.apache.org/qpid/qmfv2-api-proposal.html>QMF2 API Proposal
QUERY: The QUERY WorkItem describes a query that the application must service. The application should call the queryResponse() method for each object that satisfies the query. When complete, the application must call the queryComplete() method. If a failure occurs, the application should indicate the error to the agent by calling the query_complete() method with a description of the error. The getParams() method of a QUERY WorkItem will return an instance of the QmfQuery class. The getHandle() WorkItem method returns the reply handle which should be passed to the Agent's queryResponse() and queryComplete() methods.
Note that the API is a bit sketchy on the description of the QUERY WorkItem and whereas most WorkItems seem to return defined classes for their getParams() it's not so obvious here. There's an implication that getParams() just returns QmfQuery, but it's not clear where the uset_id bit fits.
As the API doesn't define a "QueryParams" class I've not included one, but I've added a getUserId() method to QueryWorkItem, this is a bit inconsistent with the approach for the other WorkItems though.
@author Fraser Adams