Package org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational

Examples of org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOLoad

            LogicalPlan plan = new LogicalPlan();

            String pigStorage = PigStorage.class.getName();

            LOLoad load1 =  newLOLoad(
                    new FileSpec("pi", new FuncSpec(pigStorage)),
                    null, plan, new Configuration(ConfigurationUtil.toConfiguration(pc.getFs().getConfiguration()))

            LOLoad load2 =  newLOLoad(
                    new FileSpec("pi", new FuncSpec(pigStorage)),
                    null, plan, new Configuration(ConfigurationUtil.toConfiguration(pc.getFs().getConfiguration()))

            // schema for input#1
            Schema inputSchema1 = null;
                List<FieldSchema> fsList1 = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
                fsList1.add(new FieldSchema("field1a", DataType.INTEGER));
                fsList1.add(new FieldSchema("field2a", DataType.LONG));
                inputSchema1 = new Schema(fsList1);

            // schema for input#2
            Schema inputSchema2 = null;
                List<FieldSchema> fsList2 = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
                fsList2.add(new FieldSchema("field1b", DataType.DOUBLE));
                fsList2.add(new FieldSchema(null, DataType.INTEGER));
                inputSchema2 = new Schema(fsList2);

            // set schemas

            LOCogroup cogroup1 = new LOCogroup(plan);

            // Create expression inner plan #1 of input #1
            LogicalExpressionPlan innerPlan11 = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
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            LogicalPlan plan = new LogicalPlan();

            String pigStorage = PigStorage.class.getName();
            LOLoad load1 =  newLOLoad(
                    new FileSpec("pi", new FuncSpec(pigStorage)),
                    null, plan, new Configuration(ConfigurationUtil.toConfiguration(pc.getFs().getConfiguration()))

            LOLoad load2 =  newLOLoad(
                    new FileSpec("pi", new FuncSpec(pigStorage)),
                    null, plan, new Configuration(ConfigurationUtil.toConfiguration(pc.getFs().getConfiguration()))
            // schema for input#1
            Schema inputSchema1 = null;
                List<FieldSchema> fsList1 = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
                fsList1.add(new FieldSchema("field1a", DataType.INTEGER));
                fsList1.add(new FieldSchema("field2a", DataType.LONG));
                inputSchema1 = new Schema(fsList1);

            // schema for input#2
            Schema inputSchema2 = null;
                List<FieldSchema> fsList2 = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
                fsList2.add(new FieldSchema("field1b", DataType.DOUBLE));
                fsList2.add(new FieldSchema(null, DataType.INTEGER));
                inputSchema2 = new Schema(fsList2);

            // set schemas

            LOCogroup cogroup1 = new LOCogroup(plan);

            // Create expression inner plan #1 of input #1
            LogicalExpressionPlan innerPlan11 = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
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            LogicalPlan plan = new LogicalPlan();

            String pigStorage = PigStorage.class.getName() + "('\\t','-noschema')";

            LOLoad load1 =  newLOLoad(
                    new FileSpec("pi", new FuncSpec(pigStorage)),
                    null, plan, new Configuration(ConfigurationUtil.toConfiguration(pc.getFs().getConfiguration()))

            LOLoad load2 =  newLOLoad(
                    new FileSpec("pi", new FuncSpec(pigStorage)),
                    null, plan, new Configuration(ConfigurationUtil.toConfiguration(pc.getFs().getConfiguration()))

            // schema for input#1
            Schema inputSchema1 = null;
                List<FieldSchema> fsList1 = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
                fsList1.add(new FieldSchema("field1a", DataType.INTEGER));
                fsList1.add(new FieldSchema("field2a", DataType.LONG));
                inputSchema1 = new Schema(fsList1);

            // schema for input#2
            Schema inputSchema2 = null;
                List<FieldSchema> fsList2 = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
                fsList2.add(new FieldSchema("field1b", DataType.DOUBLE));
                fsList2.add(new FieldSchema(null, DataType.INTEGER));
                inputSchema2 = new Schema(fsList2);

            // set schemas

            LOCogroup cogroup1 = new LOCogroup(plan);
            // Create expression inner plan #1
            LogicalExpressionPlan innerPlan11 = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
            ProjectExpression project111 = new ProjectExpression(innerPlan11, 0, 0, cogroup1);
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        public void testForEachGenerate1() throws Throwable {


            LogicalPlan plan = new LogicalPlan();
            LOLoad load1 = genDummyLOLoadNewLP(plan);

            // schema for input#1
            Schema inputSchema1 = null;
                List<FieldSchema> fsList1 = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
                fsList1.add(new FieldSchema("field1a", DataType.INTEGER));
                fsList1.add(new FieldSchema("field2a", DataType.LONG));
                inputSchema1 = new Schema(fsList1);

            // set schemas

            LogicalPlan innerRelPlan = new LogicalPlan();
            LOForEach foreach1 = new LOForEach(plan);
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        public void testForEachGenerate2() throws Throwable {


            LogicalPlan plan = new LogicalPlan();
            LOLoad load1 = genDummyLOLoadNewLP(plan);

