Package org.apache.pig.newplan.optimizer

Examples of org.apache.pig.newplan.optimizer.PlanOptimizer

        String query = "a = load 'd.txt' as (id, v1, v2);" +
        "b = foreach a generate id;"+
        "store b into 'empty';";
        LogicalPlan newLogicalPlan = buildPlan(query);

        PlanOptimizer optimizer = new MyPlanOptimizer(newLogicalPlan, 3);

        query = "a = load 'd.txt' as (id);" +
        "b = foreach a generate id;"+
        "store b into 'empty';";
        LogicalPlan expected = buildPlan(query);


        // with filter
        query = "a = load 'd.txt' as (id, v1, v5, v3, v4, v2);"+
        "b = filter a by v1 != NULL AND (v2+v3)<100;"+
        "c = foreach b generate id;"+
        "store c into 'empty';";
        newLogicalPlan = buildPlan(query);

        optimizer = new MyPlanOptimizer(newLogicalPlan, 3);

        query = "a = load 'd.txt' as (id, v1, v3, v2);" +
        "b = filter a by v1 != NULL AND (v2+v3)<100;" +
        "c = foreach b generate id;" +
        "store c into 'empty';";
        expected = buildPlan(query);

        // with 2 foreach
        query = "a = load 'd.txt' as (id, v1, v5, v3, v4, v2);" +
        "b = foreach a generate v2, v5, v4;" +
        "c = foreach b generate v5, v4;" +
        "store c into 'empty';";
        newLogicalPlan = buildPlan(query);

        optimizer = new MyPlanOptimizer(newLogicalPlan, 3);

        query = "a = load 'd.txt' as (v5, v4);" +
        "b = foreach a generate v5, v4;" +
        "c = foreach b generate v5, v4;" +
        "store c into 'empty';";
        expected = buildPlan(query);

        // with 2 foreach
        query = "a = load 'd.txt' as (id, v1, v5, v3, v4, v2);" +
        "b = foreach a generate id, v1, v5, v3, v4;" +
        "c = foreach b generate v5, v4;" +
        "store c into 'empty';";
        newLogicalPlan = buildPlan(query);

        optimizer = new MyPlanOptimizer(newLogicalPlan, 3);

        query = "a = load 'd.txt' as (v5, v4);" +
        "b = foreach a generate v5, v4;" +
        "c = foreach b generate v5, v4;" +
        "store c into 'empty';";
        expected = buildPlan(query);

        // with 2 foreach and filter in between
        query = "a =load 'd.txt' as (id, v1, v5, v3, v4, v2);" +
        "b = foreach a generate v2, v5, v4;" +
        "c = filter b by v2 != NULL;" +
        "d = foreach c generate v5, v4;" +
        "store d into 'empty';";
        newLogicalPlan = buildPlan(query);

        optimizer = new MyPlanOptimizer(newLogicalPlan, 3);

        query = "a =load 'd.txt' as (v5, v4, v2);" +
        "b = foreach a generate v2, v5, v4;" +
        "c = filter b by v2 != NULL;" +
        "d = foreach c generate v5, v4;" +
        "store d into 'empty';";
        expected = buildPlan(query);

        // with 2 foreach after join
        query = "a =load 'd.txt' as (id, v1, v2, v3);" +
        "b = load 'c.txt' as (id, v4, v5, v6);" +
        "c = join a by id, b by id;" +
        "d = foreach c generate a::id, v5, v3, v4;" +
        "store d into 'empty';";
        newLogicalPlan = buildPlan(query);

        optimizer = new MyPlanOptimizer(newLogicalPlan, 3);

        query = "a =load 'd.txt' as (id, v3);" +
        "b = load 'c.txt' as (id, v4, v5);" +
        "c = join a by id, b by id;" +
        "d = foreach c generate a::id, v5, v3, v4;" +
        "store d into 'empty';";
        expected = buildPlan(query);

