Package org.apache.qpid.qmf2.console

Examples of org.apache.qpid.qmf2.console.AgentHeartbeatWorkItem

        //System.out.println("WorkItem type: " + wi.getType());

        if (wi.getType() == AGENT_HEARTBEAT)
            AgentHeartbeatWorkItem item = (AgentHeartbeatWorkItem)wi;
            Agent agent = item.getAgent();
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            _stateChanged = true;
        else if (wi instanceof AgentHeartbeatWorkItem)
            AgentHeartbeatWorkItem item = (AgentHeartbeatWorkItem)wi;
            Agent agent = item.getAgent();

            if (_stateChanged && agent.getName().contains("qpidd"))
                _stateChanged = false;
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        //System.out.println("WorkItem type: " + wi.getType());

        if (wi.getType() == AGENT_HEARTBEAT)
            AgentHeartbeatWorkItem item = (AgentHeartbeatWorkItem)wi;
            Agent agent = item.getAgent();
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        if (wi.getType() == AGENT_HEARTBEAT)
            AgentHeartbeatWorkItem item = (AgentHeartbeatWorkItem)wi;
            Agent agent = item.getAgent();

        if (wi.getType() == EVENT_RECEIVED)
            EventReceivedWorkItem item = (EventReceivedWorkItem)wi;
            Agent agent = item.getAgent();
            QmfEvent event = item.getEvent();

            String className = event.getSchemaClassId().getClassName();
            System.out.println("Event: " + className);

        if (wi.getType() == METHOD_RESPONSE)
            MethodResponseWorkItem item = (MethodResponseWorkItem)wi;
            MethodResult result = item.getMethodResult();
            String correlationId = item.getHandle().getCorrelationId();
            System.out.println("correlationId = " + correlationId);

        if (wi.getType() == OBJECT_UPDATE)
            ObjectUpdateWorkItem item = (ObjectUpdateWorkItem)wi;
            QmfConsoleData object = item.getQmfConsoleData();
            ObjectId objectId = object.getObjectId();
            String correlationId = item.getHandle().getCorrelationId();
            System.out.println("correlationId = " + correlationId);
            System.out.println("objectId = " + objectId);
            System.out.println("MethodCount = " + object.getLongValue("methodCount"));
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        System.out.println("WorkItem type: " + wi.getType());

        if (wi.getType() == AGENT_HEARTBEAT)
            AgentHeartbeatWorkItem item = (AgentHeartbeatWorkItem)wi;
            Agent agent = item.getAgent();

        if (wi.getType() == EVENT_RECEIVED)
            EventReceivedWorkItem item = (EventReceivedWorkItem)wi;
            Agent agent = item.getAgent();
            QmfEvent event = item.getEvent();

            String className = event.getSchemaClassId().getClassName();
            System.out.println("Event: " + className);

        if (wi.getType() == METHOD_RESPONSE)
            MethodResponseWorkItem item = (MethodResponseWorkItem)wi;
            MethodResult result = item.getMethodResult();
            String correlationId = item.getHandle().getCorrelationId();
            System.out.println("correlationId = " + correlationId);

        if (wi.getType() == OBJECT_UPDATE)
            ObjectUpdateWorkItem item = (ObjectUpdateWorkItem)wi;
            QmfConsoleData object = item.getQmfConsoleData();
            ObjectId objectId = object.getObjectId();
            String correlationId = item.getHandle().getCorrelationId();
            System.out.println("correlationId = " + correlationId);
            System.out.println("objectId = " + objectId);
            System.out.println("MethodCount = " + object.getLongValue("methodCount"));

        if (wi.getType() == SUBSCRIBE_RESPONSE)
            SubscribeResponseWorkItem item = (SubscribeResponseWorkItem)wi;
            SubscribeParams params = item.getSubscribeParams();
            System.out.println("duration = " + params.getLifetime());
            System.out.println("interval = " + params.getPublishInterval());
            System.out.println("subscriptionId = " + params.getSubscriptionId());
            System.out.println("consoleHandle = " + params.getConsoleHandle());
            String correlationId = item.getHandle().getCorrelationId();
            System.out.println("correlationId = " + correlationId);

        if (wi.getType() == SUBSCRIPTION_INDICATION)
            SubscriptionIndicationWorkItem item = (SubscriptionIndicationWorkItem)wi;
            SubscribeIndication indication = item.getSubscribeIndication();
            String correlationId = indication.getConsoleHandle();
            System.out.println("correlationId = " + correlationId);

