Package org.apache.pivot.wtk

Examples of org.apache.pivot.wtk.TablePane$RowSequence

        frame = new Frame(windowContent);
        frame.setPreferredSize(480, 360);
        frame.getStyles().put("padding", 0);;

        final TablePane tablePane = new TablePane();
        tablePane.setPreferredSize(320, 240);
        tablePane.getColumns().add(new TablePane.Column(1, true));
        tablePane.getRows().add(new TablePane.Row(1, true));
        tablePane.getRows().add(new TablePane.Row(-1));

        final Label sheetContent = new Label("Sheet Content");
        sheetContent.getStyles().put("wrapText", true);
        sheetContent.getStyles().put("horizontalAlignment", HorizontalAlignment.CENTER);
        sheetContent.getStyles().put("verticalAlignment", VerticalAlignment.CENTER);


        Label promptBody = new Label("Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.");
        promptBody.getStyles().put("wrapText", true);

        final Prompt prompt = new Prompt(MessageType.INFO, "Prompt", new ArrayList<String>("OK"), promptBody);
        prompt.getStyles().put("resizable", true);

        prompt.getComponentMouseListeners().add(new ComponentMouseListener.Adapter() {
            public void mouseOver(Component component) {
                System.out.println("Mouse Over");

            public void mouseOut(Component component) {
                System.out.println("Mouse out");

        Label alertBody = new Label("Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.");
        alertBody.getStyles().put("wrapText", true);

        final Alert alert = new Alert(MessageType.INFO, "Alert", new ArrayList<String>("OK"), alertBody);

        BoxPane boxPane = new BoxPane();

        boxPane.getStyles().put("horizontalAlignment", HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT);

        final PushButton closeButton = new PushButton("Close");
        closeButton.getStyles().put("minimumAspectRatio", 3);
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        dividerColor = theme.getColor(9);

        selectionBevelColor = TerraTheme.brighten(selectionBackgroundColor);

        // Create the table pane
        calendarTablePane = new TablePane();
        for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
            calendarTablePane.getColumns().add(new TablePane.Column(1, true));

        // Month spinner
        monthSpinner = new Spinner();
        monthSpinner.setSpinnerData(new NumericSpinnerData(0, 11));
        monthSpinner.setItemRenderer(new MonthSpinnerItemRenderer());
        monthSpinner.getStyles().put("sizeToContent", true);

        monthSpinner.getSpinnerSelectionListeners().add(new SpinnerSelectionListener.Adapter() {
            public void selectedItemChanged(Spinner spinner, Object previousSelectedItem) {
                Calendar calendar = (Calendar)getComponent();

        // Year spinner
        yearSpinner = new Spinner();
        yearSpinner.setSpinnerData(new NumericSpinnerData(0, Short.MAX_VALUE));

        yearSpinner.getSpinnerSelectionListeners().add(new SpinnerSelectionListener.Adapter() {
            public void selectedItemChanged(Spinner spinner, Object previousSelectedItem) {
                Calendar calendar = (Calendar)getComponent();

        // Attach a listener to consume mouse clicks
        ComponentMouseButtonListener spinnerMouseButtonListener = new ComponentMouseButtonListener.Adapter() {
            public boolean mouseClick(Component component, Mouse.Button button, int x, int y, int count) {
                return true;


        // Add the month/year table pane
        TablePane monthYearTablePane = new TablePane();
        monthYearTablePane.getStyles().put("padding", 3);
        monthYearTablePane.getStyles().put("horizontalSpacing", 4);

        monthYearTablePane.getColumns().add(new TablePane.Column(1, true));
        monthYearTablePane.getColumns().add(new TablePane.Column(-1));

        TablePane.Row monthYearRow = new TablePane.Row(-1);

        TablePane.Row calendarRow = new TablePane.Row();
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        // Set the derived colors
        titleBarBevelColor = TerraTheme.brighten(titleBarBackgroundColor);

        // Create the title bar components
        titleBarTablePane = new TablePane();
        titleBarTablePane.getColumns().add(new TablePane.Column(1, true));
        titleBarTablePane.getColumns().add(new TablePane.Column(-1));

        titleBarTablePane.getStyles().put("padding", new Insets(3));
        titleBarTablePane.getStyles().put("horizontalSpacing", 3);
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    public void install(Component component) {

