Package org.apache.pivot.wtk

Examples of org.apache.pivot.wtk.Component$DecoratorSequence

        label.setText((labelText == null) ? "" : labelText + delimiter);

    private void updateFieldFlag(Form.Section section, int fieldIndex) {
        Form form = (Form)getComponent();
        Component field = section.get(fieldIndex);

        int sectionIndex = form.getSections().indexOf(section);
        ImageView flagImageView = flagImageViews.get(sectionIndex).get(fieldIndex);
        Form.Flag flag = Form.getFlag(field);
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    public MenuBars() {
        Action.getNamedActions().put("fileNew", new Action() {
            public void perform() {
                WTKXSerializer wtkxSerializer = new WTKXSerializer();
                Component tab;
                try {
                    tab = new Border((Component)wtkxSerializer.readObject(this, "document.wtkx"));

                    TextInput textInput1 = (TextInput)wtkxSerializer.get("textInput1");
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        Sequence<Component> tabs = tabPane.getTabs();
        int selectedIndex = tabPane.getSelectedIndex();

        for (int i = 0, n = tabs.getLength(); i < n; i++) {
            Component tab = tabs.get(i);
            tab.setVisible(i == selectedIndex);

            TabButton tabButton = new TabButton(tab);

            // Listen for state changes on the tab

        selectedIndexChanged(tabPane, -1);
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    public int getPreferredWidth(int height) {
        int preferredWidth = 0;

        TabPane tabPane = (TabPane)getComponent();

        Component selectedTab = tabPane.getSelectedTab();
        Component corner = tabPane.getCorner();

        switch (tabOrientation) {
            case HORIZONTAL: {
                if (height != -1) {
                    if (corner != null) {
                        height = Math.max(height - Math.max(corner.getPreferredHeight(-1),
                            Math.max(buttonPanorama.getPreferredHeight(-1) - 1, 0)), 0);
                    } else {
                        height = Math.max(height - (buttonPanorama.getPreferredHeight(-1) - 1), 0);

                    height = Math.max(height - ( + padding.bottom + 2), 0);

                preferredWidth = getPreferredTabWidth(height) + (padding.left + padding.right + 2);

                int buttonAreaPreferredWidth = buttonPanorama.getPreferredWidth(-1);
                if (corner != null) {
                    buttonAreaPreferredWidth += corner.getPreferredWidth(-1);

                preferredWidth = Math.max(preferredWidth, buttonAreaPreferredWidth);


            case VERTICAL: {
                if (height != -1) {
                    height = Math.max(height - ( + padding.bottom + 2), 0);

                if (selectedTab == null
                    && selectionChangeTransition == null) {
                    preferredWidth = 1;
                } else {
                    preferredWidth = getPreferredTabWidth(height) + (padding.left + padding.right);

                    if (selectionChangeTransition != null) {
                        float scale = selectionChangeTransition.getScale();
                        preferredWidth = (int)(preferredWidth * scale);

                    preferredWidth += 2;

                if (corner != null) {
                    preferredWidth += Math.max(corner.getPreferredWidth(-1),
                        Math.max(buttonPanorama.getPreferredWidth(-1) - 1, 0));
                } else {
                    preferredWidth += Math.max(buttonPanorama.getPreferredWidth(-1) - 1, 0);

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    public int getPreferredHeight(int width) {
        int preferredHeight = 0;

        TabPane tabPane = (TabPane)getComponent();

        Component selectedTab = tabPane.getSelectedTab();
        Component corner = tabPane.getCorner();

        switch (tabOrientation) {
            case HORIZONTAL: {
                if (width != -1) {
                    width = Math.max(width - (padding.left + padding.right + 2), 0);

                if (selectedTab == null
                    && selectionChangeTransition == null) {
                    preferredHeight = 1;
                } else {
                    preferredHeight = getPreferredTabHeight(width) + ( + padding.bottom);

                    if (selectionChangeTransition != null) {
                        float scale = selectionChangeTransition.getScale();
                        preferredHeight = (int)(preferredHeight * scale);

                    preferredHeight += 2;

                if (corner != null) {
                    preferredHeight += Math.max(corner.getPreferredHeight(-1),
                        Math.max(buttonPanorama.getPreferredHeight(-1) - 1, 0));
                } else {
                    preferredHeight += Math.max(buttonPanorama.getPreferredHeight(-1) - 1, 0);


            case VERTICAL: {
                if (width != -1) {
                    if (corner != null) {
                        width = Math.max(width - Math.max(corner.getPreferredWidth(-1),
                            Math.max(buttonPanorama.getPreferredWidth(-1) - 1, 0)), 0);
                    } else {
                        width = Math.max(width - (buttonPanorama.getPreferredWidth(-1) - 1), 0);

                    width = Math.max(width - (padding.left + padding.right + 2), 0);

                preferredHeight = getPreferredTabHeight(width) + ( + padding.bottom + 2);

                int buttonAreaPreferredHeight = buttonPanorama.getPreferredHeight(-1);
                if (corner != null) {
                    buttonAreaPreferredHeight += corner.getPreferredHeight(-1);

                preferredHeight = Math.max(preferredHeight, buttonAreaPreferredHeight);

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        TabPane tabPane = (TabPane)getComponent();

        int preferredWidth;
        int preferredHeight;

