if (cipherAlgorithm == null) {
cipherAlgorithm = CipherAlgorithm.aes128;
if (cipherAlgorithm == CipherAlgorithm.rc4) {
throw new EncryptedDocumentException("RC4 must not be used with agile encryption.");
if (hashAlgorithm == null) {
hashAlgorithm = HashAlgorithm.sha1;
if (chainingMode == null) {
chainingMode = ChainingMode.cbc;
if (!(chainingMode == ChainingMode.cbc || chainingMode == ChainingMode.cfb)) {
throw new EncryptedDocumentException("Agile encryption only supports CBC/CFB chaining.");
if (keyBits == -1) {
keyBits = cipherAlgorithm.defaultKeySize;
if (blockSize == -1) {
blockSize = cipherAlgorithm.blockSize;
boolean found = false;
for (int ks : cipherAlgorithm.allowedKeySize) {
found |= (ks == keyBits);
if (!found) {
throw new EncryptedDocumentException("KeySize "+keyBits+" not allowed for Cipher "+cipherAlgorithm.toString());
header = new AgileEncryptionHeader(cipherAlgorithm, hashAlgorithm, keyBits, blockSize, chainingMode);
verifier = new AgileEncryptionVerifier(cipherAlgorithm, hashAlgorithm, keyBits, blockSize, chainingMode);
decryptor = new AgileDecryptor(this);
encryptor = new AgileEncryptor(this);