Package org.apache.poi.hslf.model.textproperties

Examples of org.apache.poi.hslf.model.textproperties.TextProp

   * Returns -1 if that TextProp isn't present.
   * If the TextProp isn't present, the value from the appropriate
   *  Master Sheet will apply.
  private int getCharTextPropVal(String propName) {
    TextProp prop = null;
    if (characterStyle != null){
      prop = characterStyle.findByName(propName);

    if (prop == null){
      Sheet sheet = parentRun.getSheet();
      int txtype = parentRun.getRunType();
      MasterSheet master = sheet.getMasterSheet();
      if (master != null)
        prop = master.getStyleAttribute(txtype, getIndentLevel(), propName, true);
    return prop == null ? -1 : prop.getValue();
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   * Returns -1 if that TextProp isn't present.
   * If the TextProp isn't present, the value from the appropriate
   *  Master Sheet will apply.
  private int getParaTextPropVal(String propName) {
    TextProp prop = null;
    boolean hardAttribute = false;
    if (paragraphStyle != null){
      prop = paragraphStyle.findByName(propName);

      BitMaskTextProp maskProp = (BitMaskTextProp)paragraphStyle.findByName(ParagraphFlagsTextProp.NAME);
      hardAttribute = maskProp != null && maskProp.getValue() == 0;
    if (prop == null && !hardAttribute){
      Sheet sheet = parentRun.getSheet();
      int txtype = parentRun.getRunType();
      MasterSheet master = sheet.getMasterSheet();
      if (master != null)
        prop = master.getStyleAttribute(txtype, getIndentLevel(), propName, false);

    return prop == null ? -1 : prop.getValue();
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    if(paragraphStyle == null) {
      // paragraphStyle will now be defined

    TextProp tp = fetchOrAddTextProp(paragraphStyle, propName);
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    if(characterStyle == null) {
      // characterStyle will now be defined

    TextProp tp = fetchOrAddTextProp(characterStyle, propName);
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  public static void showTextProps(TextPropCollection tpc) {
    LinkedList textProps = tpc.getTextPropList();
    System.out.println("    Contains " + textProps.size() + " TextProps");
    for(int i=0; i<textProps.size(); i++) {
      TextProp tp = (TextProp)textProps.get(i);
      System.out.println("      " + i + " - " + tp.getName());
      System.out.println("          = " + tp.getValue());
      System.out.println("          @ " + tp.getMask());

      if(tp instanceof BitMaskTextProp) {
        BitMaskTextProp bmtp = (BitMaskTextProp)tp;
        String[] subPropNames = bmtp.getSubPropNames();
        boolean[] subPropMatches = bmtp.getSubPropMatches();
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     * Pickup a style attribute from the master.
     * This is the "workhorse" which returns the default style attrubutes.
    public TextProp getStyleAttribute(int txtype, int level, String name, boolean isCharacter) {

        TextProp prop = null;
        for (int i = level; i >= 0; i--) {
            TextPropCollection[] styles =
                    isCharacter ? _txmaster[txtype].getCharacterStyles() : _txmaster[txtype].getParagraphStyles();
            if (i < styles.length) prop = styles[i].findByName(name);
            if (prop != null) break;
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        TextPropCollection b_ch_3 = (TextPropCollection)b_ch_l.get(2);
        TextPropCollection b_ch_4 = (TextPropCollection)b_ch_l.get(3);

        // In first set, we get a CharFlagsTextProp and a font.size
        TextProp tp_1_1 = (TextProp)b_ch_1.getTextPropList().get(0);
        TextProp tp_1_2 = (TextProp)b_ch_1.getTextPropList().get(1);
        assertEquals(true, tp_1_1 instanceof CharFlagsTextProp);
        assertEquals(true, tp_1_2 instanceof TextProp);
        assertEquals("font.size", tp_1_2.getName());
        assertEquals(20, tp_1_2.getValue());

        // In second set, we get a CharFlagsTextProp and a font.size and a font.color
        TextProp tp_2_1 = (TextProp)b_ch_2.getTextPropList().get(0);
        TextProp tp_2_2 = (TextProp)b_ch_2.getTextPropList().get(1);
        TextProp tp_2_3 = (TextProp)b_ch_2.getTextPropList().get(2);
        assertEquals(true, tp_2_1 instanceof CharFlagsTextProp);
        assertEquals(true, tp_2_2 instanceof TextProp);
        assertEquals(true, tp_2_3 instanceof TextProp);
        assertEquals("font.size", tp_2_2.getName());
        assertEquals("font.color", tp_2_3.getName());
        assertEquals(20, tp_2_2.getValue());

        // In third set, it's just a font.size and a font.color
        TextProp tp_3_1 = (TextProp)b_ch_3.getTextPropList().get(0);
        TextProp tp_3_2 = (TextProp)b_ch_3.getTextPropList().get(1);
        assertEquals(true, tp_3_1 instanceof TextProp);
        assertEquals(true, tp_3_2 instanceof TextProp);
        assertEquals("font.size", tp_3_1.getName());
        assertEquals("font.color", tp_3_2.getName());
        assertEquals(20, tp_3_1.getValue());

