* Creates a chunk, and gives it to its parent group
protected static void process(Entry entry, ChunkGroup grouping) {
String entryName = entry.getName();
Chunk chunk = null;
// Is it a properties chunk? (They have special names)
if (entryName.equals(PropertiesChunk.NAME)) {
if (grouping instanceof Chunks) {
// These should be the properties for the message itself
chunk = new MessagePropertiesChunk(grouping);
} else {
// Will be properties on an attachment or recipient
chunk = new StoragePropertiesChunk(grouping);
} else {
// Check it's a regular chunk
if(entryName.length() < 9) {
// Name in the wrong format
if(entryName.indexOf('_') == -1) {
// Name in the wrong format
// Split it into its parts
int splitAt = entryName.lastIndexOf('_');
String namePrefix = entryName.substring(0, splitAt+1);
String ids = entryName.substring(splitAt+1);
// Make sure we got what we expected, should be of
// the form __<name>_<id><type>
if(namePrefix.equals("Olk10SideProps") ||
namePrefix.equals("Olk10SideProps_")) {
// This is some odd Outlook 2002 thing, skip
} else if(splitAt <= entryName.length()-8) {
// In the right form for a normal chunk
// We'll process this further in a little bit
} else {
// Underscores not the right place, something's wrong
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid chunk name " + entryName);
// Now try to turn it into id + type
try {
int chunkId = Integer.parseInt(ids.substring(0, 4), 16);
int typeId = Integer.parseInt(ids.substring(4, 8), 16);
MAPIType type = Types.getById(typeId);
if (type == null) {
type = Types.createCustom(typeId);
// Special cases based on the ID
if(chunkId == MAPIProperty.MESSAGE_SUBMISSION_ID.id) {
chunk = new MessageSubmissionChunk(namePrefix, chunkId, type);
else {
// Nothing special about this ID
// So, do the usual thing which is by type
if (type == Types.BINARY) {
chunk = new ByteChunk(namePrefix, chunkId, type);
else if (type == Types.DIRECTORY) {
if(entry instanceof DirectoryNode) {
chunk = new DirectoryChunk((DirectoryNode)entry, namePrefix, chunkId, type);
else if (type == Types.ASCII_STRING ||
type == Types.UNICODE_STRING) {
chunk = new StringChunk(namePrefix, chunkId, type);
else {
// Type of an unsupported type! Skipping...
} catch(NumberFormatException e) {
// Name in the wrong format
if(chunk != null) {
if(entry instanceof DocumentNode) {
try {
DocumentInputStream inp = new DocumentInputStream((DocumentNode)entry);
} catch(IOException e) {
logger.log(POILogger.ERROR, "Error reading from part " + entry.getName() + " - " + e.toString());
} else {