for (int fieldIndex = 0, fieldCount = section.getLength();
fieldIndex < fieldCount; fieldIndex++) {
Component field = section.get(fieldIndex);
if (field.isVisible()) {
Label label = labels.get(sectionIndex).get(fieldIndex);
maximumLabelWidth = Math.max(maximumLabelWidth, label.getPreferredWidth());
if (showFlagMessagesInline) {
// Calculate maximum flag message width
Form.Flag flag = Form.getFlag(field);
if (flag != null) {
String message = flag.getMessage();
if (message != null) {
maximumFlagMessageWidth = Math.max(maximumFlagMessageWidth,
// Determine the field width
int width = getWidth();
int fieldWidth = Math.max(0, width - (maximumLabelWidth + horizontalSpacing));
if (showFlagIcons) {
fieldWidth = Math.max(0, fieldWidth - (maximumFlagImageWidth + flagIconOffset));
if (showFlagMessagesInline) {
fieldWidth = Math.max(0, fieldWidth - (maximumFlagMessageWidth
fieldWidth = Math.max(0, fieldWidth - (padding.left + padding.right));
// Lay out the components
int rowY =;
for (int sectionIndex = 0, sectionCount = sections.getLength();
sectionIndex < sectionCount; sectionIndex++) {
Form.Section section = sections.get(sectionIndex);
Separator separator = separators.get(sectionIndex);
if (sectionIndex > 0
|| section.getHeading() != null) {
int separatorWidth = Math.max(width - (padding.left + padding.right), 0);
separator.setSize(separatorWidth, separator.getPreferredHeight(separatorWidth));
separator.setLocation(padding.left, rowY);
rowY += separator.getHeight();
} else {
for (int fieldIndex = 0, fieldCount = section.getLength();
fieldIndex < fieldCount; fieldIndex++) {
Label label = labels.get(sectionIndex).get(fieldIndex);
Component field = section.get(fieldIndex);
if (field.isVisible()) {
// Show the label
// Determine the label size and baseline
Dimensions labelSize = label.getPreferredSize();
int labelAscent = label.getBaseline(labelSize.width, labelSize.height);
int labelDescent = labelSize.height - labelAscent;
// Determine the field size and baseline
Dimensions fieldSize;
if (fill) {
fieldSize = new Dimensions(fieldWidth, field.getPreferredHeight(fieldWidth));
} else {
fieldSize = field.getPreferredSize();
int fieldAscent = field.getBaseline(fieldSize.width, fieldSize.height);
if (fieldAscent == -1) {
fieldAscent = labelAscent;
int fieldDescent = fieldSize.height - fieldAscent;
// Determine the baseline and row height
int maximumAscent = Math.max(labelAscent, fieldAscent);
int maximumDescent = Math.max(labelDescent, fieldDescent);
int baseline = maximumAscent;
int rowHeight = maximumAscent + maximumDescent;
// Position the label
int labelX = padding.left;
if (!leftAlignLabels) {
labelX += maximumLabelWidth - label.getWidth();
if (showFlagIcons) {
labelX += (maximumFlagImageWidth + flagIconOffset);
int labelY = rowY + (baseline - labelAscent);
label.setLocation(labelX, labelY);
// Position the field
int fieldX = padding.left + maximumLabelWidth + horizontalSpacing;
if (showFlagIcons) {
fieldX += (maximumFlagImageWidth + flagIconOffset);
int fieldY = rowY + (baseline - fieldAscent);
field.setLocation(fieldX, fieldY);
// Update the row y-coordinate
rowY += rowHeight + verticalSpacing;
} else {
// Hide the label