            // schema for input#1
            Schema inputSchema1 = null;
                List<FieldSchema> fsList1 = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
                fsList1.add(new FieldSchema("field1a", DataType.INTEGER));
                fsList1.add(new FieldSchema("field2a", DataType.LONG));
                inputSchema1 = new Schema(fsList1);

            // set schemas

            LogicalPlan innerRelPlan = new LogicalPlan();
            LOForEach foreach1 = new LOForEach(plan);
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        public void testForEachGenerate4() throws Throwable {


            LogicalPlan plan = new LogicalPlan();
            LOLoad load1 = genDummyLOLoadNewLP(plan);

            String[] aliases = new String[]{ "a", "b", "c" };
            byte[] types = new byte[] { DataType.INTEGER, DataType.LONG, DataType.BYTEARRAY };
            Schema innerSchema1 = genFlatSchemaInTuple(aliases, types);

            // schema for input#1
            Schema inputSchema1 = null;
                List<FieldSchema> fsList1 = new ArrayList<FieldSchema>();
                fsList1.add(new FieldSchema("field1a", DataType.INTEGER));
                fsList1.add(new FieldSchema("field2a", DataType.LONG));
                fsList1.add(new FieldSchema("field3a", innerSchema1, DataType.BAG));
                inputSchema1 = new Schema(fsList1);

            // set schemas
            LogicalPlan innerRelPlan = new LogicalPlan();
            LOForEach foreach1 = new LOForEach(plan);

            LOGenerate loGen = new LOGenerate(innerRelPlan);
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        public void testCross1() throws Throwable {

            LogicalPlan plan = new LogicalPlan();

            LOLoad load1 = genDummyLOLoadNewLP(plan);
            LOLoad load2 = genDummyLOLoadNewLP(plan);

            String[] aliases1 = new String[]{ "a", "b", "c" };
            byte[] types1 = new byte[] { DataType.INTEGER, DataType.LONG, DataType.BYTEARRAY };
            Schema schema1 = genFlatSchema(aliases1, types1);

            String[] aliases2 = new String[]{ "e", "f" };
            byte[] types2 = new byte[] { DataType.FLOAT, DataType.DOUBLE };
            Schema schema2 = genFlatSchema(aliases2, types2);

            // set schemas

            LOCross cross = new LOCross(plan);

            // wiring
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        "store b into 'empty';";
        LogicalPlan expected = buildPlan(query);


        LOLoad op = (LOLoad)newLogicalPlan.getSources().get(0);
        Map<Integer,Set<String>> annotation =
                (Map<Integer, Set<String>>) op.getAnnotation(MapKeysPruneHelper.REQUIRED_MAPKEYS);
        assertEquals(1, annotation.size());
        Set<String> s = new HashSet<String>();
        assertEquals(annotation.get(2), s);

        // foreach with join
        query = "a =load 'd.txt' as (id, v1, m:map[]);" +
        "b = load 'd.txt' as (id, v1, m:map[]);" +
        "c = join a by id, b by id;" +
        "d = filter c by a::m#'path' != NULL;" +
        "e = foreach d generate a::id, b::id, b::m#'path', a::m;" +
        "store e into 'empty';";
        newLogicalPlan = buildPlan(query);

        optimizer = new MyPlanOptimizer(newLogicalPlan, 3);

        query = "a =load 'd.txt' as (id, m:map[]);" +
        "b = load 'd.txt' as (id, m:map[]);" +
        "c = join a by id, b by id;" +
        "d = filter c by a::m#'path' != NULL;" +
        "e = foreach d generate a::id, b::id, b::m#'path', a::m;" +
        "store e into 'empty';";
        expected = buildPlan(query);


        List<Operator> ll = newLogicalPlan.getSources();
        assertEquals(2, ll.size());
        LOLoad loada = null;
        LOLoad loadb = null;
        for(Operator opp: ll) {
            if (((LogicalRelationalOperator)opp).getAlias().equals("a")) {
                loada = (LOLoad)opp;

            if (((LogicalRelationalOperator)opp).getAlias().equals("b")) {
                loadb = (LOLoad)opp;

        annotation =
                (Map<Integer, Set<String>>) loada.getAnnotation(MapKeysPruneHelper.REQUIRED_MAPKEYS);

        annotation =
            (Map<Integer, Set<String>>) loadb.getAnnotation(MapKeysPruneHelper.REQUIRED_MAPKEYS);
        assertEquals(1, annotation.size());

        s = new HashSet<String>();
        assertEquals(annotation.get(2), s);
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        lp = new LogicalPlan();
        LogicalSchema aschema = new LogicalSchema();
        aschema.addField(new LogicalSchema.LogicalFieldSchema(
            "x", null, DataType.INTEGER));
        aschema.getField(0).uid = 1;
        LOLoad A = new LOLoad(null, lp);

        // B = load
        LogicalSchema bschema = new LogicalSchema();
        bschema.addField(new LogicalSchema.LogicalFieldSchema(
            "y", null, DataType.INTEGER));
        bschema.getField(0).uid = 2;
        LOLoad B = new LOLoad(null, lp);