        TablePane tablePane = (TablePane)component;
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    public int getPreferredWidth(int height) {
        TablePane tablePane = (TablePane)getComponent();
        TablePane.RowSequence rows = tablePane.getRows();
        TablePane.ColumnSequence columns = tablePane.getColumns();

        int rowCount = rows.getLength();
        int columnCount = columns.getLength();

        int[] columnWidths = new int[columnCount];
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        return preferredWidth;

    public int getPreferredHeight(int width) {
        TablePane tablePane = (TablePane)getComponent();
        TablePane.RowSequence rows = tablePane.getRows();
        TablePane.ColumnSequence columns = tablePane.getColumns();

        int rowCount = rows.getLength();
        int columnCount = columns.getLength();

        int[] rowHeights = new int[rowCount];
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        return new Dimensions(preferredWidth, preferredHeight);

    public int getBaseline(int width, int height) {
        TablePane tablePane = (TablePane)getComponent();

        TablePane.RowSequence rows = tablePane.getRows();
        TablePane.ColumnSequence columns = tablePane.getColumns();

        int rowCount = rows.getLength();
        int columnCount = columns.getLength();

        int[] columnWidths = getColumnWidths(width);
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        return baseline;

    public void layout() {
        TablePane tablePane = (TablePane)getComponent();

        TablePane.RowSequence rows = tablePane.getRows();
        TablePane.ColumnSequence columns = tablePane.getColumns();

        int rowCount = rows.getLength();
        int columnCount = columns.getLength();

        int width = getWidth();
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    public void paint(Graphics2D graphics) {

        TablePane tablePane = (TablePane)getComponent();

        TablePane.RowSequence rows = tablePane.getRows();
        TablePane.ColumnSequence columns = tablePane.getColumns();

        int rowCount = rows.getLength();
        int columnCount = columns.getLength();

        int width = getWidth();
        int height = getHeight();


        // Paint the highlighted rows
        for (int i = 0, rowY =; i < rowCount; i++) {
            TablePane.Row row = rows.get(i);

            if (row.isHighlighted()) {
                graphics.fillRect(0, rowY, width, rowHeights[i]);

            rowY += rowHeights[i] + verticalSpacing;

        // Paint the highlighted columns
        for (int j = 0, columnX = padding.left; j < columnCount; j++) {
            TablePane.Column column = columns.get(j);

            if (column.isHighlighted()) {
                graphics.fillRect(columnX, 0, columnWidths[j], height);

            columnX += columnWidths[j] + horizontalSpacing;

        // Paint the grid lines
        if ((showHorizontalGridLines && verticalSpacing > 0)
            || (showVerticalGridLines && horizontalSpacing > 0)) {
            Graphics2D gridGraphics = (Graphics2D)graphics.create();

            gridGraphics.setStroke(new BasicStroke());

            // Find any components that span multiple rows or columns, and
            // ensure that the grid lines don't get painted through their
            // cells. We'll only instantiate gridClip if we find such cells
            Area gridClip = null;

            for (int i = 0, componentY =; i < rowCount; i++) {
                for (int j = 0, componentX = padding.left; j < columnCount; j++) {
                    Component component = tablePane.getCellComponent(i, j);

                    if (component != null) {
                        int rowSpan = TablePane.getRowSpan(component);
                        int columnSpan = TablePane.getColumnSpan(component);
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     * @return
     * A grid of booleans, where occupied cells are denoted by <tt>true</tt>,
     * and vacant cells are denoted by <tt>false</tt>
    private boolean[][] getOccupiedCells() {
        TablePane tablePane = (TablePane)getComponent();

        TablePane.RowSequence rows = tablePane.getRows();
        TablePane.ColumnSequence columns = tablePane.getColumns();

        int rowCount = rows.getLength();
        int columnCount = columns.getLength();

        boolean[][] occupiedCells = new boolean[rowCount][columnCount];
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Related Classes of org.apache.pivot.wtk.TablePane$RowSequence

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