        // In fourth set, we get a CharFlagsTextProp and a font.index and a font.size
        TextProp tp_4_1 = (TextProp)b_ch_4.getTextPropList().get(0);
        TextProp tp_4_2 = (TextProp)b_ch_4.getTextPropList().get(1);
        TextProp tp_4_3 = (TextProp)b_ch_4.getTextPropList().get(2);
        assertEquals(true, tp_4_1 instanceof CharFlagsTextProp);
        assertEquals(true, tp_4_2 instanceof TextProp);
        assertEquals(true, tp_4_3 instanceof TextProp);
        assertEquals("font.index", tp_4_2.getName());
        assertEquals("font.size", tp_4_3.getName());
        assertEquals(24, tp_4_3.getValue());
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        TextPropCollection b_p_3 = (TextPropCollection)b_p_l.get(2);
        TextPropCollection b_p_4 = (TextPropCollection)b_p_l.get(3);

        // 1st is left aligned + normal line spacing
        TextProp tp_1_1 = (TextProp)b_p_1.getTextPropList().get(0);
        TextProp tp_1_2 = (TextProp)b_p_1.getTextPropList().get(1);
        assertEquals(true, tp_1_1 instanceof TextProp);
        assertEquals(true, tp_1_2 instanceof TextProp);
        assertEquals("alignment", tp_1_1.getName());
        assertEquals("linespacing", tp_1_2.getName());
        assertEquals(0, tp_1_1.getValue());
        assertEquals(80, tp_1_2.getValue());

        // 2nd is centre aligned (default) + normal line spacing
        TextProp tp_2_1 = (TextProp)b_p_2.getTextPropList().get(0);
        assertEquals(true, tp_2_1 instanceof TextProp);
        assertEquals(true, tp_1_2 instanceof TextProp);
        assertEquals("linespacing", tp_2_1.getName());
        assertEquals(80, tp_2_1.getValue());

        // 3rd is right aligned + normal line spacing
        TextProp tp_3_1 = (TextProp)b_p_3.getTextPropList().get(0);
        TextProp tp_3_2 = (TextProp)b_p_3.getTextPropList().get(1);
        assertEquals(true, tp_3_1 instanceof TextProp);
        assertEquals(true, tp_3_2 instanceof TextProp);
        assertEquals("alignment", tp_3_1.getName());
        assertEquals("linespacing", tp_3_2.getName());
        assertEquals(2, tp_3_1.getValue());
        assertEquals(80, tp_3_2.getValue());

        // 4st is left aligned + normal line spacing (despite differing font)
        TextProp tp_4_1 = (TextProp)b_p_4.getTextPropList().get(0);
        TextProp tp_4_2 = (TextProp)b_p_4.getTextPropList().get(1);
        assertEquals(true, tp_4_1 instanceof TextProp);
        assertEquals(true, tp_4_2 instanceof TextProp);
        assertEquals("alignment", tp_4_1.getName());
        assertEquals("linespacing", tp_4_2.getName());
        assertEquals(0, tp_4_1.getValue());
        assertEquals(80, tp_4_2.getValue());
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        // Now add in on 3, should go to front
        assertEquals(2, b_ch_3.getTextPropList().size());
        TextProp new_cftp = b_ch_3.addWithName("char_flags");
        assertEquals(3, b_ch_3.getTextPropList().size());
        assertEquals(new_cftp, b_ch_3.getTextPropList().get(0));

        // alignment: 1 does have, 2 doesn't

        // Now add in on 2, should go to the front
        assertEquals(1, b_p_2.getTextPropList().size());
        TextProp new_al = b_p_2.addWithName("alignment");
        assertEquals(2, b_p_2.getTextPropList().size());
        assertEquals(new_al, b_p_2.getTextPropList().get(0));

        // This should go at the end
        TextProp new_sa = b_p_2.addWithName("spaceafter");
        assertEquals(3, b_p_2.getTextPropList().size());
        assertEquals(new_sa, b_p_2.getTextPropList().get(2));

        // Check we get an error with a made up one
        try {
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        TextPropCollection tpca = (TextPropCollection)cs.get(0);

        // Second char style is coloured, 00 00 00 05, and 17 long
        TextPropCollection tpcb = stpa.addCharacterTextPropCollection(17);
        TextProp tpb = tpcb.addWithName("font.color");

        // Third char style is coloured, FF 33 00 FE, and 16 long
        TextPropCollection tpcc = stpa.addCharacterTextPropCollection(16);
        TextProp tpc = tpcc.addWithName("font.color");

        // Should now be the same as data_a
        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        byte[] b = baos.toByteArray();
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Related Classes of org.apache.poi.hslf.model.textproperties.TextProp

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