        // C = join
        LogicalSchema cschema = new LogicalSchema();
        cschema.addField(new LogicalSchema.LogicalFieldSchema(
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            LogicalSchema aschema = new LogicalSchema();
            aschema.addField(new LogicalSchema.LogicalFieldSchema(
                "x", null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
            aschema.addField(new LogicalSchema.LogicalFieldSchema(
                "y", null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
            LOLoad A = newLOLoad(new FileSpec("bla", new FuncSpec("PigStorage", "\t")), aschema, lp, conf);

            // B = load
            LogicalSchema bschema = new LogicalSchema();
            bschema.addField(new LogicalSchema.LogicalFieldSchema(
                "a", null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
            bschema.addField(new LogicalSchema.LogicalFieldSchema(
                "b", null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
            LOLoad B = newLOLoad(new FileSpec("morebla", new FuncSpec("PigStorage", "\t")), bschema, lp, conf);

            // C = join
            LogicalSchema cschema = new LogicalSchema();
            cschema.addField(new LogicalSchema.LogicalFieldSchema(
                "x", null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
            cschema.addField(new LogicalSchema.LogicalFieldSchema(
                "y", null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
            cschema.addField(new LogicalSchema.LogicalFieldSchema(
                "a", null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
            cschema.addField(new LogicalSchema.LogicalFieldSchema(
                "b", null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
            MultiMap<Integer, LogicalExpressionPlan> mm =
                new MultiMap<Integer, LogicalExpressionPlan>();
            LogicalExpressionPlan aprojplan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
            LOJoin C = new LOJoin(lp, mm, JOINTYPE.HASH, new boolean[] {true, true});
            new ProjectExpression(aprojplan, 0, 0, C);
            LogicalExpressionPlan bprojplan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
            new ProjectExpression(bprojplan, 1, 0, C);
            mm.put(0, aprojplan);
            mm.put(1, bprojplan);

            lp.connect(A, C);
            lp.connect(B, C);

            // D = filter
            LogicalExpressionPlan filterPlan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
            LOFilter D = new LOFilter(lp, filterPlan);
            ProjectExpression fx = new ProjectExpression(filterPlan, 0, 0, D);
            ConstantExpression fc0 = new ConstantExpression(filterPlan, new Integer(0));
            EqualExpression eq1 = new EqualExpression(filterPlan, fx, fc0);
            ProjectExpression fanotherx = new ProjectExpression(filterPlan, 0, 0, D);
            ProjectExpression fa = new ProjectExpression(filterPlan, 0, 2, D);
            EqualExpression eq2 = new EqualExpression(filterPlan, fanotherx, fa);
            AndExpression and1 = new AndExpression(filterPlan, eq1, eq2);
            ProjectExpression fb = new ProjectExpression(filterPlan, 0, 3, D);
            ConstantExpression fc1 = new ConstantExpression(filterPlan, new Integer(1));
            EqualExpression eq3 = new EqualExpression(filterPlan, fb, fc1);
            AndExpression and2 = new AndExpression(filterPlan, and1, eq3);
            ProjectExpression fanotherb = new ProjectExpression(filterPlan, 0, 3, D);
            ProjectExpression fy = new ProjectExpression(filterPlan, 0, 1, D);
            EqualExpression eq4 = new EqualExpression(filterPlan, fy, fanotherb);
            new AndExpression(filterPlan, and2, eq4);

            // Connect D to B, since the transform has happened.
            lp.connect(C, D);

        LogicalPlanOptimizer optimizer = new LogicalPlanOptimizer(lp, 500, null);

        LogicalPlan expected = new LogicalPlan();
            // A = load
            LogicalSchema aschema = new LogicalSchema();
            aschema.addField(new LogicalSchema.LogicalFieldSchema(
                "x", null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
            aschema.addField(new LogicalSchema.LogicalFieldSchema(
                "y", null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
            LOLoad A = newLOLoad(new FileSpec("bla", new FuncSpec("PigStorage", "\t")), aschema, expected, conf);

            // DA = filter
            LogicalExpressionPlan DAfilterPlan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
            LOFilter DA = new LOFilter(expected, DAfilterPlan);
            ProjectExpression fx = new ProjectExpression(DAfilterPlan, 0, 0, DA);
            fx.neverUseForRealSetFieldSchema(new LogicalFieldSchema(null, null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
            ConstantExpression fc0 = new ConstantExpression(DAfilterPlan, new Integer(0));
            new EqualExpression(DAfilterPlan, fx, fc0);

            expected.connect(A, DA);

            // B = load
            LogicalSchema bschema = new LogicalSchema();
            bschema.addField(new LogicalSchema.LogicalFieldSchema(
                "a", null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
            bschema.addField(new LogicalSchema.LogicalFieldSchema(
                "b", null, DataType.BYTEARRAY));
            LOLoad B = newLOLoad(new FileSpec("morebla", new FuncSpec("PigStorage", "\t")), bschema, expected, conf);

            // DB = filter
            LogicalExpressionPlan DBfilterPlan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
            LOFilter DB = new LOFilter(expected, DBfilterPlan);
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Related Classes of org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOLoad

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