} else if (state instanceof Released) {
LOG.trace("onDelivery: Released state = {}", state);
// re-deliver && don't increment the counter.
settle(delivery, -1);
} else if (state instanceof Modified) {
Modified modified = (Modified) state;
if (modified.getDeliveryFailed()) {
// increment delivery counter..
md.setRedeliveryCounter(md.getRedeliveryCounter() + 1);
LOG.trace("onDelivery: Modified state = {}, delivery count now {}", state, md.getRedeliveryCounter());
byte ackType = -1;
Boolean undeliverableHere = modified.getUndeliverableHere();
if (undeliverableHere != null && undeliverableHere) {
// receiver does not want the message..
// perhaps we should DLQ it?
ackType = MessageAck.POSION_ACK_TYPE;