Package org.apache.pivot.wtk

Examples of org.apache.pivot.wtk.Component$ComponentTooltipListenerList

    ComponentStateListener, ComponentMouseListener, ComponentMouseButtonListener,
    ComponentMouseWheelListener, ComponentKeyListener {
    private class ShowTooltipCallback implements Runnable {
        public void run() {
            Component component = getComponent();
            String tooltipText = component.getTooltipText();

            // The tooltip text may have been cleared while the timeout was
            // outstanding; if so, don't display the tooltip
            if (tooltipText != null) {
                final Tooltip tooltip = new Tooltip(tooltipText);

                Point location = component.getDisplay().getMouseLocation();
                int x = location.x;
                int y = location.y;

                // Ensure that the tooltip stays on screen
                Display display = component.getDisplay();
                int tooltipHeight = tooltip.getPreferredHeight();
                if (y + tooltipHeight > display.getHeight()) {
                    y -= tooltipHeight;

                tooltip.setLocation(x + 16, y);
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        fileBrowser.setFocusTraversalPolicy(new IndexFocusTraversalPolicy() {
            public Component getNextComponent(Container container, Component component,
                Direction direction) {
                Component nextComponent;
                if (component == null) {
                    nextComponent = fileTableView;
                } else {
                    nextComponent = super.getNextComponent(container, component, direction);
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    public File getFileAt(int x, int y) {
        File file = null;

        FileBrowser fileBrowser = (FileBrowser)getComponent();
        Component component = fileBrowser.getDescendantAt(x, y);
        if (component == fileTableView) {
            Point location = fileTableView.mapPointFromAncestor(fileBrowser, x, y);

            int index = fileTableView.getRowAt(location.y);
            if (index != -1) {
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                        if (messageType == null) {
                            ArrayList<String> options = new ArrayList<String>();

                            Component body = null;
                            WTKXSerializer wtkxSerializer = new WTKXSerializer();
                            try {
                                body = (Component)wtkxSerializer.readObject(this, "alert.wtkx");
                            } catch(Exception exception) {

                            Alert alert = new Alert(MessageType.QUESTION, "Please select your favorite icon:",
                                options, body);
                            alert.setTitle("Select Icon");
                            alert.getDecorators().update(0, new ReflectionDecorator());
                        } else {
                            String message = (String)userData.get("message");
                            Alert.alert(MessageType.valueOf(messageType.toUpperCase()), message, window);

                promptButton.getButtonPressListeners().add(new ButtonPressListener() {
                    public void buttonPressed(Button button) {
                        Button selection = messageTypeGroup.getSelection();

                        Map<String, ?> userData;
                        try {
                            userData = JSONSerializer.parseMap((String)selection.getUserData().get("messageInfo"));
                        } catch (SerializationException exception) {
                            throw new RuntimeException(exception);

                        String messageType = (String)userData.get("messageType");

                        if (messageType == null) {
                            ArrayList<String> options = new ArrayList<String>();

                            Component body = null;
                            WTKXSerializer wtkxSerializer = new WTKXSerializer();
                            try {
                                body = (Component)wtkxSerializer.readObject(this, "alert.wtkx");
                            } catch(Exception exception) {
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        Class<?> type, Form.Section section) {
        if (section.getForm() != form) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("section does not belong to form.");

        Component control = null;

        if (type == Boolean.TYPE) {
            control = addBooleanControl(dictionary, key, section);
        } else if (type == Integer.TYPE) {
            control = addIntControl(dictionary, key, section);
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        form.getStyles().put("showFirstSectionHeading", true);

    public void sourceChanged(ComponentInspector componentInspector, Component previousSource) {
        Component source = componentInspector.getSource();

        Form.SectionSequence sections = form.getSections();
        sections.remove(0, sections.getLength());


        if (source != null) {
            Class<?> sourceType = source.getClass();
            HashMap<Class<?>, List<String>> declaringClassPartitions =
                new HashMap<Class<?>, List<String>>(classComparator);

