HSSFRow lastrow = null;
// Add every cell to its row
while (iter.hasNext()) {
CellValueRecordInterface cval = iter.next();
long cellstart = System.currentTimeMillis();
HSSFRow hrow = lastrow;
if (hrow == null || hrow.getRowNum() != cval.getRow()) {
hrow = getRow(cval.getRow());
lastrow = hrow;
if (hrow == null) {
// Some tools (like Perl module Spreadsheet::WriteExcel - bug 41187) skip the RowRecords
// Excel, OpenOffice.org and GoogleDocs are all OK with this, so POI should be too.
if (rowRecordsAlreadyPresent) {
// if at least one row record is present, all should be present.
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected missing row when some rows already present");
// create the row record on the fly now.
RowRecord rowRec = new RowRecord(cval.getRow());
hrow = createRowFromRecord(rowRec);
if (log.check( POILogger.DEBUG )) {