throws AMQException
_log.debug("public void methodReceived(AMQStateManager stateManager, AMQProtocolSession protocolSession, "
+ "AMQMethodEvent evt): called");
ProtocolVersion pv = new ProtocolVersion((byte) body.getVersionMajor(), (byte) body.getVersionMinor());
// 0-9-1 is indistinguishable from 0-9 using only major and minor ... if we established the connection as 0-9-1
// and now get back major = 0 , minor = 9 then we can assume it means 0-9-1
if(pv.equals(ProtocolVersion.v0_9) && session.getProtocolVersion().equals(ProtocolVersion.v0_91))
pv = ProtocolVersion.v0_91;
// For the purposes of interop, we can make the client accept the broker's version string.
// If it does, it then internally records the version as being the latest one that it understands.
// It needs to do this since frame lookup is done by version.
if (Boolean.getBoolean("") && !pv.isSupported())
pv = ProtocolVersion.getLatestSupportedVersion();
if (pv.isSupported())