// adjustForInsert() or it would get updated multiple times if the range
// has a parent)
// without this, OpenOffice.org (v. 2.2.x) does not see all the text in
// the document
CPSplitCalculator cpS = ((HWPFDocument)_doc).getCPSplitCalculator();
FileInformationBlock fib = _doc.getFileInformationBlock();
// Do for each affected part
if (_start < cpS.getMainDocumentEnd()) {
fib.setCcpText(fib.getCcpText() + adjustment);
if (_start < cpS.getCommentsEnd()) {
fib.setCcpAtn(fib.getCcpAtn() + adjustment);
if (_start < cpS.getEndNoteEnd()) {
fib.setCcpEdn(fib.getCcpEdn() + adjustment);
if (_start < cpS.getFootnoteEnd()) {
fib.setCcpFtn(fib.getCcpFtn() + adjustment);
if (_start < cpS.getHeaderStoryEnd()) {
fib.setCcpHdd(fib.getCcpHdd() + adjustment);
if (_start < cpS.getHeaderTextboxEnd()) {
fib.setCcpHdrTxtBx(fib.getCcpHdrTxtBx() + adjustment);
if (_start < cpS.getMainTextboxEnd()) {
fib.setCcpTxtBx(fib.getCcpTxtBx() + adjustment);