        // with BinStorage, insert foreach after load
        query = "a =load 'd.txt' using BinStorage() as (id, v1, v5, v3, v4, v2);" +
        "c = filter a by v2 != NULL;" +
        "d = foreach c generate v5, v4;" +
        "store d into 'empty';";
        newLogicalPlan = buildPlan(query);

        optimizer = new MyPlanOptimizer(newLogicalPlan, 3);

        query = "a =load 'd.txt' using BinStorage() as (id, v1, v5, v3, v4, v2);" +
        "b = foreach a generate v5, v4, v2;" +
        "c = filter b by v2 != NULL;" +
        "d = foreach c generate v5, v4;" +
        "store d into 'empty';";
        expected = buildPlan(query);

       // with BinStorage, not to insert foreach after load if there is already one
        query = "a =load 'd.txt' using BinStorage() as (id, v1, v5, v3, v4, v2);" +
        "b = foreach a generate v5, v4, v2;" +
        "c = filter b by v2 != NULL;" +
        "d = foreach c generate v5;" +
        "store d into 'empty';";
        newLogicalPlan = buildPlan(query);

        optimizer = new MyPlanOptimizer(newLogicalPlan, 3);

        query = "a =load 'd.txt' using BinStorage() as (id, v1, v5, v3, v4, v2);" +
        "b = foreach a generate v5, v2;" +
        "c = filter b by v2 != NULL;" +
        "d = foreach c generate v5;" +
        "store d into 'empty';";
        expected = buildPlan(query);

       // with BinStorage, not to insert foreach after load if there is already one
        query = "a =load 'd.txt' using BinStorage() as (id, v1, v5, v3, v4, v2);" +
        "b = foreach a generate v5, v4, v2, 10;" +
        "c = filter b by v2 != NULL;" +
        "d = foreach c generate v5;" +
        "store d into 'empty';";
        newLogicalPlan = buildPlan(query);

        optimizer = new MyPlanOptimizer(newLogicalPlan, 3);

        query = "a =load 'd.txt' using BinStorage() as (id, v1, v5, v3, v4, v2);" +
        "b = foreach a generate v5, v2, 10;" +
        "c = filter b by v2 != NULL;" +
        "d = foreach c generate v5;" +
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        String query = "a =load 'd.txt' as (id, v1, m:map[]);" +
        "b = foreach a generate id, m#'path';" +
        "store b into 'empty';";
        LogicalPlan newLogicalPlan = buildPlan(query);

        PlanOptimizer optimizer = new MyPlanOptimizer(newLogicalPlan, 3);

        query = "a =load 'd.txt' as (id, m:map[]);" +
        "b = foreach a generate id, m#'path';" +
        "store b into 'empty';";
        LogicalPlan expected = buildPlan(query);


        LOLoad op = (LOLoad)newLogicalPlan.getSources().get(0);
        Map<Integer,Set<String>> annotation =
                (Map<Integer, Set<String>>) op.getAnnotation(MapKeysPruneHelper.REQUIRED_MAPKEYS);
        assertEquals(1, annotation.size());
        Set<String> s = new HashSet<String>();
        assertEquals(annotation.get(2), s);

        // foreach with join
        query = "a =load 'd.txt' as (id, v1, m:map[]);" +
        "b = load 'd.txt' as (id, v1, m:map[]);" +
        "c = join a by id, b by id;" +
        "d = filter c by a::m#'path' != NULL;" +
        "e = foreach d generate a::id, b::id, b::m#'path', a::m;" +
        "store e into 'empty';";
        newLogicalPlan = buildPlan(query);

        optimizer = new MyPlanOptimizer(newLogicalPlan, 3);

        query = "a =load 'd.txt' as (id, m:map[]);" +
        "b = load 'd.txt' as (id, m:map[]);" +
        "c = join a by id, b by id;" +
        "d = filter c by a::m#'path' != NULL;" +
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        "c = foreach b generate id, FLATTEN(v);" +
        "d = foreach c generate id, v::s2;" +
        "store d into 'empty';";
        LogicalPlan newLogicalPlan = buildPlan(query);

