if (errorFlag && c == '%') {
// We certainly found an encoded character, check for length
if (((segment.length() - i) < 2)) {
throw new InvalidFormatException("The segment " + segment
+ " contain invalid encoded character !");
// If not percent encoded character error occur then reset the
// flag -> the character is valid
errorFlag = false;
// Decode the encoded character
char decodedChar = (char) Integer.parseInt(segment.substring(
i + 1, i + 3), 16);
i += 2;
/* Check rule M1.7 */
if (decodedChar == '/' || decodedChar == '\\')
throw new InvalidFormatException(
"A segment shall not contain percent-encoded forward slash ('/'), or backward slash ('\') characters. [M1.7]");
/* Check rule M1.8 */
// Check for unreserved character like define in RFC3986
if ((decodedChar >= 'A' && decodedChar <= 'Z')
|| (decodedChar >= 'a' && decodedChar <= 'z')
|| (decodedChar >= '0' && decodedChar <= '9'))
errorFlag = true;
// Check for unreserved character "-", ".", "_", "~"
for (int j = 0; !errorFlag
&& j < RFC3986_PCHAR_UNRESERVED_SUP.length; ++j) {
if (c == RFC3986_PCHAR_UNRESERVED_SUP[j].charAt(0)) {
errorFlag = true;
if (errorFlag)
throw new InvalidFormatException(
"A segment shall not contain percent-encoded unreserved characters. [M1.8]");
if (errorFlag)
throw new InvalidFormatException(
"A segment shall not hold any characters other than pchar characters. [M1.6]");