Package org.apache.pivot.wtk

Examples of org.apache.pivot.wtk.Component$StyleDictionary

            && title.length() > 0) {
            LineMetrics lm = font.getLineMetrics(title, fontRenderContext);
            topThickness = Math.max((int)Math.ceil(lm.getHeight()), topThickness);

        Component content = border.getContent();
        if (content != null) {
            content.setLocation(padding.left + thickness,
       + topThickness);

            int contentWidth = Math.max(width - (padding.left + padding.right
                + (thickness * 2)), 0);
            int contentHeight = Math.max(height - ( + padding.bottom
                + (topThickness + thickness)), 0);

            content.setSize(contentWidth, contentHeight);
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                TablePane.Column tablePaneColumn = new TablePane.Column();

                // Determine which component to use as the editor for this column
                String columnName = tableViewColumns.get(i).getName();
                Component editorComponent = null;
                if (columnName != null) {
                    editorComponent = cellEditors.get(columnName);

                // Default to a TextInput editor
                if (editorComponent == null) {
                    TextInput editorTextInput = new TextInput();
                    editorComponent = editorTextInput;

                // Disable the component for read-only properties. Components
                // that are already disabled must be custom cell editor
                // components and assumed to represent read-only properties.
                if (!editorComponent.isEnabled()
                    || (beanDictionary != null
                    && beanDictionary.isReadOnly(columnName))) {
                    editorComponent.getUserData().put(READ_ONLY_KEY, true);

                // Add the editor component to the table pane
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                        public void selectedIndexChanged(CardPane cardPane, int previousSelectedIndex) {
                            // Clear the opening flag
                            opening = false;

                            // Focus the initial editor component
                            Component focusComponent = tablePane.getCellComponent(0, columnIndex);

                            // Remove this listener
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                // may represent a relative width, and we need the actual width
                int columnWidth = tableView.getColumnBounds(i).width;

                // Disable the editor component if necessary
                Component editorComponent = tablePaneRow.get(i);
                boolean isReadOnly = (editorComponent.getUserData().get(READ_ONLY_KEY) != null);
                editorComponent.setEnabled(!isReadOnly && columnWidth > 0);
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                Calendar calendar = (Calendar)TerraCalendarSkin.this.getComponent();
                int cellIndex = getCellIndex(date.year, date.month,, calendar.getLocale());
                int rowIndex = cellIndex / 7;
                int columnIndex = cellIndex % 7;

                Component nextButton;
                switch (keyCode) {
                    case Keyboard.KeyCode.UP: {
                        do {
                            if (rowIndex < 0) {
                                rowIndex = 5;

                            TablePane.Row row = calendarTablePane.getRows().get(rowIndex + 2);
                            nextButton = row.get(columnIndex);
                        } while (!nextButton.isEnabled());


                    case Keyboard.KeyCode.DOWN: {
                        do {
                            if (rowIndex > 5) {
                                rowIndex = 0;

                            TablePane.Row row = calendarTablePane.getRows().get(rowIndex + 2);
                            nextButton = row.get(columnIndex);
                        } while (!nextButton.isEnabled());


                    case Keyboard.KeyCode.LEFT: {
                        TablePane.Row row = calendarTablePane.getRows().get(rowIndex + 2);

                        do {
                            if (columnIndex < 0) {
                                columnIndex = 6;

                            nextButton = row.get(columnIndex);
                        } while (!nextButton.isEnabled());


                    case Keyboard.KeyCode.RIGHT: {
                        TablePane.Row row = calendarTablePane.getRows().get(rowIndex + 2);

                        do {
                            if (columnIndex > 6) {
                                columnIndex = 0;

                            nextButton = row.get(columnIndex);
                        } while (!nextButton.isEnabled());


                consumed = true;
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        for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
            TablePane.Row row = rows.get(i);

            for (int j = 0, n = row.getLength(); j < n && j < columnCount; j++) {
                Component component = row.get(j);

                if (component != null
                    && component.isVisible()) {
                    int columnSpan = TablePane.getColumnSpan(component);

                    if (columnSpan > 1) {
                        // We might need to adjust column widths to accomodate
                        // this spanning cell. First, we find out if any of the
                        // spanned cells are default width and how much space
                        // we've allocated thus far for those cells

                        int spannedDefaultWidthCellCount = 0;
                        int spannedRelativeWeight = 0;
                        int spannedWidth = 0;

                        for (int k = 0; k < columnSpan && j + k < columnCount; k++) {
                            if (defaultWidthColumns[j + k]) {

                            spannedRelativeWeight += relativeWeights[j + k];
                            spannedWidth += columnWidths[j + k];