            List<QmfConsoleData> objects = indication.getData();
            for (QmfConsoleData object : objects)
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        System.out.println("WorkItem type: " + wi.getType());

        if (wi.getType() == AGENT_HEARTBEAT)
            AgentHeartbeatWorkItem item = (AgentHeartbeatWorkItem)wi;
            Agent agent = item.getAgent();

        if (wi.getType() == EVENT_RECEIVED)
            EventReceivedWorkItem item = (EventReceivedWorkItem)wi;
            Agent agent = item.getAgent();
            QmfEvent event = item.getEvent();

            String className = event.getSchemaClassId().getClassName();
            System.out.println("Event: " + className);

        if (wi.getType() == METHOD_RESPONSE)
            MethodResponseWorkItem item = (MethodResponseWorkItem)wi;
            MethodResult result = item.getMethodResult();
            String correlationId = item.getHandle().getCorrelationId();
            System.out.println("correlationId = " + correlationId);

        if (wi.getType() == OBJECT_UPDATE)
            ObjectUpdateWorkItem item = (ObjectUpdateWorkItem)wi;
            QmfConsoleData object = item.getQmfConsoleData();
            ObjectId objectId = object.getObjectId();
            String correlationId = item.getHandle().getCorrelationId();
            System.out.println("correlationId = " + correlationId);
            System.out.println("objectId = " + objectId);
            System.out.println("MethodCount = " + object.getLongValue("methodCount"));

        if (wi.getType() == SUBSCRIBE_RESPONSE)
            SubscribeResponseWorkItem item = (SubscribeResponseWorkItem)wi;
            SubscribeParams params = item.getSubscribeParams();
            System.out.println("duration = " + params.getLifetime());
            System.out.println("interval = " + params.getPublishInterval());
            System.out.println("subscriptionId = " + params.getSubscriptionId());
            System.out.println("consoleHandle = " + params.getConsoleHandle());
            String correlationId = item.getHandle().getCorrelationId();
            System.out.println("correlationId = " + correlationId);

        if (wi.getType() == SUBSCRIPTION_INDICATION)
            SubscriptionIndicationWorkItem item = (SubscriptionIndicationWorkItem)wi;
            SubscribeIndication indication = item.getSubscribeIndication();
            String correlationId = indication.getConsoleHandle();
            System.out.println("correlationId = " + correlationId);

            List<QmfConsoleData> objects = indication.getData();
            for (QmfConsoleData object : objects)
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            _stateChanged = true;
        else if (wi instanceof AgentHeartbeatWorkItem)
            AgentHeartbeatWorkItem item = (AgentHeartbeatWorkItem)wi;
            Agent agent = item.getAgent();

            if (_stateChanged && agent.getName().contains("qpidd"))
                _stateChanged = false;
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            System.out.println("*** Starting Test2 asynchronous Agent discovery using WorkQueue API ***");
            BlockingNotifier notifier = new BlockingNotifier();

            Connection connection = ConnectionHelper.createConnection(url, "{reconnect: true}");
            _console = new Console(notifier);
//console.disableAgentDiscovery(); // To miss all notifications this needs done before addConnection()

            int count = 0;
            while (true)
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            System.out.println("*** Starting Test1 synchronous Agent discovery ***");
            Connection connection = ConnectionHelper.createConnection(url, "{reconnect: true}");
            _console = new Console();

            System.out.println("*** Test1 testing _console.getAgents(): ***");
            List<Agent> agents = _console.getAgents();

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            System.out.println("*** Starting PartialGetObjectsTest used to test schema retrieval ***");
            Connection connection = ConnectionHelper.createConnection(url, "{reconnect: true}");
            _console = new Console(this);

            // First we create a large number of queues using the QMF2 create method on the broker object
            List<QmfConsoleData> brokers = _console.getObjects("", "broker");
            if (brokers.isEmpty())
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Related Classes of org.apache.qpid.qmf2.console.AgentHeartbeatWorkItem

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