public byte[] evaluateResponse(byte[] response) throws SaslException
final FieldTable ft = FieldTableFactory.newFieldTable(new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(response)), response.length);
String username = ft.getString("LOGIN");
// we do not care about the prompt but it throws if null
NameCallback nameCb = new NameCallback("prompt", username);
// we do not care about the prompt but it throws if null
PasswordCallback passwordCb = new PasswordCallback("prompt", false);
// TODO: should not get pwd as a String but as a char array...
String pwd = ft.getString("PASSWORD");
AuthorizeCallback authzCb = new AuthorizeCallback(username, username);
Callback[] callbacks = new Callback[]{nameCb, passwordCb, authzCb};
String storedPwd = new String(passwordCb.getPassword());
if (storedPwd.equals(pwd))