assertNull( ish.findFirstRecordBySid(AutoFilterInfoRecord.sid) );
CellRangeAddress range = CellRangeAddress.valueOf("A1:B10");
NameRecord name = iwb.getSpecificBuiltinRecord(NameRecord.BUILTIN_FILTER_DB, 1);
assertNotNull( name );
// The built-in name for auto-filter must consist of a single Area3d Ptg.
Ptg[] ptg = name.getNameDefinition();
assertEquals("The built-in name for auto-filter must consist of a single Area3d Ptg", 1, ptg.length);
assertTrue("The built-in name for auto-filter must consist of a single Area3d Ptg", ptg[0] instanceof Area3DPtg);
Area3DPtg aref = (Area3DPtg)ptg[0];
assertEquals(range.getFirstColumn(), aref.getFirstColumn());