A tool to allow QMF2 methods to be invoked from the command line.
Usage: QpidCtrl [options] command [args] The args need to be in a Stringified Map format (similar to an Address String) e.g. to set broker log level: QpidCtrl setLogLevel "{level:\"debug+:Broker\"}" The listValues command lists property names and values of the specified object. The listObjects command lists all objects of the specified package and class. Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v enable logging -a <address>, --broker-address=<address> broker-addr is in the form: [username/password@] hostname | ip-address [:<port>] ex: localhost,, broker-host:10000, guest/guest@localhost -c <class>, --class=<class> class of object on which command is being invoked (default broker) -p <package>, --package=<package> package of object on which command is being invoked (default org.apache.qpid.broker) -i <id>, --id=<id> identifier of object on which command is being invoked (default amqp-broker) --agent=<agent name> The name of the Agent to which commands will be sent This will try to match <agent name> against the Agent name the Agent product name and will also check if the Agent name contains the <agent name> String (default qpidd) --sasl-mechanism=<mech> SASL mechanism for authentication (e.g. EXTERNAL, ANONYMOUS, PLAIN, CRAM-MD5, DIGEST-MD5, GSSAPI). SASL automatically picks the most secure available mechanism - use this option to override.
Examples (Note the quotes and escaped quotes are significant!):
Get the current broker log level:
QpidCtrl getLogLevel
Set the current broker log level to notice+:
QpidCtrl setLogLevel "{level:\"notice+\"}"
Set the current broker log level to debug+ for all Management Objects:
QpidCtrl setLogLevel "{level:\"debug+\"}"
Set the current broker log level to debug+ for just the Broker Management Object:
QpidCtrl setLogLevel "{level:\"debug+:Broker\"}"
List the properties of the qmf.default.direct exchange:
QpidCtrl -c exchange -i qmf.default.direct listValues
Create a queue called test with a flow-to-disk limit policy:
QpidCtrl create "{type:queue,name:test,properties:{'qpid.policy_type':ring}}"
Delete a queue called test:
QpidCtrl delete "{type:queue,name:test}"
Create a binding called bind1 between the amq.match exchange and the test queue matching the headers name=fadams and gender=male:
QpidCtrl create "{type:binding,name:'amq.match/test/bind1',properties:{x-match:all,name:fadams,gender:male}}"
Delete the binding called bind1 between the amq.match exchange and the test queue:
QpidCtrl delete "{type:binding,name:'amq.match/test/bind1'}"
Get the broker to echo a message:
QpidCtrl echo "{sequence:1234,body:'Peaches En Regalia'}"
Invoke the event method on the gizmo Agent (launch gizmo Agent via AgentTest):
QpidCtrl -p com.profitron.gizmo -c control -i OPERATIONAL --agent=gizmo event
Invoke the create_child method on the gizmo Agent (launch gizmo Agent via AgentTest):
QpidCtrl -p com.profitron.gizmo -c control -i OPERATIONAL --agent=gizmo create_child "{name:monkeyBoy}"
Invoke the stop method on the gizmo Agent (launch gizmo Agent via AgentTest):
QpidCtrl -p com.profitron.gizmo -c control -i OPERATIONAL --agent=gizmo stop "{message:'Will I dream?'}"
@author Fraser Adams