// to the same Agent instance at the same time.
if (_connection != null)
throw new QmfException("Multiple connections per Agent is not supported");
_connection = conn;
if (_name == null || _vendor == null || _product == null)
throw new QmfException("The vendor, product or name is not set");
setValue("_epoch", _epoch);
setValue("_heartbeat_interval", _heartbeatInterval);
setValue("_name", _name);
setValue("_product", _product);
setValue("_vendor", _vendor);
setValue("_instance", _instance);
String directBase = "qmf." + _domain + ".direct";
String topicBase = "qmf." + _domain + ".topic";
String address = directBase + "/" + _name + addressOptions;
_asyncSession = _connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
_syncSession = _connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
// Create a MessageProducer for the QMF topic address used to broadcast Events & Heartbeats.
Destination topicAddress = _syncSession.createQueue(topicBase);
_broadcaster = _syncSession.createProducer(topicAddress);
_broadcastAddress = "'" + topicBase + "'";
// Create a MessageProducer for the QMF direct address, mainly used for request/response
Destination directAddress = _syncSession.createQueue(directBase);
_responder = _syncSession.createProducer(directAddress);
// TODO it should be possible to bind _locateConsumer, _mainConsumer and _aliasConsumer to the
// same queue if I can figure out the correct AddressString to use, probably not a big deal though.
// Set up MessageListener on the Agent Locate Address
Destination locateAddress = _asyncSession.createQueue(topicBase + "/console.request.agent_locate");
_locateConsumer = _asyncSession.createConsumer(locateAddress);
// Set up MessageListener on the Agent address
Destination agentAddress = _asyncSession.createQueue(address);
_mainConsumer = _asyncSession.createConsumer(agentAddress);
// If the product name has been set to qpidd we create an additional consumer address of
// "qmf.default.direct/broker" in addition to the main address so that Consoles can talk to the
// broker Agent without needing to do Agent discovery. This is only really needed when the Agent
// class has been used to create the QmfManagementAgent for the Java broker QmfManagementPlugin.
// It's important to do this as many tools (such as qpid-config) and demo code tend to use the
// alias address rather than the discovered address when talking to the broker ManagementAgent.
if (_product.equals("qpidd"))
String alias = directBase + "/broker";
_log.info("Creating address {} as an alias address for the broker Agent", alias);
Destination aliasAddress = _asyncSession.createQueue(alias);
_aliasConsumer = _asyncSession.createConsumer(aliasAddress);
// Schedule a Heartbeat every _heartbeatInterval seconds sending the first one immediately
_timer = new Timer(true);
_timer.schedule(new Heartbeat(), 0, _heartbeatInterval*1000);
catch (JMSException jmse)
// If we can't create the QMF Destinations there's not much else we can do
_log.info("JMSException {} caught in setConnection()", jmse.getMessage());
throw new QmfException("Failed to create sessions or destinations " + jmse.getMessage());
} // end of setConnection()