for (int i=0; i < inputs.size(); i++) {
LogicalOperator op = inputs.get(i);
if (!innerFlags[i]) {
try {
Schema s = op.getSchema();
// if the schema cannot be determined
if (s == null) {
throw new FrontendException();
} catch (FrontendException e) {
int errCode = 2015;
String msg = "Couldn't set the schema for outer join" ;
throw new LogicalToPhysicalTranslatorException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e);
} else {
// This will never be retrieved. It just guarantees that the index will be valid when
// MRCompiler is trying to read the schema
for (LogicalOperator op : inputs) {
try {
currentPlan.connect(logToPhyMap.get(op), skj);
} catch (PlanException e) {
int errCode = 2015;
String msg = "Invalid physical operators in the physical plan" ;
throw new LogicalToPhysicalTranslatorException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e);
logToPhyMap.put(loj, skj);
else if(loj.getJoinType() == LOJoin.JOINTYPE.REPLICATED) {
int fragment = 0;
POFRJoin pfrj;
try {
boolean isLeftOuter = false;
// We dont check for bounds issue as we assume that a join
// involves atleast two inputs
isLeftOuter = !innerFlags[1];
Tuple nullTuple = null;
if( isLeftOuter ) {
try {
// We know that in a Left outer join its only a two way
// join, so we assume index of 1 for the right input
Schema inputSchema = inputs.get(1).getSchema();
// We check if we have a schema before the join
if(inputSchema == null) {
int errCode = 1109;
String msg = "Input (" + inputs.get(1).getAlias() + ") " +
"on which outer join is desired should have a valid schema";
throw new LogicalToPhysicalTranslatorException(msg, errCode, PigException.INPUT);
// Using the schema we decide the number of columns/fields
// in the nullTuple
nullTuple = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(inputSchema.size());
for(int j = 0; j < inputSchema.size(); j++) {
nullTuple.set(j, null);
} catch( FrontendException e ) {
int errCode = 2104;