public void testReducerNumEstimationForOrderBy() throws Exception{
// use the estimation
pc.getProperties().setProperty("pig.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer", "100");
pc.getProperties().setProperty("pig.exec.reducers.max", "10");
LogicalPlanTester planTester = new LogicalPlanTester(pc) ;
Util.copyFromLocalToCluster(cluster, "test/org/apache/pig/test/data/passwd", "/passwd");
planTester.buildPlan("a = load '/passwd';");
LogicalPlan lp = planTester.buildPlan("b = order a by $0;");
PhysicalPlan pp = Util.buildPhysicalPlan(lp, pc);
POStore store = GenPhyOp.dummyPigStorageOp();
MROperPlan mrPlan = Util.buildMRPlanWithOptimizer(pp, pc);
assertEquals(2, mrPlan.size());
MapReduceOper sort = mrPlan.getLeaves().get(0);
long reducer=Math.min((long)Math.ceil(new File("test/org/apache/pig/test/data/passwd").length()/100.0), 10);
assertEquals(reducer, sort.getRequestedParallelism());
// use the PARALLEL key word, it will override the estimated reducer number
planTester = new LogicalPlanTester(pc) ;
planTester.buildPlan("a = load '/passwd';");
lp = planTester.buildPlan("b = order a by $0 PARALLEL 2;");
pp = Util.buildPhysicalPlan(lp, pc);
store = GenPhyOp.dummyPigStorageOp();
mrPlan = Util.buildMRPlanWithOptimizer(pp, pc);
assertEquals(2, mrPlan.size());
sort = mrPlan.getLeaves().get(0);
assertEquals(2, sort.getRequestedParallelism());
// the estimation won't take effect when it apply to non-dfs or the files doesn't exist, such as hbase
planTester = new LogicalPlanTester(pc) ;
planTester.buildPlan("a = load 'hbase://passwd' using org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('c:f1 c:f2');");
lp = planTester.buildPlan("b = order a by $0 ;");
pp = Util.buildPhysicalPlan(lp, pc);
store = GenPhyOp.dummyPigStorageOp();
mrPlan = Util.buildMRPlanWithOptimizer(pp, pc);
assertEquals(2, mrPlan.size());
sort = mrPlan.getLeaves().get(0);
assertEquals(1, sort.getRequestedParallelism());
// test order by with three jobs (after optimization)
planTester = new LogicalPlanTester(pc) ;
planTester.buildPlan("a = load '/passwd';");
planTester.buildPlan("b = foreach a generate $0, $1, $2;");
lp = planTester.buildPlan("c = order b by $0;");
pp = Util.buildPhysicalPlan(lp, pc);
store = GenPhyOp.dummyPigStorageOp();
mrPlan = Util.buildMRPlanWithOptimizer(pp, pc);