This class is a convenience class to enable neater access the the WorkItem params for this type of WorkItem. @author Fraser Adams
* <p> * I <i>believe</i> that there should only be one entry in the list returned when looking up a specific chema by classId. */ public List<SchemaClass> getSchema(final SchemaClassId classId) { SchemaClass schema = _schemaCache.get(classId); if (schema == SchemaClass.EMPTY_SCHEMA) { return Collections.emptyList(); }
} public void addObject(QmfAgentData object) throws QmfException { SchemaClassId classId = object.getSchemaClassId(); SchemaClass schema = _schemaCache.get(classId); // Try to create an objectName using the set of property names that have been specified as idNames in the schema StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); if (schema != null && schema instanceof SchemaObjectClass) {
{ List<Map> mapResults = AMQPMessage.getList(response); for (Map content : mapResults) { //new SchemaClassId(content).listValues(); results.add(new SchemaClassId(content)); } } else if (AMQPMessage.isAMQPMap(response)) { // Error responses are returned as MapMessages, though they are being ignored here.
* @param className the schema class name we're looking up objects for. * @return a List of QMF Objects describing that class. */ public List<QmfConsoleData> getObjects(final String className) { return getObjects(new SchemaClassId(className)); }
* @param timeout overrides the default replyTimeout. * @return a List of QMF Objects describing that class. */ public List<QmfConsoleData> getObjects(final String className, final int timeout) { return getObjects(new SchemaClassId(className), timeout); }
* @param agentList if this parameter is supplied then the query is sent to only those Agents. * @return a List of QMF Objects describing that class. */ public List<QmfConsoleData> getObjects(final String className, final List<Agent> agentList) { return getObjects(new SchemaClassId(className), agentList); }
* @param agentList if this parameter is supplied then the query is sent to only those Agents. * @return a List of QMF Objects describing that class. */ public List<QmfConsoleData> getObjects(final String className, final int timeout, final List<Agent> agentList) { return getObjects(new SchemaClassId(className), timeout, agentList); }
* @param className the schema class name we're looking up objects for. * @return a List of QMF Objects describing that class */ public List<QmfConsoleData> getObjects(final String packageName, final String className) { return getObjects(new SchemaClassId(packageName, className)); }
* @param timeout overrides the default replyTimeout. * @return a List of QMF Objects describing that class. */ public List<QmfConsoleData> getObjects(final String packageName, final String className, final int timeout) { return getObjects(new SchemaClassId(packageName, className), timeout); }
* @param agentList if this parameter is supplied then the query is sent to only those Agents. * @return a List of QMF Objects describing that class. */ public List<QmfConsoleData> getObjects(final String packageName, final String className, final List<Agent> agentList) { return getObjects(new SchemaClassId(packageName, className), agentList); }