueRegistry();

        assertEquals("Incorrect number of queues registered after recovery",
                6,  queueRegistry.getQueues().size());

        //clear the queue

        //check the messages are gone
        validateMessageOnQueue(durableQueueName, 0);

        //reload and verify messages arent restored
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        //reload the virtual host, prompting recovery of the queues/topics

        QueueRegistry queueRegistry = getVirtualHost().getQueueRegistry();

        assertEquals("Incorrect number of queues registered after recovery",
                6,  queueRegistry.getQueues().size());

        //Validate the non-Durable Queues were not recovered.
        assertNull("Non-Durable queue still registered:" + priorityQueueName,
        assertNull("Non-Durable queue still registered:" + queueName,
        assertNull("Non-Durable queue still registered:" + priorityTopicQueueName,
        assertNull("Non-Durable queue still registered:" + topicQueueName,

        //Validate normally expected properties of Queues/Topics

        //Update the durable exclusive queue's exclusivity
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    public void testDurableQueueRemoval() throws Exception
        //Register Durable Queue
        createQueue(durableQueueName, false, true, false, false);

        QueueRegistry queueRegistry = getVirtualHost().getQueueRegistry();
        assertEquals("Incorrect number of queues registered before recovery",
                1,  queueRegistry.getQueues().size());


        queueRegistry = getVirtualHost().getQueueRegistry();
        assertEquals("Incorrect number of queues registered after first recovery",
                1,  queueRegistry.getQueues().size());

        //test that removing the queue means it is not recovered next time
        final AMQQueue queue = queueRegistry.getQueue(durableQueueName);


        queueRegistry = getVirtualHost().getQueueRegistry();
        assertEquals("Incorrect number of queues registered after second recovery",
                0,  queueRegistry.getQueues().size());
        assertNull("Durable queue was not removed:" + durableQueueName,
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     * recovering to verify the persistence, then removing it from the store, and ensuring
     * that following the second reload process it is not recovered.
    public void testDurableBindingRemoval() throws Exception
        QueueRegistry queueRegistry = getVirtualHost().getQueueRegistry();

        //create durable queue and exchange, bind them
        Exchange exch = createExchange(DirectExchange.TYPE, directExchangeName, true);
        createQueue(durableQueueName, false, true, false, false);
        bindQueueToExchange(exch, directRouting, queueRegistry.getQueue(durableQueueName), false, null);

        assertEquals("Incorrect number of bindings registered before recovery",
                1, queueRegistry.getQueue(durableQueueName).getBindings().size());

        //verify binding is actually normally recovered

        queueRegistry = getVirtualHost().getQueueRegistry();
        assertEquals("Incorrect number of bindings registered after first recovery",
                1, queueRegistry.getQueue(durableQueueName).getBindings().size());

        exch = getVirtualHost().getExchange(directExchangeName);
        assertNotNull("Exchange was not recovered", exch);

        //remove the binding and verify result after recovery
        unbindQueueFromExchange(exch, directRouting, queueRegistry.getQueue(durableQueueName), false, null);


        queueRegistry = getVirtualHost().getQueueRegistry();
        assertEquals("Incorrect number of bindings registered after second recovery",
                0, queueRegistry.getQueue(durableQueueName).getBindings().size());
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Related Classes of org.apache.qpid.server.queue.QueueRegistry

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