AMQDestination amqd = (AMQDestination) destination;
// TODO: Define selectors in AMQP
// TODO: construct the rawSelector from the selector string if rawSelector == null
final FieldTable ft = FieldTableFactory.newFieldTable();
// if (rawSelector != null)
// ft.put("headers", rawSelector.getDataAsBytes());
// rawSelector is used by HeadersExchange and is not a JMS Selector
if (rawSelector != null)
// We must always send the selector argument even if empty, so that we can tell when a selector is removed from a
// durable topic subscription that the broker arguments don't match any more. This is because it is not otherwise
// possible to determine when querying the broker whether there are no arguments or just a non-matching selector
// argument, as specifying null for the arguments when querying means they should not be checked at all
ft.put(AMQPFilterTypes.JMS_SELECTOR.getValue(), messageSelector == null ? "" : messageSelector);
C consumer = createMessageConsumer(amqd, prefetchHigh, prefetchLow,
noLocal, exclusive, messageSelector, ft, noConsume, autoClose);
if (_messageListener != null)