                        if (spannedRelativeWeight > 0
                            || spannedDefaultWidthCellCount > 0) {
                            int rowHeight = row.isRelative() ? -1 : row.getHeight();
                            int componentPreferredWidth = component.getPreferredWidth(rowHeight);

                            if (componentPreferredWidth > spannedWidth) {
                                // The component's preferred width is larger
                                // than the width we've allocated thus far, so
                                // an adjustment is necessary
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        for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
            TablePane.Row row = rows.get(i);

            for (int j = 0, n = row.getLength(); j < n && j < columnCount; j++) {
                Component component = row.get(j);

                if (component != null
                    && component.isVisible()) {
                    int rowSpan = TablePane.getRowSpan(component);

                    if (rowSpan > 1) {
                        // We might need to adjust row heights to accomodate
                        // this spanning cell. First, we find out if any of the
                        // spanned cells are default height and how much space
                        // we've allocated thus far for those cells

                        int spannedDefaultHeightCellCount = 0;
                        int spannedRelativeWeight = 0;
                        int spannedHeight = 0;

                        for (int k = 0; k < rowSpan && i + k < rowCount; k++) {
                            if (defaultHeightRows[i + k]) {

                            spannedRelativeWeight += relativeWeights[i + k];
                            spannedHeight += rowHeights[i + k];

                        if (spannedRelativeWeight > 0
                            || spannedDefaultHeightCellCount > 0) {
                            int componentPreferredHeight =

                            if (componentPreferredHeight > spannedHeight) {
                                // The component's preferred height is larger
                                // than the height we've allocated thus far, so
                                // an adjustment is necessary
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        for (int i = 0; i < rowCount && baseline == -1; i++) {
            TablePane.Row row = rows.get(i);
            boolean rowVisible = false;

            for (int j = 0, n = row.getLength(); j < n && j < columnCount && baseline == -1; j++) {
                Component component = row.get(j);

                if (component != null
                    && component.isVisible()) {
                    int columnSpan = Math.min(TablePane.getColumnSpan(component), columnCount - j);
                    int componentWidth = (columnSpan - 1) * horizontalSpacing;
                    for (int k = 0; k < columnSpan && j + k < columnCount; k++) {
                        componentWidth += columnWidths[j + k];

                    int rowSpan = Math.min(TablePane.getRowSpan(component), rowCount  - i);
                    int componentHeight = (rowSpan - 1) * verticalSpacing;
                    for (int k = 0; k < rowSpan && i + k < rowCount; k++) {
                        componentHeight += rowHeights[i + k];

                    baseline = component.getBaseline(Math.max(componentWidth, 0),
                        Math.max(componentHeight, 0));

                    if (baseline != -1) {
                        baseline += rowY;
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        for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
            TablePane.Row row = rows.get(i);

            int componentX = padding.left;
            for (int j = 0, n = row.getLength(); j < n && j < columnCount; j++) {
                Component child = row.get(j);

                if (child != null
                    && child.isVisible()) {
                    child.setLocation(componentX, componentY);

                    int columnSpan = TablePane.getColumnSpan(child);
                    columnSpan = Math.min(columnSpan, columnCount - j);
                    int childWidth = (columnSpan - 1) * horizontalSpacing;
                    for (int k = 0; k < columnSpan && j + k < columnCount; k++) {
                        childWidth += columnWidths[j + k];

                    int rowSpan = TablePane.getRowSpan(child);
                    rowSpan = Math.min(rowSpan,rowCount  - i);
                    int childHeight = (rowSpan - 1) * verticalSpacing;
                    for (int k = 0; k < rowSpan && i + k < rowCount; k++) {
                        childHeight += rowHeights[i + k];

                    // Set the component's size
                    child.setSize(Math.max(childWidth, 0), Math.max(childHeight, 0));

                if (visibleColumns[j]) {
                    componentX += (columnWidths[j] + horizontalSpacing);
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        if (keyCode == Keyboard.KeyCode.TAB
            && getComponent().isFocused()) {
            Direction direction = (Keyboard.isPressed(Keyboard.Modifier.SHIFT)) ?
                Direction.BACKWARD : Direction.FORWARD;

            Component previousFocusedComponent = Component.getFocusedComponent();

            Component focusedComponent = Component.getFocusedComponent();

            if (previousFocusedComponent != focusedComponent) {
                // Ensure that the focused component is visible if it is in a viewport
                focusedComponent.scrollAreaToVisible(0, 0, focusedComponent.getWidth(),

                consumed = true;
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Related Classes of org.apache.pivot.wtk.Component$StyleDictionary

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