// placeholder for first skip attr
int skipAfterTrueParamIndex = temp.createPlaceholder();
int trueParamSize = temp.sumTokenSizes(ifAttrIndex+1, skipAfterTrueParamIndex);
AttrPtg attrIf = new AttrPtg();
AttrPtg attrSkipAfterTrue = new AttrPtg();
if (getChildren().length > 2) {
// false param present
// false parameter
int skipAfterFalseParamIndex = temp.createPlaceholder();
AttrPtg attrSkipAfterFalse = new AttrPtg();
int falseParamSize = temp.sumTokenSizes(skipAfterTrueParamIndex+1, skipAfterFalseParamIndex);
attrIf.setData((short)(trueParamSize + 4)); // distance to start of false parameter. +4 for skip after true
attrSkipAfterTrue.setData((short)(falseParamSize + 4 + 4 - 1)); // 1 less than distance to end of if FuncVar(size=4). +4 for attr skip before
attrSkipAfterFalse.setData((short)(4 - 1)); // 1 less than distance to end of if FuncVar(size=4).
temp.setPlaceholder(ifAttrIndex, attrIf);
temp.setPlaceholder(skipAfterTrueParamIndex, attrSkipAfterTrue);
temp.setPlaceholder(skipAfterFalseParamIndex, attrSkipAfterFalse);
} else {