Package org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.rules

Examples of org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.rules.InputOutputFileValidator

        String inputfile = generateTempFile().getAbsolutePath() ;
        String outputfile = generateTempFile().getAbsolutePath() ;

        LogicalPlan plan = genNewLoadStorePlan(inputfile, outputfile, ctx.getDfs()) ;

        InputOutputFileValidator executor = new InputOutputFileValidator(plan, ctx) ;
        executor.validate() ;
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        if (!pigContext.inExplain) {
            // Validate input/output file. Currently no validation framework in
            // new logical plan, put this validator here first.
            // We might decide to move it out to a validator framework in future
            InputOutputFileValidator validator = new InputOutputFileValidator( plan, pigContext );
        // translate new logical plan to physical plan
        LogToPhyTranslationVisitor translator = new LogToPhyTranslationVisitor( plan );
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        try {
            String query = "a = load '" + inputFileName + "' as (c:chararray, " +
                           "i:int,d:double);" +
                           "store a into '" + outputFileName + "' using " + "PigStorage();";
            org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LogicalPlan lp = Util.buildLp( pig, query );
            new InputOutputFileValidator(lp, pig.getPigContext()).validate();
        } catch (PlanValidationException e){
                // Since output file is not present, validation should pass
                // and not throw this exception.
                fail("Store validation test failed.");
        } finally {
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            Util.createInputFile(pig.getPigContext(),outputFileName, input);
            String query = "a = load '" + inputFileName + "' as (c:chararray, " +
                           "i:int,d:double);" +
                           "store a into '" + outputFileName + "' using PigStorage();";
            org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LogicalPlan lp = Util.buildLp( pig, query );
            new InputOutputFileValidator(lp, pig.getPigContext()).validate();
        } catch (FrontendException pve){
            // Since output file is present, validation should fail
            // and throw this exception
            assertEquals(PigException.REMOTE_ENVIRONMENT, pve.getErrorSource());
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        if (pigContext.inExplain==false) {
            // Validate input/output file. Currently no validation framework in
            // new logical plan, put this validator here first.
            // We might decide to move it out to a validator framework in future
            InputOutputFileValidator validator = new InputOutputFileValidator( plan, pigContext );
        // translate new logical plan to physical plan
        LogToPhyTranslationVisitor translator = new LogToPhyTranslationVisitor( plan );
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        try {
            String query = "a = load '" + inputFileName + "' as (c:chararray, " +
                           "i:int,d:double);" +
                           "store a into '" + outputFileName + "' using " + "PigStorage();";
            org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LogicalPlan lp = Util.buildLp( pig, query );
            new InputOutputFileValidator(lp, pig.getPigContext()).validate();
        } catch (PlanValidationException e){
                // Since output file is not present, validation should pass
                // and not throw this exception.
                fail("Store validation test failed.");               
        } finally {
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            Util.createInputFile(pig.getPigContext(),outputFileName, input);
            String query = "a = load '" + inputFileName + "' as (c:chararray, " +
                           "i:int,d:double);" +
                           "store a into '" + outputFileName + "' using PigStorage();";
            org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LogicalPlan lp = Util.buildLp( pig, query );
            new InputOutputFileValidator(lp, pig.getPigContext()).validate();
        } catch (FrontendException pve){
            // Since output file is present, validation should fail
            // and throw this exception
            assertEquals(PigException.REMOTE_ENVIRONMENT, pve.getErrorSource());
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        String inputfile = generateTempFile().getAbsolutePath() ;
        String outputfile = generateNonExistenceTempFile().getAbsolutePath() ;

        LogicalPlan plan = genNewLoadStorePlan(inputfile, outputfile, ctx.getFs()) ;       
        InputOutputFileValidator executor = new InputOutputFileValidator(plan, ctx) ;
        executor.validate() ;
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        String inputfile = generateTempFile().getAbsolutePath() ;
        String outputfile = generateTempFile().getAbsolutePath() ;

        LogicalPlan plan = genNewLoadStorePlan(inputfile, outputfile, ctx.getDfs()) ;       
        InputOutputFileValidator executor = new InputOutputFileValidator(plan, ctx) ;
        try {
            executor.validate() ;
            fail("Expected to fail.");
        } catch (Exception pve) {
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        String inputfile = createHadoopTempFile(ctx) ;
        String outputfile = createHadoopNonExistenceTempFile(ctx) ;

        LogicalPlan plan = genNewLoadStorePlan(inputfile, outputfile, ctx.getDfs()) ;                    
        InputOutputFileValidator executor = new InputOutputFileValidator(plan, ctx) ;
        executor.validate() ;
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Related Classes of org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.rules.InputOutputFileValidator

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