        Component selectedTab = tabPane.getSelectedTab();
        Component corner = tabPane.getCorner();

        switch (tabOrientation) {
            case HORIZONTAL: {
                if (selectedTab == null
                    && selectionChangeTransition == null) {
                    preferredWidth = getPreferredTabWidth(-1) + (padding.left + padding.right + 2);
                    preferredHeight = 1;
                } else {
                    Dimensions preferredTabSize = getPreferredTabSize();
                    preferredWidth = preferredTabSize.width + (padding.left + padding.right + 2);
                    preferredHeight = preferredTabSize.height + ( + padding.bottom);

                    if (selectionChangeTransition != null) {
                        float scale = selectionChangeTransition.getScale();
                        preferredHeight = (int)(preferredHeight * scale);

                    preferredHeight += 2;

                int buttonAreaPreferredWidth = buttonPanorama.getPreferredWidth(-1);
                if (corner != null) {
                    buttonAreaPreferredWidth += corner.getPreferredWidth(-1);
                    preferredHeight += Math.max(corner.getPreferredHeight(-1),
                        Math.max(buttonPanorama.getPreferredHeight(-1) - 1, 0));
                } else {
                    preferredHeight += Math.max(buttonPanorama.getPreferredHeight(-1) - 1, 0);

                preferredWidth = Math.max(preferredWidth, buttonAreaPreferredWidth);


            case VERTICAL: {
                if (selectedTab == null
                    && selectionChangeTransition == null) {
                    preferredWidth = 1;
                    preferredHeight = getPreferredTabHeight(-1) + ( + padding.bottom + 2);
                } else {
                    Dimensions preferredTabSize = getPreferredTabSize();

                    preferredWidth = preferredTabSize.width + (padding.left + padding.right);
                    preferredHeight = preferredTabSize.height + ( + padding.bottom + 2);

                    if (selectionChangeTransition != null) {
                        float scale = selectionChangeTransition.getScale();
                        preferredWidth = (int)(preferredWidth * scale);

                    preferredWidth += 2;

                int buttonAreaPreferredHeight = buttonPanorama.getPreferredHeight(-1);
                if (corner != null) {
                    preferredWidth += Math.max(corner.getPreferredWidth(-1),
                        Math.max(buttonPanorama.getPreferredWidth(-1) - 1, 0));
                    buttonAreaPreferredHeight += corner.getPreferredHeight(-1);
                } else {
                    preferredWidth += Math.max(buttonPanorama.getPreferredWidth(-1) - 1, 0);

                preferredHeight = Math.max(preferredHeight, buttonAreaPreferredHeight);
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        int tabX = 0;
        int tabY = 0;
        int tabWidth = 0;
        int tabHeight = 0;

        Component corner = tabPane.getCorner();
        Dimensions buttonPanoramaSize = buttonPanorama.getPreferredSize();

        switch (tabOrientation) {
            case HORIZONTAL: {
                int buttonPanoramaWidth = Math.min(width, buttonPanoramaSize.width);
                int buttonPanoramaHeight = buttonPanoramaSize.height;
                int buttonPanoramaY = 0;

                if (corner != null) {
                    int cornerWidth = width - buttonPanoramaWidth;
                    int cornerHeight = Math.max(corner.getPreferredHeight(-1), buttonPanoramaSize.height - 1);
                    int cornerX = buttonPanoramaWidth;
                    int cornerY = Math.max(buttonPanoramaHeight - cornerHeight - 1, 0);

                    buttonPanoramaY = Math.max(cornerHeight - buttonPanoramaHeight + 1, 0);

                    corner.setLocation(cornerX, cornerY);
                    corner.setSize(cornerWidth, cornerHeight);

                buttonPanorama.setLocation(0, buttonPanoramaY);
                buttonPanorama.setSize(buttonPanoramaWidth, buttonPanoramaHeight);

                tabX = padding.left + 1;
                tabY = + buttonPanoramaY + buttonPanoramaHeight;

                tabWidth = Math.max(width - (padding.left + padding.right + 2), 0);
                tabHeight = Math.max(height - ( + padding.bottom
                    + buttonPanoramaY + buttonPanoramaHeight + 1), 0);


            case VERTICAL: {
                int buttonPanoramaWidth = buttonPanoramaSize.width;
                int buttonPanoramaHeight = Math.min(height,
                int buttonPanoramaX = 0;

                if (corner != null) {
                    int cornerWidth = corner.getPreferredWidth(-1);
                    int cornerHeight = height - buttonPanoramaHeight;
                    int cornerX = Math.max(buttonPanoramaWidth - cornerWidth - 1, 0);
                    int cornerY = buttonPanoramaHeight;

                    buttonPanoramaX = Math.max(cornerWidth - buttonPanoramaWidth + 1, 0);

                    corner.setLocation(cornerX, cornerY);
                    corner.setSize(cornerWidth, cornerHeight);

                buttonPanorama.setLocation(buttonPanoramaX, 0);
                buttonPanorama.setSize(buttonPanoramaWidth, buttonPanoramaHeight);
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    public void tabInserted(TabPane tabPane, int index) {
        if (selectionChangeTransition != null) {

        Component tab = tabPane.getTabs().get(index);

        // Create a new button for the tab
        TabButton tabButton = new TabButton(tab);
        buttonBoxPane.insert(tabButton, index);

        // Listen for state changes on the tab

        // If this is the first tab, select it
        if (tabPane.getTabs().getLength() == 1) {
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        for (int i = 0, n = removed.getLength(); i < n; i++) {
            TabButton tabButton = (TabButton)removedButtons.get(i);

            // Stop listening for state changes on the tab
            Component tab = (Component)tabButton.getButtonData();

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            && selectionChangeTransition == null) {
            int previousSelectedIndex = tabPane.getSelectedIndex();

            if (selectedIndex == -1) {
                // Collapse
                Component tab = tabPane.getTabs().get(previousSelectedIndex);
                selectionChangeTransition = new SelectionChangeTransition(tab, false);
            } else {
                if (previousSelectedIndex == -1) {
                    // Expand
                    Component tab = tabPane.getTabs().get(selectedIndex);
                    selectionChangeTransition = new SelectionChangeTransition(tab, true);

            if (selectionChangeTransition != null) {
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