            // Partition the properties by their declaring class
            for (String propertyName : beanDictionary) {
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                sectionIndex < sectionCount; sectionIndex++) {
                Form.Section section = sections.get(sectionIndex);

                for (int fieldIndex = 0, fieldCount = section.getLength();
                    fieldIndex < fieldCount; fieldIndex++) {
                    Component field = section.get(fieldIndex);

                    if (field.isVisible()) {
                        Label label = labels.get(sectionIndex).get(fieldIndex);
                        maximumLabelWidth = Math.max(maximumLabelWidth,

            fieldWidth = Math.max(0, width - (maximumLabelWidth
                + horizontalSpacing + flagImageOffset + FLAG_IMAGE_SIZE));

        // Preferred height is the sum of the maximum value of the label,
        // field, and flag image for each row, plus vertical spacing and
        // preferred separator heights
        for (int sectionIndex = 0, sectionCount = sections.getLength();
            sectionIndex < sectionCount; sectionIndex++) {
            Form.Section section = sections.get(sectionIndex);

            if (showFirstSectionHeading
                || sectionIndex > 0) {
                Separator separator = separators.get(sectionIndex);
                preferredHeight += separator.getPreferredHeight(width);
                preferredHeight += verticalSpacing;

            for (int fieldIndex = 0, fieldCount = section.getLength();
                fieldIndex < fieldCount; fieldIndex++) {
                Component field = section.get(fieldIndex);

                if (field.isVisible()) {
                    Label label = labels.get(sectionIndex).get(fieldIndex);

                    // Determine the label size and baseline
                    Dimensions labelSize = label.getPreferredSize();
                    int labelAscent = label.getBaseline(labelSize.width, labelSize.height);
                    if (labelAscent == -1) {
                        labelAscent = labelSize.height;

                    int labelDescent = labelSize.height - labelAscent;

                    // Determine the field size and baseline
                    Dimensions fieldSize;
                    if (fill
                        && fieldWidth != -1) {
                        fieldSize = new Dimensions(fieldWidth, field.getPreferredHeight(fieldWidth));
                    } else {
                        fieldSize = field.getPreferredSize();

                    int fieldAscent = field.getBaseline(fieldSize.width, fieldSize.height);
                    if (fieldAscent == -1) {
                        fieldAscent = fieldSize.height;

                    int fieldDescent = fieldSize.height - fieldAscent;
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                sectionIndex < sectionCount; sectionIndex++) {
                Form.Section section = sections.get(sectionIndex);

                for (int fieldIndex = 0, fieldCount = section.getLength();
                    fieldIndex < fieldCount; fieldIndex++) {
                    Component field = section.get(fieldIndex);

                    if (field.isVisible()) {
                        Label label = labels.get(sectionIndex).get(fieldIndex);
                        maximumLabelWidth = Math.max(maximumLabelWidth,

            fieldWidth = Math.max(0, width - (maximumLabelWidth
                + horizontalSpacing + flagImageOffset + FLAG_IMAGE_SIZE));

        int baseline = -1;

        int sectionCount = sections.getLength();
        int sectionIndex = 0;

        int rowY = 0;
        while (sectionIndex < sectionCount
            && baseline == -1) {
            Form.Section section = sections.get(sectionIndex);

            if (showFirstSectionHeading
                || sectionIndex > 0) {
                Separator separator = separators.get(sectionIndex);
                rowY += separator.getPreferredHeight(width);
                rowY += verticalSpacing;

            int fieldCount = section.getLength();
            int fieldIndex = 0;

            while (fieldIndex < fieldCount
                && baseline == -1) {
                Component field = section.get(fieldIndex);

                if (field.isVisible()) {
                    Label label = labels.get(sectionIndex).get(fieldIndex);

                    // Determine the label size and baseline
                    Dimensions labelSize = label.getPreferredSize();
                    int labelAscent = label.getBaseline(labelSize.width, labelSize.height);
                    if (labelAscent == -1) {
                        labelAscent = labelSize.height;

                    // Determine the field size and baseline
                    Dimensions fieldSize;
                    if (fill
                        && fieldWidth != -1) {
                        fieldSize = new Dimensions(fieldWidth, field.getPreferredHeight(fieldWidth));
                    } else {
                        fieldSize = field.getPreferredSize();

                    int fieldAscent = field.getBaseline(fieldSize.width, fieldSize.height);
                    if (fieldAscent == -1) {
                        fieldAscent = fieldSize.height;

