Package org.apache.pivot.wtk

Examples of org.apache.pivot.wtk.TableView

        if (previousTableView != null) {

        TableView tableView = tableViewHeader.getTableView();
        if (tableView != null) {

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    public void install(Component component) {

        TableView tableView = (TableView)component;
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    public int getPreferredHeight(int width) {
        int preferredHeight = 0;

        TableView tableView = (TableView)getComponent();

        int n = tableView.getTableData().getLength();

        if (variableRowHeight) {
            ArrayList<Integer> columnWidthsLocal = getColumnWidths(tableView, width);

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
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    public int getBaseline(int width, int height) {
        TableView tableView = (TableView)getComponent();
        List<Object> tableData = (List<Object>)tableView.getTableData();

        int baseline = -1;

        TableView.ColumnSequence columns = tableView.getColumns();
        ArrayList<Integer> columnWidthsLocal = getColumnWidths(tableView, width);

        if (variableRowHeight) {
            int rowHeight = getVariableRowHeight(0, columnWidthsLocal);
            Object rowData = tableData.get(0);
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    public void layout() {
        columnWidths = getColumnWidths((TableView)getComponent(), getWidth());

        TableView tableView = (TableView)getComponent();
        TableView.ColumnSequence columns = tableView.getColumns();

        if (variableRowHeight) {
            List<Object> tableData = (List<Object>)tableView.getTableData();

            int n = tableData.getLength();
            rowBoundaries = new ArrayList<Integer>(n);

            int rowY = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                Object rowData = tableData.get(i);

                int rowHeight = 0;
                for (int columnIndex = 0, columnCount = columns.getLength();
                    columnIndex < columnCount; columnIndex++) {
                    TableView.Column column = columns.get(columnIndex);

                    TableView.CellRenderer cellRenderer = column.getCellRenderer();

                    int columnWidth = columnWidths.get(columnIndex);

                    cellRenderer.render(rowData, i, columnIndex, tableView, column.getName(),
                        false, false, false);
                    rowHeight = Math.max(rowHeight, cellRenderer.getPreferredHeight(columnWidth));

                rowY += rowHeight;
        } else {
            fixedRowHeight = calculateFixedRowHeight(tableView);

        if (validateSelection) {
            // Ensure that the selection is visible
            Sequence<Span> selectedRanges = tableView.getSelectedRanges();

            if (selectedRanges.getLength() > 0) {
                int rangeStart = selectedRanges.get(0).start;
                int rangeEnd = selectedRanges.get(selectedRanges.getLength() - 1).end;

                Bounds selectionBounds = getRowBounds(rangeStart);
                selectionBounds = selectionBounds.union(getRowBounds(rangeEnd));

                Bounds visibleSelectionBounds = tableView.getVisibleArea(selectionBounds);
                if (visibleSelectionBounds != null
                    && visibleSelectionBounds.height < selectionBounds.height) {

        validateSelection = false;
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    public void paint(Graphics2D graphics) {
        TableView tableView = (TableView)getComponent();
        List<Object> tableData = (List<Object>)tableView.getTableData();
        TableView.ColumnSequence columns = tableView.getColumns();

        int width = getWidth();
        int height = getHeight();

        // Paint the background
        if (backgroundColor != null) {
            graphics.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);

        // Ensure that we only paint items that are visible
        int rowStart = 0;
        int rowEnd = tableData.getLength() - 1;

        Rectangle clipBounds = graphics.getClipBounds();
        if (clipBounds != null) {
            if (variableRowHeight) {
                rowStart = getRowAt(clipBounds.y);
                if (rowStart == -1) {
                    rowStart = tableData.getLength();

                if (rowEnd != -1) {
                    int clipBottom = clipBounds.y + clipBounds.height - 1;
                    clipBottom = Math.min(clipBottom, rowBoundaries.get(rowEnd) - 1);
                    rowEnd = getRowAt(clipBottom);
            } else {
                rowStart = Math.max(rowStart, (int)Math.floor(clipBounds.y
                    / (double)(fixedRowHeight + 1)));
                rowEnd = Math.min(rowEnd, (int)Math.ceil((clipBounds.y
                    + clipBounds.height) / (double)(fixedRowHeight + 1)) - 1);

        // Paint the row background
        if (alternateRowBackgroundColor != null) {
            for (int rowIndex = rowStart; rowIndex <= rowEnd; rowIndex++) {
                int rowY = getRowY(rowIndex);
                int rowHeight = getRowHeight(rowIndex);
                if (rowIndex % 2 > 0) {
                    graphics.fillRect(0, rowY, width, rowHeight + 1);

        // Paint the column backgrounds
        int columnX = 0;
        if (columnSelectionColor != null) {

            columnX = 0;

            for (int columnIndex = 0, columnCount = columns.getLength();
                columnIndex < columnCount; columnIndex++) {
                TableView.Column column = columns.get(columnIndex);
                int columnWidth = columnWidths.get(columnIndex);

                String columnName = column.getName();
                SortDirection sortDirection = tableView.getSort().get(columnName);
                if (sortDirection != null) {
                    graphics.fillRect(columnX, 0, columnWidth, height);

                columnX += columnWidth + 1;

