Flow o = new Flow(); if(l.size() <= 3) { throw new DecodeException("The outgoing-window field cannot be omitted"); } switch(11 - l.size()) {
Begin o = new Begin(); if(l.size() <= 3) { throw new DecodeException("The outgoing-window field cannot be omitted"); } switch(8 - l.size()) {
Detach o = new Detach(); if(l.isEmpty()) { throw new DecodeException("The handle field cannot be omitted"); } switch(3 - l.size()) {
Disposition o = new Disposition(); if(l.isEmpty()) { throw new DecodeException("The first field cannot be omitted"); } switch(6 - l.size()) {
SaslChallenge o = new SaslChallenge(); if(l.isEmpty()) { throw new DecodeException("The challenge field cannot be omitted"); } o.setChallenge( (Binary) l.get( 0 ) );
SaslInit o = new SaslInit(); if(l.size() <= 0) { throw new DecodeException("The mechanism field cannot be omitted"); } switch(3 - l.size()) {
Discharge o = new Discharge(); if(l.isEmpty()) { throw new DecodeException("The txn-id field cannot be omitted"); } switch(2 - l.size()) {
SaslOutcome o = new SaslOutcome(); if(l.isEmpty()) { throw new DecodeException("The code field cannot be omitted"); } switch(2 - l.size()) {
SaslMechanisms o = new SaslMechanisms(); if(l.isEmpty()) { throw new DecodeException("The sasl-server-mechanisms field cannot be omitted"); } Object val0 = l.get( 0 ); if( val0 == null || val0.getClass().isArray() ) {
SaslResponse o = new SaslResponse(); if(l.isEmpty()) { throw new DecodeException("The response field cannot be omitted"); } switch(1 - l.size()) {