Stack<ValueEval> stack = new Stack<ValueEval>();
for (int i = 0, iSize = ptgs.length; i < iSize; i++) {
// since we don't know how to handle these yet :(
Ptg ptg = ptgs[i];
if (dbgEvaluationOutputIndent > 0) {
EVAL_LOG.log(POILogger.INFO, dbgIndentStr + " * ptg " + i + ": " + ptg);
if (ptg instanceof AttrPtg) {
AttrPtg attrPtg = (AttrPtg) ptg;
if (attrPtg.isSum()) {
// Excel prefers to encode 'SUM()' as a tAttr token, but this evaluator
// expects the equivalent function token
ptg = FuncVarPtg.SUM;
if (attrPtg.isOptimizedChoose()) {
ValueEval arg0 = stack.pop();
int[] jumpTable = attrPtg.getJumpTable();
int dist;
int nChoices = jumpTable.length;
try {
int switchIndex = Choose.evaluateFirstArg(arg0, ec.getRowIndex(), ec.getColumnIndex());
if (switchIndex<1 || switchIndex > nChoices) {
dist = attrPtg.getChooseFuncOffset() + 4; // +4 for tFuncFar(CHOOSE)
} else {
dist = jumpTable[switchIndex-1];
} catch (EvaluationException e) {
dist = attrPtg.getChooseFuncOffset() + 4; // +4 for tFuncFar(CHOOSE)
// Encoded dist for tAttrChoose includes size of jump table, but
// countTokensToBeSkipped() does not (it counts whole tokens).
dist -= nChoices*2+2; // subtract jump table size
i+= countTokensToBeSkipped(ptgs, i, dist);
if (attrPtg.isOptimizedIf()) {
ValueEval arg0 = stack.pop();
boolean evaluatedPredicate;
try {
evaluatedPredicate = IfFunc.evaluateFirstArg(arg0, ec.getRowIndex(), ec.getColumnIndex());
} catch (EvaluationException e) {
int dist = attrPtg.getData();
i+= countTokensToBeSkipped(ptgs, i, dist);
attrPtg = (AttrPtg) ptgs[i];
dist = attrPtg.getData()+1;
i+= countTokensToBeSkipped(ptgs, i, dist);
if (evaluatedPredicate) {
// nothing to skip - true param folows
} else {
int dist = attrPtg.getData();
i+= countTokensToBeSkipped(ptgs, i, dist);
Ptg nextPtg = ptgs[i+1];
if (ptgs[i] instanceof AttrPtg && nextPtg instanceof FuncVarPtg) {
// this is an if statement without a false param (as opposed to MissingArgPtg as the false param)