        PlanOptimizer optimizer = new MyPlanOptimizer(newLogicalPlan, 3);

        query = "a =load 'd.txt' as (id, v:bag{t:(s1,s2,s3)});" +
        "b = filter a by id>10;" +
        "c = foreach b generate id, FLATTEN(v);" +
        "d = foreach c generate id, v::s2;" +
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        "b = filter a by v1>10;" +
        "c = foreach b generate id;" +
        "store c into 'empty';";
        LogicalPlan newLogicalPlan = buildPlan(query);

        PlanOptimizer optimizer = new MyPlanOptimizer(newLogicalPlan, 3);

        query = "a =load 'd.txt' as (id, v1);" +
        "b = filter a by v1>10;" +
        "c = foreach b generate id;" +
        "store c into 'empty';";
        LogicalPlan expected = buildPlan(query);


        // join with foreach
        query = "a =load 'd.txt' as (id, v1, v2);" +
        "b = load 'd.txt' as (id, v1, v2);" +
        "c = join a by id, b by id;" +
        "d = filter c by a::v1>b::v1;" +
        "e = foreach d generate a::id;" +
        "store e into 'empty';";
        newLogicalPlan = buildPlan(query);

        optimizer = new MyPlanOptimizer(newLogicalPlan, 3);

        query = "a =load 'd.txt' as (id, v1);" +
        "b = load 'd.txt' as (id, v1);" +
        "c = join a by id, b by id;" +
        "d = foreach c generate a::id, a::v1, b::v1;" +
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                          " e = distinct d; " +
                          " generate group, e; };" +
            "f = foreach c generate group ;" +
            "store f into 'empty';";
        LogicalPlan newLogicalPlan = buildPlan(query);
        PlanOptimizer optimizer = new MyPlanOptimizer(newLogicalPlan, 3);
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //PIG-2968 throws ConcurrentModificationException
            fail("Unexpected Exception: " + e);
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                "e = foreach d generate id, v1;" +
                "store e into 'empty';";
        //Generate optimized plan.
        LogicalPlan newLogicalPlan = buildPlan(testQuery);
        PlanOptimizer optimizer = new MyPlanOptimizer(newLogicalPlan, 3);
        Iterator<Operator> iter = newLogicalPlan.getOperators();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            Operator o =;
            LogicalRelationalOperator lro = (LogicalRelationalOperator)o;
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    private LogicalPlan buildPlan(String query) throws Exception {
        PigServer pigServer = new PigServer( pc );
        LogicalPlan newLogicalPlan = Util.buildLp(pigServer, query);
        PlanOptimizer optimizer = new MyPlanOptimizer( newLogicalPlan, 3 );
        return newLogicalPlan;
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    private LogicalPlan migrateAndOptimizePlan(String query) throws Exception {
        PigServer pigServer = new PigServer( pc );
        LogicalPlan newLogicalPlan = Util.buildLp(pigServer, query);
        PlanOptimizer optimizer = new MyPlanOptimizer( newLogicalPlan, 3 );
        return newLogicalPlan;
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    private LogicalPlan migrateAndOptimizePlan(String query) throws Exception {
        PigServer pigServer = new PigServer( pc );
        LogicalPlan newLogicalPlan = Util.buildLp(pigServer, query);
        PlanOptimizer optimizer = new MyPlanOptimizer( newLogicalPlan, 3 );
        return newLogicalPlan;
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            return ls;

    private LogicalPlan optimizePlan(LogicalPlan plan) throws IOException {
        PlanOptimizer optimizer = new MyPlanOptimizer( plan, 3 );
        return plan;
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Related Classes of org.apache.pig.newplan.optimizer.PlanOptimizer

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