public CellValueRecordInterface[] getValueRecords() {
return _valuesAgg.getValueRecords();
public IndexRecord createIndexRecord(int indexRecordOffset, int sizeOfInitialSheetRecords) {
IndexRecord result = new IndexRecord();
result.setLastRowAdd1(_lastrow + 1);
// Calculate the size of the records from the end of the BOF
// and up to the RowRecordsAggregate...
// Add the references to the DBCells in the IndexRecord (one for each block)
// Note: The offsets are relative to the Workbook BOF. Assume that this is
// 0 for now.....
int blockCount = getRowBlockCount();
// Calculate the size of this IndexRecord
int indexRecSize = IndexRecord.getRecordSizeForBlockCount(blockCount);
int currentOffset = indexRecordOffset + indexRecSize + sizeOfInitialSheetRecords;
for (int block = 0; block < blockCount; block++) {
// each row-block has a DBCELL record.
// The offset of each DBCELL record needs to be updated in the INDEX record
// account for row records in this row-block
currentOffset += getRowBlockSize(block);
// account for cell value records after those
currentOffset += _valuesAgg.getRowCellBlockSize(
getStartRowNumberForBlock(block), getEndRowNumberForBlock(block));
// currentOffset is now the location of the DBCELL record for this row-block
// Add space required to write the DBCELL record (whose reference was just added).
currentOffset += (8 + (getRowCountForBlock(block) * 2));
return result;