// Create file where Deployer will write updated
// (pluto-prepared) .war
File file = new File(uploadedFile.getParentFile(), "tmp" + System.currentTimeMillis());
log.info("file:" + file.getAbsolutePath());
PortletApplicationDefinition pad = Deploy.prepareArchive(uploadedFile, file, appName);
// Extract portlet application information to be added to
// portlet entity registry
log.info("Adding portlet application to registry: " + appName);
PortletApplicationEntityImpl pae = new PortletApplicationEntityImpl();
PortletDefinitionList pdl = pad.getPortletDefinitionList();
for (Iterator it = pdl.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
PortletDefinition pd = (PortletDefinition) it.next();
log.debug("Adding portlet: " + pd.getName());
PortletEntityImpl pe = new PortletEntityImpl();