* reconstruct the structure of range -- sergey
List<Structure> structures = new LinkedList<Structure>();
if ( wordDocument instanceof HWPFDocument )
final HWPFDocument doc = (HWPFDocument) wordDocument;
Map<Integer, List<Bookmark>> rangeBookmarks = doc.getBookmarks()
.getBookmarksStartedBetween( range.getStartOffset(),
range.getEndOffset() );
if ( rangeBookmarks != null )
for ( List<Bookmark> lists : rangeBookmarks.values() )
for ( Bookmark bookmark : lists )
if ( !bookmarkStack.contains( bookmark ) )
addToStructures( structures, new Structure(
bookmark ) );
// TODO: dead fields?
int skipUntil = -1;
for ( int c = 0; c < range.numCharacterRuns(); c++ )
CharacterRun characterRun = range.getCharacterRun( c );
if ( characterRun == null )
throw new AssertionError();
if ( characterRun.getStartOffset() < skipUntil )
String text = characterRun.text();
if ( text == null || text.length() == 0
|| text.charAt( 0 ) != FIELD_BEGIN_MARK )
Field aliveField = ( (HWPFDocument) wordDocument ).getFields()
.getFieldByStartOffset( FieldsDocumentPart.MAIN,
characterRun.getStartOffset() );
if ( aliveField != null )
addToStructures( structures, new Structure( aliveField ) );
int[] separatorEnd = tryDeadField_lookupFieldSeparatorEnd(
wordDocument, range, c );
if ( separatorEnd != null )
new Structure( new DeadFieldBoundaries( c,
separatorEnd[0], separatorEnd[1] ),
characterRun.getStartOffset(), range
separatorEnd[1] )
.getEndOffset() ) );
c = separatorEnd[1];
structures = new ArrayList<Structure>( structures );
Collections.sort( structures );
int previous = range.getStartOffset();
for ( Structure structure : structures )
if ( structure.start != previous )
Range subrange = new Range( previous, structure.start, range )
public String toString()
return "BetweenStructuresSubrange " + super.toString();
processCharacters( wordDocument, currentTableLevel, subrange,
block );
if ( structure.structure instanceof Bookmark )
// other bookmarks with same boundaries
List<Bookmark> bookmarks = new LinkedList<Bookmark>();
for ( Bookmark bookmark : ( (HWPFDocument) wordDocument )
.getBookmarksStartedBetween( structure.start,
structure.start + 1 ).values().iterator()
.next() )
if ( bookmark.getStart() == structure.start
&& bookmark.getEnd() == structure.end )
bookmarks.add( bookmark );
bookmarkStack.addAll( bookmarks );
int end = Math.min( range.getEndOffset(), structure.end );
Range subrange = new Range( structure.start, end, range )
public String toString()
return "BookmarksSubrange " + super.toString();
processBookmarks( wordDocument, block, subrange,
currentTableLevel, bookmarks );
bookmarkStack.removeAll( bookmarks );
else if ( structure.structure instanceof Field )
Field field = (Field) structure.structure;
processField( (HWPFDocument) wordDocument, range,
currentTableLevel, field, block );
else if ( structure.structure instanceof DeadFieldBoundaries )
DeadFieldBoundaries boundaries = (DeadFieldBoundaries) structure.structure;
processDeadField( wordDocument, block, range,
currentTableLevel, boundaries.beginMark,
boundaries.separatorMark, boundaries.endMark );
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "NYI: "
+ structure.structure.getClass() );
previous = Math.min( range.getEndOffset(), structure.end );
if ( previous != range.getStartOffset() )
if ( previous > range.getEndOffset() )
logger.log( POILogger.WARN, "Latest structure in ", range,
" ended at #" + previous, " after range boundaries [",
range.getStartOffset() + "; " + range.getEndOffset(),
")" );
return true;
if ( previous < range.getEndOffset() )
Range subrange = new Range( previous, range.getEndOffset(),
range )
public String toString()
return "AfterStructureSubrange " + super.toString();
processCharacters( wordDocument, currentTableLevel, subrange,
block );
return true;
for ( int c = 0; c < range.numCharacterRuns(); c++ )
CharacterRun characterRun = range.getCharacterRun( c );
if ( characterRun == null )
throw new AssertionError();
if ( wordDocument instanceof HWPFDocument
&& ( (HWPFDocument) wordDocument ).getPicturesTable()
.hasPicture( characterRun ) )
HWPFDocument newFormat = (HWPFDocument) wordDocument;
Picture picture = newFormat.getPicturesTable().extractPicture(
characterRun, true );
processImage( block, characterRun.text().charAt( 0 ) == 0x01,
picture );
String text = characterRun.text();
if ( text.getBytes().length == 0 )
if ( characterRun.isSpecialCharacter() )
&& ( wordDocument instanceof HWPFDocument ) )
HWPFDocument doc = (HWPFDocument) wordDocument;
processNoteAnchor( doc, characterRun, block );
if ( text.charAt( 0 ) == SPECCHAR_DRAWN_OBJECT
&& ( wordDocument instanceof HWPFDocument ) )
HWPFDocument doc = (HWPFDocument) wordDocument;
processDrawnObject( doc, characterRun, block );
if ( characterRun.isOle2()
&& ( wordDocument instanceof HWPFDocument ) )
HWPFDocument doc = (HWPFDocument) wordDocument;
processOle2( doc, characterRun, block );
if ( characterRun.isSymbol()
&& ( wordDocument instanceof HWPFDocument ) )
HWPFDocument doc = (HWPFDocument) wordDocument;
processSymbol( doc, characterRun, block );