private void createPap(int istd)
StyleDescription sd = _styleDescriptions[istd];
ParagraphProperties pap = sd.getPAP();
byte[] papx = sd.getPAPX();
int baseIndex = sd.getBaseStyle();
if(pap == null && papx != null)
ParagraphProperties parentPAP = new ParagraphProperties();
if(baseIndex != NIL_STYLE)
parentPAP = _styleDescriptions[baseIndex].getPAP();
if(parentPAP == null) {
if(baseIndex == istd) {
// Oh dear, style claims that it is its own parent
throw new IllegalStateException("Pap style " + istd + " claimed to have itself as its parent, which isn't allowed");
// Create the parent style
parentPAP = _styleDescriptions[baseIndex].getPAP();
if (parentPAP == null) {
parentPAP = new ParagraphProperties();
pap = ParagraphSprmUncompressor.uncompressPAP(parentPAP, papx, 2);