                    // Determine the baseline
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            sectionIndex < sectionCount; sectionIndex++) {
            Form.Section section = sections.get(sectionIndex);

            for (int fieldIndex = 0, fieldCount = section.getLength();
                fieldIndex < fieldCount; fieldIndex++) {
                Component field = section.get(fieldIndex);

                if (field.isVisible()) {
                    Label label = labels.get(sectionIndex).get(fieldIndex);
                    maximumLabelWidth = Math.max(maximumLabelWidth,

        // Determine the field width
        int width = getWidth();
        int fieldWidth = Math.max(0, width - (maximumLabelWidth + horizontalSpacing
            + flagImageOffset + FLAG_IMAGE_SIZE));

        // Lay out the components
        int rowY = 0;

        for (int sectionIndex = 0, sectionCount = sections.getLength();
            sectionIndex < sectionCount; sectionIndex++) {
            Form.Section section = sections.get(sectionIndex);

            Separator separator = separators.get(sectionIndex);
            if (sectionIndex == 0
                && !showFirstSectionHeading) {
            } else {
                separator.setSize(width, separator.getPreferredHeight(width));
                separator.setLocation(0, rowY);
                rowY += separator.getHeight();

            for (int fieldIndex = 0, fieldCount = section.getLength();
                fieldIndex < fieldCount; fieldIndex++) {
                Component field = section.get(fieldIndex);

                Label label = labels.get(sectionIndex).get(fieldIndex);
                ImageView flagImageView = flagImageViews.get(sectionIndex).get(fieldIndex);

                if (field.isVisible()) {
                    // Show the row components

                    // Determine the label size and baseline
                    Dimensions labelSize = label.getPreferredSize();
                    int labelAscent = label.getBaseline(labelSize.width, labelSize.height);
                    if (labelAscent == -1) {
                        labelAscent = labelSize.height;

                    int labelDescent = labelSize.height - labelAscent;

                    // Determine the field size and baseline
                    Dimensions fieldSize;
                    if (fill) {
                        fieldSize = new Dimensions(fieldWidth, field.getPreferredHeight(fieldWidth));
                    } else {
                        fieldSize = field.getPreferredSize();


                    int fieldAscent = field.getBaseline(fieldSize.width, fieldSize.height);
                    if (fieldAscent == -1) {
                        fieldAscent = fieldSize.height;

                    int fieldDescent = fieldSize.height - fieldAscent;

                    // Determine the baseline and row height
                    int baseline = Math.max(labelAscent, fieldAscent);
                    int rowHeight = Math.max(baseline + Math.max(labelDescent, fieldDescent), FLAG_IMAGE_SIZE);

                    // Align the label and field to baseline
                    int labelX = rightAlignLabels ? maximumLabelWidth - label.getWidth() : 0;
                    int labelY = rowY + (baseline - labelAscent);
                    label.setLocation(labelX, labelY);

                    int fieldX = maximumLabelWidth + horizontalSpacing;
                    int fieldY = rowY + (baseline - fieldAscent);
                    field.setLocation(fieldX, fieldY);

                    // Vertically center the flag on the label
                    int flagImageY = labelY + (labelSize.height - flagImageView.getHeight()) / 2;
                    flagImageView.setLocation(fieldX + field.getWidth() + flagImageOffset, flagImageY);

                    // Update the row y-coordinate
                    rowY += rowHeight + verticalSpacing;
                } else {
                    // Hide the row components
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    private void updateFieldLabel(Form.Section section, int fieldIndex) {
        Form form = (Form)getComponent();
        Component field = section.get(fieldIndex);

        int sectionIndex = form.getSections().indexOf(section);
        Label label = labels.get(sectionIndex).get(fieldIndex);
        String labelText = Form.getLabel(field);
        label.setText((labelText == null) ? "" : labelText + delimiter);
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Related Classes of org.apache.pivot.wtk.Component$ComponentTooltipListenerList

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