// when criteria is an expression (starting with a comparison operator)
confirmCountIf(2, range, new StringEval(">0.5"));
public void testCriteriaPredicateNe_Bug46647() {
I_MatchPredicate mp = Countif.createCriteriaPredicate(new StringEval("<>aa"), 0, 0);
StringEval seA = new StringEval("aa"); // this should not match the criteria '<>aa'
StringEval seB = new StringEval("bb"); // this should match
if (mp.matches(seA) && !mp.matches(seB)) {
throw new AssertionFailedError("Identified bug 46647");
// general tests for not-equal (<>) operator
AreaEval range;
ValueEval[] values;
values = new ValueEval[] {
new StringEval("aa"),
new StringEval("def"),
new StringEval("aa"),
new StringEval("ghi"),
new StringEval("aa"),
new StringEval("aa"),
range = EvalFactory.createAreaEval("A1:A6", values);
confirmCountIf(2, range, new StringEval("<>aa"));
values = new ValueEval[] {
new StringEval("ab"),
new StringEval("aabb"),
new StringEval("aa"), // match
new StringEval("abb"),
new StringEval("aab"),
new StringEval("ba"), // match
range = EvalFactory.createAreaEval("A1:A6", values);
confirmCountIf(2, range, new StringEval("<>a*b"));
values = new ValueEval[] {
new NumberEval(222),
new NumberEval(222),
new NumberEval(111),
new StringEval("aa"),
new StringEval("111"),
range = EvalFactory.createAreaEval("A1:A5", values);
confirmCountIf(4, range, new StringEval("<>111"));