        // Paint the row content
        for (int rowIndex = rowStart; rowIndex <= rowEnd; rowIndex++) {
            Object rowData = tableData.get(rowIndex);
            boolean rowHighlighted = (rowIndex == highlightIndex
                && tableView.getSelectMode() != TableView.SelectMode.NONE);
            boolean rowSelected = tableView.isRowSelected(rowIndex);
            boolean rowDisabled = tableView.isRowDisabled(rowIndex);
            int rowY = getRowY(rowIndex);
            int rowHeight = getRowHeight(rowIndex);

            // Paint selection state
            Color rowBackgroundColor = null;
            if (rowSelected) {
                rowBackgroundColor = (tableView.isFocused())
                    ? this.selectionBackgroundColor : inactiveSelectionBackgroundColor;
            } else {
                if (rowHighlighted && showHighlight && !rowDisabled) {
                    rowBackgroundColor = highlightBackgroundColor;

            if (rowBackgroundColor != null) {
                graphics.fillRect(0, rowY, width, rowHeight);

            // Paint the cells
            columnX = 0;

            for (int columnIndex = 0, columnCount = columns.getLength();
                columnIndex < columnCount; columnIndex++) {
                TableView.Column column = columns.get(columnIndex);

                TableView.CellRenderer cellRenderer = column.getCellRenderer();

                int columnWidth = columnWidths.get(columnIndex);

                Graphics2D rendererGraphics = (Graphics2D)graphics.create(columnX, rowY,
                    columnWidth, rowHeight);

                cellRenderer.render(rowData, rowIndex, columnIndex, tableView, column.getName(),
                    rowSelected, rowHighlighted, rowDisabled);
                cellRenderer.setSize(columnWidth, rowHeight);


                columnX += columnWidth + 1;

        // Paint the vertical grid lines

        if (showVerticalGridLines) {
            columnX = 0;

            for (int columnIndex = 0, columnCount = columns.getLength();
                columnIndex < columnCount; columnIndex++) {
                columnX += columnWidths.get(columnIndex);

                if (columnIndex < columnCount - 1
                    || includeTrailingVerticalGridLine) {
                    GraphicsUtilities.drawLine(graphics, columnX, 0, height, Orientation.VERTICAL);


        // Paint the horizontal grid lines

        if (showHorizontalGridLines) {
            int rowCount = tableData.getLength();

            for (int rowIndex = rowStart; rowIndex <= rowEnd; rowIndex++) {
                int gridY = getRowY(rowIndex + 1) - 1;

                if (rowIndex < rowCount - 1
                    || includeTrailingHorizontalGridLine) {
                    GraphicsUtilities.drawLine(graphics, 0, gridY, width, Orientation.HORIZONTAL);

            if (columnSelectionHorizontalGridColor != null) {

                columnX = 0;

                for (int columnIndex = 0, columnCount = columns.getLength();
                    columnIndex < columnCount; columnIndex++) {
                    TableView.Column column = columns.get(columnIndex);
                    int columnWidth = columnWidths.get(columnIndex);

                    String columnName = column.getName();
                    SortDirection sortDirection = tableView.getSort().get(columnName);
                    if (sortDirection != null) {
                        for (int rowIndex = rowStart; rowIndex <= rowEnd; rowIndex++) {
                            int gridY = getRowY(rowIndex + 1) - 1;

                            if (rowIndex < rowCount - 1
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        return rowHeight;

    protected int getVariableRowHeight(int rowIndex, ArrayList<Integer> columnWidthsArgument) {
        TableView tableView = (TableView)getComponent();
        List<Object> tableData = (List<Object>)tableView.getTableData();

        TableView.ColumnSequence columns = tableView.getColumns();
        Object rowData = tableData.get(rowIndex);

        int rowHeight = 0;
        for (int i = 0, n = columns.getLength(); i < n; i++) {
            TableView.Column column = columns.get(i);
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    public int getRowAt(int y) {
        if (y < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("y is negative");

        TableView tableView = (TableView)getComponent();

        int rowIndex;
        if (variableRowHeight) {
            if (y == 0) {
                rowIndex = 0;
            } else {
                rowIndex = ArrayList.binarySearch(rowBoundaries, y);
                if (rowIndex < 0) {
                    rowIndex = -(rowIndex + 1);
        } else {
            rowIndex = (y / (fixedRowHeight + 1));

        List<Object> tableData = (List<Object>)tableView.getTableData();
        if (rowIndex >= tableData.getLength()) {
            rowIndex = -1;

        return rowIndex;
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    public int getColumnAt(int x) {
        if (x < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("x is negative");

        TableView tableView = (TableView)getComponent();

        int columnIndex = -1;

        int i = 0;
        int n = tableView.getColumns().getLength();
        int columnX = 0;
        while (i < n
            && x > columnX) {
            columnX += (columnWidths.get(i) + 1);
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    public Bounds getCellBounds(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
        TableView tableView = (TableView)getComponent();
        List<Object> tableData = (List<Object>)tableView.getTableData();

        if (rowIndex < 0
            || rowIndex >= tableData.getLength()) {
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
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Related Classes of org.apache.pivot.wtk.TableView

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