HSSFWorkbook book = new HSSFWorkbook();
return FormulaParser.parse(formula, book);
private static void confirmFunc(String formula, int expPtgArraySize, boolean isVarArgFunc, int funcIx) {
Ptg[] ptgs = parse(formula);
Ptg ptgF = ptgs[ptgs.length-1]; // func is last RPN token in all these formulas
// Check critical things in the Ptg array encoding.
if(!(ptgF instanceof AbstractFunctionPtg)) {
throw new RuntimeException("function token missing");
AbstractFunctionPtg func = (AbstractFunctionPtg) ptgF;
if(func.getFunctionIndex() == 255) {
throw new AssertionFailedError("Failed to recognise built-in function in formula '"
+ formula + "'");
assertEquals(expPtgArraySize, ptgs.length);
assertEquals(funcIx, func.getFunctionIndex());
Class expCls = isVarArgFunc ? FuncVarPtg.class : FuncPtg.class;
assertEquals(expCls, ptgF.getClass());
// check that parsed Ptg array converts back to formula text OK
HSSFWorkbook book = new HSSFWorkbook();
String reRenderedFormula = FormulaParser.toFormulaString(book, ptgs);
assertEquals(formula, reRenderedFormula);