Package org.apache.pig.impl.streaming.StreamingCommand

Examples of org.apache.pig.impl.streaming.StreamingCommand.HandleSpec

            if (spec instanceof StreamSpec && !load.isSplittable()) {
                // Try and optimize if the load and stream input specs match
                // and input files are to be processed as-is
                StreamSpec streamSpec = (StreamSpec)spec;
                StreamingCommand command = streamSpec.getCommand();
                HandleSpec streamInputSpec = command.getInputSpec();
                FileSpec loadFileSpec = load.getInputFileSpec();
                // Instantiate both to compare them for equality
                StoreFunc streamStorer =
                LoadFunc inputLoader = (LoadFunc)PigContext.instantiateFuncFromSpec(

                // Check if the streaming command's inputSpec also implements
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        processError("\nEnd time: " + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
        processError("\nExit code: " + exitCode);

        List<HandleSpec> inputSpecs = command.getHandleSpecs(Handle.INPUT);
        HandleSpec inputSpec =
            (inputSpecs != null) ? inputSpecs.get(0) : null;
        if (inputSpec == null ||
            !inputSpec.getSpec().contains("BinaryStorage")) {
            processError("\nInput records: " + inputRecords);
        processError("\nInput bytes: " + inputBytes + " bytes " +
                    ((inputSpec != null) ?
                            "(" + inputSpec.getName() + " using " +
                                inputSpec.getSpec() + ")"
                            : ""));

        List<HandleSpec> outputSpecs = command.getHandleSpecs(Handle.OUTPUT);
        HandleSpec outputSpec =
            (outputSpecs != null) ? outputSpecs.get(0) : null;
        if (outputSpec == null ||
            !outputSpec.getSpec().contains("BinaryStorage")) {
            processError("\nOutput records: " + outputRecords);
        processError("\nOutput bytes: " + outputBytes + " bytes " +
                     ((outputSpec != null) ?
                         "(" + outputSpec.getName() + " using " +
                             outputSpec.getSpec() + ")"
                         : ""));
        if (outputSpecs != null) {
            for (int i=1; i < outputSpecs.size(); ++i) {
                HandleSpec spec = outputSpecs.get(i);
                processError("\n           " + new File(spec.getName()).length()
                             + " bytes using " + spec.getSpec());

        processError("\n=====          * * *          =====\n");
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        } else {
            if(op instanceof LOLoad) {
                return ((LOLoad)op).getInputFile().getFuncSpec();
            } else if (op instanceof LOStream) {
                StreamingCommand command = ((LOStream)op).getStreamingCommand();
                HandleSpec streamOutputSpec = command.getOutputSpec();
                FuncSpec streamLoaderSpec = new FuncSpec(streamOutputSpec.getSpec());
                return streamLoaderSpec;
            } else if ((op instanceof LOFilter)
                    || (op instanceof LODistinct)
                    || (op instanceof LOSort)
                    || (op instanceof LOSplit)
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        // untouched.

        StreamingCommand optimizedCommand = (StreamingCommand)command.clone();
        if (handle == Handle.INPUT) {
            HandleSpec streamInputSpec = optimizedCommand.getInputSpec();
        } else if (handle == Handle.OUTPUT) {
            HandleSpec streamOutputSpec = optimizedCommand.getOutputSpec();
        command = optimizedCommand;
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                            FuncSpec loadFuncSpec = null;
                            if(lo instanceof LOLoad) {
                                loadFuncSpec = ((LOLoad)lo).getInputFile().getFuncSpec();
                            } else if (lo instanceof LOStream) {
                                StreamingCommand command = ((LOStream)lo).getStreamingCommand();
                                HandleSpec streamOutputSpec = command.getOutputSpec();
                                loadFuncSpec = new FuncSpec(streamOutputSpec.getSpec());
                            } else {
                                int errCode = 2006;
                                String msg = "TypeCastInserter invoked with an invalid operator class name: " + lo.getClass().getSimpleName();
                                throw new OptimizerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG);
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            LOLoad load = (LOLoad)predecessor;
            if(!load.isSplittable()) {
                // Try and optimize if the load and stream input specs match
                // and input files are to be processed as-is
                StreamingCommand command = stream.getStreamingCommand();
                HandleSpec streamInputSpec = command.getInputSpec();
                FileSpec loadFileSpec = load.getInputFile();
                // Instantiate both LoadFunc objects to compare them for
                // equality
                StoreFunc streamStorer =
                LoadFunc inputLoader = (LoadFunc)PigContext.instantiateFuncFromSpec(
                LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass()).info("streamStorer:" + streamStorer + "," +
                        "inputLoader:" + inputLoader);
                // Check if the streaming command's inputSpec also implements
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        if(successor instanceof LOStore) {
            LOStore store = (LOStore)successor;
            // Try and optimize if the store and stream output specs match
            // and input files are to be processed as-is
            StreamingCommand command = stream.getStreamingCommand();
            HandleSpec streamOutputSpec = command.getOutputSpec();
            FileSpec storeFileSpec = store.getOutputFile();
            // Instantiate both to compare them for equality
            LoadFunc streamLoader =
            StoreFunc outputStorer = (StoreFunc)PigContext.instantiateFuncFromSpec(
            // Check if the streaming command's outputSpec also implements
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        } else {
            if(op instanceof LOLoad) {
                return ((LOLoad)op).getInputFile().getFuncSpec();
            } else if (op instanceof LOStream) {
                StreamingCommand command = ((LOStream)op).getStreamingCommand();
                HandleSpec streamOutputSpec = command.getOutputSpec();
                FuncSpec streamLoaderSpec = new FuncSpec(streamOutputSpec.getSpec());
                return streamLoaderSpec;
            Schema s = op.getSchema();
            if(null != s) {
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                            FuncSpec loadFuncSpec = null;
                            if(lo instanceof LOLoad) {
                                loadFuncSpec = ((LOLoad)lo).getInputFile().getFuncSpec();
                            } else if (lo instanceof LOStream) {
                                StreamingCommand command = ((LOStream)lo).getStreamingCommand();
                                HandleSpec streamOutputSpec = command.getOutputSpec();
                                loadFuncSpec = new FuncSpec(streamOutputSpec.getSpec());
                            } else {
                                int errCode = 2006;
                                String msg = "TypeCastInserter invoked with an invalid operator class name: " + lo.getClass().getSimpleName();
                                throw new OptimizerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG);
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            LOLoad load = (LOLoad)predecessor;
            if(!load.isSplittable()) {
                // Try and optimize if the load and stream input specs match
                // and input files are to be processed as-is
                StreamingCommand command = stream.getStreamingCommand();
                HandleSpec streamInputSpec = command.getInputSpec();
                FileSpec loadFileSpec = load.getInputFile();
                // Instantiate both LoadFunc objects to compare them for
                // equality
                StoreFunc streamStorer =
                LoadFunc inputLoader = (LoadFunc)PigContext.instantiateFuncFromSpec(
                LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass()).info("streamStorer:" + streamStorer + "," +
                        "inputLoader:" + inputLoader);
                // Check if the streaming command's inputSpec also implements
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Related Classes of org.apache.pig.impl.streaming.StreamingCommand.HandleSpec

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